Buying A Successful Broodmare

It was going to be November time, Dom but I really must check up with Bumble tomorrow and ask her. You are right, she may have already been weaned. I will let you know.
I did wonder on seeing the words "foal at foot"! Mind you, I guess the foal is only 6 months or so? In which case I guess weaning would be around now or the next few weeks/month or so.

When I worked for Sumo (spit, spit!!!) Quinn, there was a mare and her foal kept in a field down the road. The owners didn't bother weaning the little fella so the colt as a yearling was continually mounting its mother!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Oct 11 2007, 09:03 PM
I'm not an expert,
No, sadly nor am I. I am not that quick at learning either, so thank goodness we have a few experts around on this forum for me to ask! :)
My mare, Art Series is due to foal at the end of February so it was great to see her looking so relaxed and enjoying some time out in the winter sunshine in between the rain showers of recent days.

A few photos from The Stallion Parade today at Tattersalls. Yes, it's Phoenix Reach! :D Isn't he handsome?




As far as we know, there are no Phoenix Reach foals on the ground yet, although I know of at least 2 mares that are already 2 weeks overdue.
He looks like a proper horse :)

I tried to interest some chums in him in the autumn, they'd never heard of him!
Will get them next time round tho :suspect:

Lovely pic of Art Series, she looks very well and glossy for one so close to foaling

By the way some kid is trying to sell a foal [not TB, a cob cross] on Kent Gumtree for 300 quid!
I'm really worried it will go to the meatman, any ideas??
He really has developed so nicely. Its always amazing how much they change when not in training anymore. Thanks Kathy!
P R looks well but I despair sometimes of the amount of attention to detail that some studs take when prepping or showing their stock... Lovely though I am sure the stallion's lad is, he's far too tall - at least, I hope he is - to be showing this particular horse!

He makes the stallion look smaller than he probably actually is, which is not an ideal picture to present to prosepctive mare owners with the type of mares who would be looking for middle distance stallions.
Songsheet, the heights of the individual stallions were given as they paraded and there was plenty of interest in Phoenix after the parade. There were 3 different members of staff walking the stallions out, so alot of swapping jackets with the correct name on! Most of the studs had men leading the stallions but The National Stud has a very able young lady which was great to see.
Originally posted by Kathy@Feb 8 2008, 06:06 PM
Songsheet, the heights of the individual stallions were given as they paraded and there was plenty of interest in Phoenix after the parade. There were 3 different members of staff walking the stallions out, so alot of swapping jackets with the correct name on! Most of the studs had men leading the stallions but The National Stud has a very able young lady which was great to see.
Yes, I know, Kathy - I was watching the Tatts vid feed online. It is still desirable to have the correct lead up handler for each individual horses though and is part of the art of showing stallions properly and just makes the whole outfit look more professional in my view - and many others.

I'm glad Phoenix is getting plenty of interest and hope he makes the grade both for those who have supported him and also because the National Stud needs another star stallion quite desperately.

If you had been at the Stallion parades a few years back, you would have seen my mate Roisin Close leading up Tweenhills' stallions. She's now Tweenhills' Stud Groom but for a time was their stallion 'person' - a very, very rare occurence in the racing world.

And yes, Colin, Roisin's pretty fit!
I wasn't sure how many girls lead up the stallions, Songsheet, so I didn't want to sound sexist. I thought it was rare so nice to know you know of another one.

Phoenix Reach covered about 43 in the 2007 season, but not sure whether he will get the same number second season.

It was great to see Sir Percy, Cockney Rebel and Notnowcato amongst others close up on Thursday and to meet up with the very knowledgeable Vixen again.
Maybe Songsheet, if people are that interested in using a sire they would at least attempt to see it in the flesh to truly judge its size rather than look at some photos containing a lad who is taller than 5 foot. I hold no sympathy whatsoever for breeders who claim to be misled as the lad leading up the horse isn't a midget so they think it is bigger than it is - they should be looking at the animal in the flesh before sending a mare to it.
SL - where was I saying anyone was judging the horse soley by his photo? The lad on the end of the lead rein, whther posing for a photo or actively leading him is too tall for the horse. End of. As to breeders claiming they were misled, again, I've no idea where you coming from with that particular comment because my point is that one or two may be put off from using the horse in the first place.

If you don't take my word for it, I couldn't care less but having spent years with Adstock Manner and worked for Paul & Sara Thorman on occasions, showing and prepping stock is something I do know a bit about. The same rules, in fact, apply to showing any type of animal, be it horses, cattle or dogs.

The stallion parade is all about showing your stallion to his best possible advantage and doing the best for the horse that you can for his owners - be it shareholders or not, who will be paying handsomely for the opportunity. So it makes sense to pay attention to detail, I would contend.

However, I am sure you will correct me about this, too !
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Feb 8 2008, 11:24 PM
I hold no sympathy whatsoever for breeders who claim to be misled as the lad leading up the horse isn't a midget so they think it is bigger than it is
Could you expand on this rather interesting theory? neglects to give the height of the horse. His page at the National Stud website has him as "16.1/2hh"

I am going to take it that means he is "16.1/2hh"

There. Can't fool me, big tall black man. Didn't take too much intelligence.

To an intelligent person a room remains the same size whatever colour you paint it .
Sack whoever put that website together I say. :angy:

(I'll go and put it on there, UG!) :shy:
Many people, however, work on first impressions alone. Good marketing is about perception and not, necessarily, reality.

Yours truly,

A. Cynic :laughing:

Oops. Sorry Kathy - I took too long to press the submit button!!

The sooner The National Stud start employing very small stallion handlers the better I say. :brows: