Buying A Successful Broodmare

I spent the weekend up at Newmarket this weekend and was thrilled when The National Stud asked if they could parade Miles and Basil for a new breeders club due to meet on the Saturday morning. Miles is related to one of their mares so it was an opportunity for them to compare the foals.

I stood watching like a very proud Mum :luv: whilst Miles and Basil paraded with impeccable manners and they both looked really well. All credit to the staff of the stud!

It was a great experience and I was so impressed with how well it was all organised. :clap:






I was then back at The Stallion Parade at The National Stud on the Sunday morning where I got to see Cockney Rebel close up, and his sire, Val Royal (stands at The National Stud) and of course Phoenix Reach. The stallion parade was attended by over 200 people, customers, suppliers and the Press. Cockney Rebel winning was obviously a major boost for the profile of The National Stud and it was very kind of the trainer, Geoff Huffer to allow him to parade so soon after his win the previous afternoon.

More photos of the stallion parade to follow for anyone interested!
Cockney Rebel. Useless photos as I was no busy nattering in the marquee I didn't realise he was already outside. So these were very rushed. :shy:



Val Royal

Silver Patriach

Last, but certainly not least, Phoenix Reach :D


Are you sure it wasn't the three glasses of champers, not the nattering, Kathy? norty Dear wee Bazz - he looks very self-assured, and Mummy looks in great condition. Actually, she looks in much better condition than when you bought her, I think, Kathy. Nice of Huffer to parade Cockernee, as you say. He must be over the moon at the upturn in his own fortunes.
As must be The National Stud, in fact, think Val Royal was not THAT commerical before, but this should be a nice boost for him.

Thanks for sharing the photos, Kathy, and -again - sorry that we never met again. Very tired this morning ....

btw - good news on the Bukett-front too as she has been tested in foal after 15 days !
Originally posted by krizon@May 7 2007, 09:32 AM
Are you sure it wasn't the three glasses of champers, not the nattering, Kathy? norty
:what: You know me too well, Krizon :shy:
Crazyhorse, good to see you and Jimmy too yesterday, and only a shame I didn't get to meet up with a few of the others.

Great news about Bukett :clap:

The timing of Cockney Rebel's win could not have been any better, especially with the Stallion Parade planned for the following morning with Val Royal looking spectacular. They have decided that his covering fee will remain the same for anyone booking the stallion (and paying for it) by the end of July 2007 if anyone is interested.
Yes, a terrific boost for VAL ROYAL, and he does indeed look stunning - if slightly surprised! - in your photo, Kathy.

Well done, Bukett! Phew, what a life of drama! :clap:
Another couple, Krizon - I took photos of Deportivo and Pastoral Pursuits as well so I am terrified I am going to post the wrong photo. :what: At least Silver Patriach is always easy to identify! :D


Now, that's a clever idea - the horse's pedigree is shown on the inside of his box's top door. I must get together with you some time, Kathy, and visit. I didn't have time when I visited Cheveley, but I'd love to look over the stud.
You would be more than welcome, Krizon. It is a great stud, the staff are wonderful and despite me being totally new at this game, they don't laugh when I ask stewpid questions. :brows: Well, not when I am there, anyway! :D
Great news from everyone, and thanks Kathy for the wonderful pics - I do adore SP I must say, what a gorgeous head he has. I agree with Kri that Miles looks much better than when you got her, mind you the time of year pays it's part no doubt.

I'd love to go with you one day as well, already said that - and think I owe you lunch anyway :brows: Only problem is I never seem to be at home!
Kathy - looks like we could build up a fair old forum outing at this rate! :D Definitely a bit different to a raceday meet-up, anyway. Perhaps it could be arranged for a day when there's really, truly, awful racing on?
Suits me! Just let me know when, and I will do my best to organise a date that suits everyone. I know a lovely pub where they do delicious Newmarket sausages for lunch and the cake they do in the lovely cafe at The Stud are all homemade and washed down with a cup of their hot chocolate makes for a lovely elevenses..... we may even get time to see some horses too! :rolleyes:
Buketts brother Bergo has just been 2nd in Group race in Baden Baden; every little bit helps to keep the family up I guess!

Kri, & all: I have added the Best of Thurgau photo on the website, as well as a new photo of Belle and some Bukett´s from England

look here:
BEST OF THURGAU is a beautiful colour - very elegant-looking horse, too. We're all looking forward to seeing 'Prince' in due course, too. It's lovely to see all of them looking so well and happy.
Well, just two mares to come home now after BARRANTES (aka Pants) arrived home at 7pm last evening very tired after her trip down from Thetford! She looks in good order and we turned her out this morning with the other three and it's such a pleasure to see them greeting one another with no aggression, just lots of arched necks and raised tails in excitement and no doubt swapping tales of who got the best gaff this year!

I shall go and pick OCEANICO up next week and, as they are silaging here now, Runny and her foal plus a another boarding mare/foal will be able to come home too. RITF had to be covered again but regardless, we won't send her back now so that's another stud season nearly over!

Slight degree of nervousness about how OCEANICO will deal with the bovines - I'll settle her into a small paddock with the long-suffering Doris as company, right by a field with some Chubs in - that'll get her used to them !! If all goes well, she'll get turfed out with the other in-foalers down in our rocket fuel field, aka River Field, where Doris, Songy, Pants and Lolly are currently loafing along with a field of incalf heifers and our resident stock bull, Whirlwind - a medum sized very kind Belgian Blue who arrived her back in March and had his first intro to the equines a few days ago. He ran!!

However, he obviously couldn't be arsed to do that for long and the next morning I found him snoozing alongside the mares, having obviously discovered that they don't do bovine bovver...
Songsheet, Miles and Basil moved to a yard near me ( about 6 minutes away) on Monday.

Here are a few photos taken yesterday of Miles and Basil enjoying the sun :)





very nice kathy, luvly photos.

Great to hear about Art SEries, looks like they are doing a good job in nat stud, Bukett 28 days pregnant too.

Anyway, have to share a photo too, this is me and Belle last sunday:

Songsheet, Basil is adorable. Where as he could give you a playful suck on your hand before, he has progressed to teeth now :dork: , but still just a cheeky chappy who loves winding up his equine Mum. You can almost hear her tutting at times.

Great news about Buckett, Cat and a lovely photo.

Dims, they love the sun although the flies are beginning to cause them a little discomfort but so much better than being sat in a box all day that's for sure.