
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Not reported here much ice. Can't find a thing. So nicely and rightly ignored

Next step you will be called a RACIST!
What I don't like about Theresa May is that she was hiding behind the sofa during the referendum campaign while others were putting their careers on the line.
Confirmation then that Boris was for Remain all along and basically screwed the whole thing up by winning?

I can't say I'm shocked at this decision. I worked it out at 02.00am last night that he'd made a massive error and was pursuing a personal ambition ahead of what he thought was right, once I finally joine dall the dots up. It was only at 11.00 this morning that it dawned on me he might not stand as a result (still expected that he would) but I'm certainly not shocked at this decision. I reckon its a combination of the old public school honour thing, and the fact that he's batted himself into a corner that he actually disagrees with.

When Gove stood, that pretty well confirmed it for me
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Man, this thing just keeps on giving and giving. Must have been a total shock to wake up in the morning to find out that the knife in his back was put there by his Brexit drinking buddy who for years has stated that he is not interested in the PM position.
Mrs May shredding him at her presser, twisting said knife in deeper was probably the moment he realized that before he bleeds out best to hit the emergency room.
Well if that doesn't reaffirn that this was all a big hoax that went horribly wrong for all sides nothing will. He has basically fired the shots and left it to someone else to clean up the inevitable mess, and of course he didn't want to go down in history as the one who triggered Article 50, because whatever misfortune gets that job, if it ever happens, is doomed and will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
I hope May soon turns her attention to the public evisceration of the lizard Gove.

Given the personal history between these two, I would think this could be brutal. Hell Cameron even had to get the Cabinet Secretary to write a report on their feuding when he could no longer referee them himself
That's a mighty deduction to make.
Where's your proof?

Logic. I laid it out earlier when the rest of you were grappling with the complxities of a lesbian love tryst between Davidson, Eagle, and May

Basically Boris wanted to be PM of a UK that was in the EU. The best chance he had of achieving this because of conservative selection works, was to campaign for leave.

He cocked it up though and won

This is Jim Hacker stuff

If you really require proof, its just withdrawn from the race, but you can equally find no end of Boris Johnson quotes, interviews, and speeches where he's adopted pro-EU views. How about "I'm not a leaver" when asked about it previously.

This piece he wrote in the DT over the weekend is already being cited as evidence that he wasn't up to the job. Balls. It's evidence of the fact he didn't believe in what was coming down the track and was trying to walk it back. Gove himself said that he didn't trust him. He knows Boris is a remainer
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Even so, now might be the time for the government to start investing and build more houses.
Perhaps now would have been the time to try and save the steel industry, as opposed to walking away.
Perhaps now would even be the time to lower tuition fees too.
These are the areas I would like to see the proceeds of growth going, in order to get more growth for the future, if you get my drift.
I caught a bit of Theresa May earlier, she seems to be suggesting tackling the deficit can still be done, while softening the austerity package. Smart Move, imo. May I suggest Ken Clarke as a chancellor for her?
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Not good enough.

For you maybe not, but its crystal clear, and by the end of the day people will start putting it together. Boris had the country over. I note incidentally that American observers on social media are onto it already, its just the English journos in the Westminister bubble who are slow off the mark
Logic. I laid it out earlier when the rest of you were grappling with the complxities of a lesbian love tryst between Davidson, Eagle, and May

Basically Boris wanted to be PM of a UK that was in the EU. The best chance he had of achieving this because of conservative selection works, was to campaign for leave.

He cocked it up though and won

This is Jim Hacker stuff

If you really require proof, its just withdrawn from the race, but you can equally find no end of Boris Johnson quotes, interviews, and speeches where he's adopted pro-EU views. How about "I'm not a leaver" when asked about it previously.

This piece he wrote in the DT over the weekend is already being cited as evidence that he wasn't up to the job. Balls. It's evidence of the fact he didn't believe in what was coming down the track and was trying to walk it back. Gove himself said that he didn't trust him. He knows Boris is a remainer

Warb, its no coincidence he was much more pro-EU when he was London Mayor, as being staunchly pro-E.U is a good fit for any Mayor of London, including Boris.

The idea he wanted to stay in the E.U but argued against it is totally illogical.

There's probably a few logical reasons why he's not running. He can't hack it, a skeleton or two waiting to come out in the closet, and Michael Gove.

He also now knows he bullshitted millions of people into thinking a vote for leave would control migration. He's got a conscious, I give him that much.
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Well if that doesn't reaffirn that this was all a big hoax that went horribly wrong for all sides nothing will.


He wanted to be PM of a UK that was in the EU
He thought 'leave' would lose
If they did, then Tory party rules dictate that only 2 candidates can ultimately progress to the membership for election to leader
The membership was where Boris was strong, but he needed to reach that stage to secure his ambition
If Remain won however, one of those candidates would be George Osborne
The only other wing of the party that could guarantee the voting bloc for the second candidate (100+) was the Eurosceptics
Boris therefore needed to join the Eurosceptic wing to secure their support for a leadership campaign
If he didn't join 'leave' they'd adopt someone else as their flag bearer, and he'd never reach the final shoot out

This is why he has a whole host of pro-European quotes attributed to him, why he took a week to make his mind up to join their campaign, why he wrote this piece in the DT over the weekend trying to row back the result, why Gove stood against him, and why he ultimately backed down himself
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Astonishing but telling that this story is obsessed over here whilst the final destruction of the labour party is being ignored
Warb, its no coincidence he was much more pro-EU when he was London Mayor, as being staunchly pro-E.U is a good fit for any Mayor of London, including Boris.

If its good for London, its good for the country, unless he's now saying he wants to go in direction which is bad for London. Given the number of times he name checked London in that silly speech though (even telling us that the British museum attracts more tourists than Belgium) I'd say he still has London very much to his heart. In fact, I thought he was standing for London given that he never shut up about it

European membership wasn't an issue in the London mayoral elections that Boris contested. It was a given
If its good for London, its good for the country
I agree. This is a factor Boris clearly overlooked when campaigning for Leave.

The key point in time that allowed Boris to hang himself, was that internal battle Cameron had over disobedient cabinet ministers and MP's.

When the Prime Minister gave his MP's or cabinet ministers the green light to disobey him, Boris and those leading lights not directly in Cameron's immediate circle saw this as a golden opportunity to cause trouble and get stuck in there... (see Duncan Smith's resignation, citing his lack of progress in the department for work and pensions, yeah right!).

I think you are right that Boris was ultimately probably only 52-48 in favour of leave.

David Cameron is leaving his mark on the Tory party here. Michael Gove the only close aide to campaign for leave, now destined to go close in the leadership election.
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I think you are right that Boris was probably only 52-48 in favour of leave.

He might have temporarily talked himself into believing he was in favour (thats what method actors do) but I think it more likely he was 52/48 in favour of Remain, and 100% in favour of Boris Johnson.

If he was a strong leave supporter though, why write that piece in the DT over the weekend trying to walk the thing back and telling everyone that nothing will change?

He knew that Cameron wasn't going to seek a third term, and logic said that this would be Cameron's jumping off point, win or lose. If he could get his candidacy to the constituencies, then he could be Prime Minister by Halloween. The biggest challenge he faced though was getting to the final stage. The parliamentary party would be a harder vote for him to win than the constituency members. However, there was one bloc of 100+ guaranteed votes in the party that could deliver him this. The Eurosceptic wing. In order to be PM he had to join them, and then emerge as the leading light of gallant losing campaign

I honestly wouldn't be shocked yet if we get some kind of political death bed confession in time.

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