
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Astonishing but telling that this story is obsessed over here whilst the final destruction of the labour party is being ignored

Was wondering when you would post something like this. A bit like your daily Corbyn obsessions when he was voted in a while back.
You can always watch Sky News they seem to be doing a good job of obsessing over Labour.

The Labour party sadly has been traveling down the road towards irrelevance since Corbyn took over.
At least where I sit, it's a bit boring to be chatting about something that has become more or less irrelevant, at least for the time being.

Much more entertaining to chat about things that actually might matter.


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Whoever takes over as the next PM has an impossible task. They will have to implement the result of the referendum without majority support for it in their own party never mind parliament. They will face resistance in Scotland and a fragile situation in Ireland. On top of domestic worries they will be going into negotiations with Brussels from a weak starting point and with Ukip waiting to denounce every concession made.

I wouldn't be surprised if Boris decided writing his column is a much easier way of making a living.
Was wondering when you would post something like this. A bit like your daily Corbyn obsessions when he was voted in a while back.
You can always watch Sky News they seem to be doing a good job of obsessing over Labour.

The Labour party sadly has been traveling down the road towards irrelevance since Corbyn took over.
At least where I sit, it's a bit boring to be chatting about something that has become more or less irrelevant, at least for the time being.

Much more entertaining to chat about things that actually might matter.

Having no opposition matters. And if you think that it is "for the time being" you clearly do not understand what is at stake here and what the mechanics are

this forum is full of labour supporters and poncy Guardian readers and with their party in its "biggest crisis since 1915 (?)" absolutely nothing to say


The potential end of a major political party is a far bigger story than a change a leadership.
What I don't like about Theresa May is that she was hiding behind the sofa during the referendum campaign while others were putting their careers on the line.

She might have been hedging her bets, realising that keeping a low profile would be of benefit come this leadership campaign or it could have been because she's genuinely a eurosceptic remainer - a genuine 52/48er to use that trending term. Therefore didn't feel she would have been able to add anything to the Remain campaign; infact had she might have felt her half-hearted support would damage the cause

I find it hard to believe Johnson supporters will switch to Gove as his volte-face decision to stand at the expense of their man will surely have angered them. So the choice they have is May or Leadsom. The latter is a fervent Leaver and the former neither one or the other

The quiet, calm, unclubbable, proven middle-grounder is surely the one they need to unite the party. Perhaps she'll appoint Leadsom to handle exit negotiations
She might have been hedging her bets, realising that keeping a low profile would be of benefit come this leadership campaign or it could have been because she's genuinely a eurosceptic remainer - a genuine 52/48er to use that trending term. Therefore didn't feel she would have been able to add anything to the Remain campaign; infact had she might have felt her half-hearted support would damage the cause

I find it hard to believe Johnson supporters will switch to Gove as his volte-face decision to stand at the expense of their man will surely have angered them. So the choice they have is May or Leadsom. The latter is a fervent Leaver and the former neither one or the other

The quiet, calm, unclubbable, proven middle-grounder is surely the one they need to unite the party. Perhaps she'll appoint Leadsom to handle exit negotiations

I think she's genuinely as described. That would be representative of a very large section of the country.

Boris is a bit shakespearian but I also agree with the view that underneath it all, he's not really sure he wants the job. Its as if theres a voice nagging him to grasp it but in fact he's scared stiff. One thing he isn't is stupid and probably more self aware than given credit for
It's quite unbelievable, isn't it !
If what he said reflects what he thinks, then he should resign immediately. If he did not intend it to read as it does, then he is a Grade A fool and should be sectioned.

Its almost past that point . Good quote was one that said they couldn't work out whether the conference was to condemn or promote anti semitism

You have to feel for Ruth though. You join a political party (and none outside the BNP has had race restrictions) commit your life to it and then you find yourself targeted because of your race with a leader who is quietly condoning the same.
You have to feel for Ruth though. You join a political party (and none outside the BNP has had race restrictions) commit your life to it and then you find yourself targeted because of your race with a leader who is quietly condoning the same.
I'm seriously beginning to think that that party is being taken over by a certain grouping (six letters; begins and ends with "M") and the acolytes of that grouping. The Labour Party now seems little more than a Hamas PR machine, and one that regularly and consistently bashes the state of Israel.
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And this on a day when a 13-y-o Israeli girl is knifed to death in her bed whilst sleeping by a Palestinian terrorist.
i'm seriously beginning to think that that party is being taken over by a certain grouping (six letters; begins and ends with "m") and the acolytes of that grouping. The labour party now seems little more than a hamas pr machine, and one that regularly and consistently bashes the state of israel.

m u s e u m?
Oh, I have no doubt but that precisely this was the "plan".

You're even more cynical than I am. It's on record that she decided she wanted to be Prime Minister when at University or earlier so that does lend weight to the shadow-seeking during the campaign being the culmination of a 40-year masterplan and that she shares the deviosity and duplicity associated with most politicians

But I'll give her the benefit of the the country's interest
Why is so wrong to criticise the Israeli government?

Plenty of other governments worldwide are open to criticism, so why not Israel's?
In an interview with the BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg, Mr Gove, explaining his reasons for standing, said following last week's Brexit result he felt the country needed a leader "who believed heart and soul in leaving the European Union".

In isolation Gove's opinion would count for nothing. For it stick then, it has to be shared by others.

Basically Boris ran with the Brexiteers to help boost his prospects of securing the second spot on the nomination. They ran with him to help them get the vote on the back of his populist appeal. Once they had no more need for him, they ditched him because they knew he wasn't one of them

I'm waiting for the first mischievous polls to come out that say the projected result would now be 65/35
That may be true but I can't help thinking that a lot of the overly personal criticism of boris is purely about him and not what he has or hasn't done.

Hes never charmed me but other politicians will naturally be envious of someone who undoubtably has a natural flair for engagement with the public. And he does. No question. You can bet that many hate it

he has his faults but as with many who are not part of cliques (he isn't) or face doesn't fit somehow, you sense these do get blown out of proportion

hes never struck me as being nasty or vindictive either. Maybe that's not true but I just think he's a highly intelligent, relatively harmless oddball. I don't necessarily sense that he is a scheming as many believe . A bit too disorganised for a start
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Because it doesn't deserve the criticism.
The criticism it gets constantly from certain quarters is nothing more than a thinly veiled hatred.

This is cobblers, Ice.

Dismissing criticism of Israel as nothing more than anti-Semitism, is lazy, inaccurate and basically a type of reverse-racism itself, imo.
Because it doesn't deserve the criticism.


A history of ruthless warmongering and they don't deserve criticism?

They are the classroom bully of the Middle East. If someone looks at them the wrong way they hit out. If someone acts against them their solution is to crack the nut with a sledgehammer and then claim they were provoked.

They are to peace what the Argentine team of the mid-60s to mid-70s was to football.

A history of ruthless warmongering and they don't deserve criticism?

They are the classroom bully of the Middle East. If someone looks at them the wrong way they hit out. If someone acts against them their solution is to crack the nut with a sledgehammer and then claim they were provoked.

They are to peace what the Argentine team of the mid-60s to mid-70s was to football.

looks at them the wrong way? Like attempted invasions perhaps? Launching rockets at them?


best for another thread but bringing up a parallel with Israel and Isis and having one of your goons personally attack a Jewish mp at a forum declaring they are not anti Semitic is just a bit tactless. Shall we say
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