
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
We went into recession in 2008, the Eurozone went into recession in 2009 and again in 2012. They followed a slightly different trajectory to the UK

Basically ourselves (and the Spanish) were particularly vulnerable to property led investments. The credit crunch affected us more markedly than it did Germany for instance. All I was saying is that if you took a convenient baseline date, and some time in the middle of the sovereign debt crisis as the end point (which didn't affect us as much) then a statistician could show the UK as having impressive growth. Equally they could probably generate a graph that painted a different picture if you took a high starting point and finished on low point too.

It's not worth going over though, as frankly there are more important issues at stake. I should say though, that I've seen a report that actualyl cited Inverness as the fastest growing city in Europe. Again I suspect it revolves around baseline data

That's interesting. Is there any clear evidence about which way the deficit is heading, Warbler?
We seem to hear different answers depending on who is being asked the question nowadays.

I'm glad growth has exceeded expectations btw. It certainly does contradict what many economists said after the financial crisis.
Even so, now might be the time for the government to start investing and build more houses.
Perhaps now would have been the time to try and save the steel industry, as opposed to walking away.
Perhaps now would even be the time to lower tuition fees too.
These are the areas I would like to see the proceeds of growth going, in order to get more growth for the future, if you get my drift.
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On the contrary, Art, it's really rather helpful if you are inclined towards Scottish independence or (possibly) a United Ireland.

You're right about that, this careless approach will force people to consider the alternatives to being dragged backwards out of the EU and separated from their neighbours. The call by Sinn Fein for a border poll is not the way I would go, but if Villiers and her government can't come up with a better response to the needs of the North it will gain some momentum.

The Leavers patently don't give a damn about NI, they had nothing to say about it during the campaign, and it shouldn't hurt them now to concede that it requires different treatment.
Thank goodness that the by-law permitting we residents of York to shoot a Scotsperson on sight hasn't been repealed. You missed that one Mr Juncker, bless you

Sorry to disappoint you. :)

As for killing a Scot in York, a Mr Henry Shrimp submitted this Freedom of Information request to York City Council in 2012:
"In York, excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow. As such, please tell me the number of Scots who have been shot in the last ten years by those taking advantage of this law."
In response, the council replied:
After an extensive search of our records I can confirm that there are no records of any Scotsmen being legally shot with a bow and arrow in the last ten years. There is however a vague recollection of an alleged occurrence several centuries ago which involved a group of men from the Nottingham area, dressed in green, who were enjoying a stag night in York.
Regardless of any ancient legislation, the Law Commission said: "It is illegal to shoot a Welsh or Scottish (or any other) person regardless of the day, location or choice of weaponry."

PS Hades lies directly to the south of a line from the Tweed to the Solway.
You're right about that, this careless approach will force people to consider the alternatives to being dragged backwards out of the EU and separated from their neighbours. The call by Sinn Fein for a border poll is not the way I would go, but if Villiers and her government can't come up with a better response to the needs of the North it will gain some momentum.

The Leavers patently don't give a damn about NI, they had nothing to say about it during the campaign, and it shouldn't hurt them now to concede that it requires different treatment.

A noble thought, but as you say the leavers did not give a damn about NI before the referendum, they clearly understood the ramifications, so now they care even less.
As a young boy my grandfather taught me the phrase Vae Victis. Flesh will be extracted here, just remains to be seen if it winds up being self immolation.
Interesting to note that the latest candidate for the conservative party leadership has previously stated that homosexuality is an illness which can be cured.

He's a ******* cert for the English to vote for - get him in right away.
Actually there is a common thread here

Ann Coulter, Katie Hopkin, Slyvi Listhaug, Marienne Le Pen, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, now Angela Eagle it would appear

The tension is palpable, so clue me in on this common thread.
The tension is palpable, so clue me in on this common thread.

blond hair - its so obvious now, all we have to do is stop blondies running for public office, or speaking on political issues (admittedly that doesn't account for Cameron or Corbyn) but look at that gallery otherwise
The control of migrants myth unravels by the day. I thought it may take years to prove that...
They panicked; not unlike a few on here. :ninja:

Let's look at the FTSE again after there has been a material change...say, once Article 50 has been invoked, or at the point we actually exit the EU, and are operating under a different Trade framework.

If you guys think that the time for worrying is over, it's really no surprise that you voted Leave.
They panicked; not unlike a few on here. :ninja:

It it wasn't really that much of a fall in the first place. It fell more in one day last year, at least once.

posters are banging on about it as if it proves their point but can't take it when it goes the wrong way. Ie up

pathetic really.

They haven't even bothered to look at where the market sits over a longer period and have no sense of perspective at all. I don't follow it much but it doesn't exactly take much research.
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It's the mindset that thinks that everything is going to be just hunky-dory, based on a handful of days of FTSE readings - before there has been any material change in the UK's position - that is flawed.

But it hardly comes as any surprise.

PS. I should add that I have been mildly surprised (and pleased) that the markets seem to have stabilised. No-one wants things to be in the toilet, just to score a point. But this is not over by a long way.
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Infamous liar and rubber-faced, co*ck-womble Michael Gove, is to stand for Tory leadership on a "unity" ticket.

No laughing at the back.
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Who has the last call on invoking Article 50 -- Parliament or the Monarch?

I did consider bringing up the issue of Royal Assent, when I was hearing about the "restoration of our democracy", but what would have been the point?

I understand that invocation of Article 50 requires Parliamentary approval. In theory, it could be voted down by MPs - though whether that would happen in practical terms, remains to be seen. Somehow, I suspect not, given none of them probably have the grapes to ignore the Referendum.
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Infamous liar and rubber-faced, co*ck-womble Michael Gove, is to stand for Tory leadership on a "unity" ticket.

No laughing at the back.

Good, as it will split the Johnson vote and make it a shoo-in for May, I sincerely hope

Johnson was ~5/4 yesterday and May ~2/1, today ~4/1 and ~Evs

I don't for one second think a Clinton, May, Merkel sorority will be a dream team but it will at least be a welcome change
Ruth Davidson could be tory leader

angela eagle could be labour leader

all that would be missing then is a double ended dildo
Infamous liar and rubber-faced, co*ck-womble Michael Gove, is to stand for Tory leadership on a "unity" ticket.

No laughing at the back.

Gove is a genuine leaver though. I reckon he knows that Boris isn't, and doesn't trust Boris. Johnson's participation on the leave side was all about project Boris, and its gone wrong, because he won a vote he didn't intend doing. It's like a script from yes Prime Minister. The British have a fine tradition of amateurish endeavour that ends in farce. This comes straight out of that play book

Cameron had given notice that he wouldn't a serve a third term. He was likely going to announce he was stepping down in the autumn regardless of the result. The critical mechanism is the way that the Tories select their leaders though. Only two can go forward to the final ballot of the Tory party membership. Boris fancies his chances of winning the party membership, but he's more flakey on the parliamentary party. He needs to win enough of their support in order to get him onto that final ballot. This is his bigger hurdle

Now if Cameron steps down having won the referendum, one of the candidates is going to be George Osborne. That seals the continuity Cameron slot, and the Remainers. There's only one vacancy left. We reckon there's about 100+ Tory MP's who are leavers. This might be a minority, but 100 MP's is enough to lock up second position and a place on that final ballot. If Boris joins their camp and loses gallantly he's assured his place in the run-off. This is the big quandary for him. If he doesn't join the leave campaign, someone else who emerges as the champion of 'leave' inherits this constituency instead of him, and in all likelihood denies him a place in the final two. In essence he calculates that he has to fight for leave if he's to achieve his personal ambition of Downing Street. He has no choice

He then reckons he can beat Osborne on the wider membership, but will then feign indignation at having his hands tied by the referendum result that came back in favour of remain. Shucks! But since he was never a leaver anyway he's not bothered. He's achieved his goal and at no cost to his policy position

There is no shortage of evidence of Boris having adopted pro-EU positions or having made pro-EU statements. Similarly, whereas all the other leavers announced their intention to campaign for a vote within 24 hrs, Boris spent about a week weighing it up. Any committed leaver would have made that decision straight away. Basically he was calculating how it affected his more pressing priority, the prospect of being Prime Minister by Christmas

In the finest traditions of farce though, he's cocked it up. He's ended up not only winning and taking us out of the EU in pursuit of his own ambition, but in doing so he's likely to lose the leadership election too as the party seek someone who is better placed to negotiate a soft landing then one of the Brexit architects

It's little wonder that after having visited London and Brussels this week to take soundings, US Secretary of State John Kerry said this

“I think there are a number of ways (to walk back the result). I don’t, as secretary of state, want to throw them out today. I think that would be a mistake. But there are a number of ways.”
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Can I apologize to the British people for yesterday's idiotic actions of our Irish PM, Enda Kenny.
The man is a total disgrace and an embarrassment. That this plank thinks it's acceptable to meddle in the internal affairs of a friendly sovereign neighbour is quite unbelievable.

"Acting as a gofer for the SNP"

You seriously think he should remain mute on what is happening in the UK at this time? But you go ahead and apologise to UKIP if you want to.
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Can I apologize to the British people for yesterday's idiotic actions of our Irish PM, Enda Kenny.
The man is a total disgrace and an embarrassment. That this plank thinks it's acceptable to meddle in the internal affairs of a friendly sovereign neighbour is quite unbelievable.

"Acting as a gofer for the SNP"

You can apologise to the English if you want. I neither need nor accept an apology for this (and I represent the entire Scottish nation, here and abroad).

I am interested in why you think this needed called out though - no apology for the Spanish and French expressing their views on the matter?

May we take it you approve of De Valera's stance on Nazi's?
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Clive, Davidson does not sit in Westminister. That might not technically exclude her, but to all practical intents, it does.
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