Buying A Successful Broodmare

You are fast becoming the owner of a full scale menagerie.

May there be many more exciting and rewarding times ahead.
So that's two people born on 31/01/48 who've given you advice this week - I expect his was more useful than mine!
Thanks, Grey. I'll keep you posted. :)

I have been given lots of advice and ALL of it has been useful, Venusian. Songsheet, has been an absolute star, too.
I've loved reading this. I hope all those who've recently bought mares have a lot of success and fun with them.
I must say as I'm currently a bit broke so quite horseless, all this bumpering and breeding &tc is a great vicarious thrill! Best of luck to all who have bought lately, and congrats to all who have sold well

A friend of mine got £90,000 [or was that Guineas - It was a long weekend...] for a Falbrav at Nmkt, will be exciting to see how it does as there will be only one crop in this hemisphere I think... He also got 20.000 for a Compton Place btw, so was fairly happy [and no sorry can't remember if they were colts or fillies]
My good mate Lorna looked after Spinning Queen from they day the horse appeared in the yard, so she's had a rollercoaster this week. They're gutted shes gone but she says leading her up the other night, when the bidding started going into the millions she found herself having difficulty breathing! She reckons she'll never have to look after another one as SQ has given her so many experiences.

Still I think its good for the British TB industry as a whole to have a family willing to spend so much money, even if they can afford to, I guess Graham Wylies fortune is pocketmoney to what they've got!

Good luck to those of you who've bought, they were a few familiar names for me being sold today which brought back a few memories.
I have a question regarding the Juddmonte mares...

Do they tend to enter their mares in the sale, then withdraw the ones they decide to keep themselves as broodmares? (i.e would the withdrawn mares be strictly "not for sale"?) .... or would the withdrawals possibly be due to something else?
Originally posted by Songsheet@Nov 30 2006, 07:41 PM
you can go and ask any of the vendors to pull a mare out for you to look at - they won't have a clue whether or not you're a serious buyer!
I really don't think I could do that to someone but I dare say there are plenty that do :blink:

Newmarket is about an hour or so's drive from here so maybe it will be an interesting day out sometime, for me anyway :lol: OH nearly nodded off the last time we went to the racing museum, we went a few years back then again a couple of years ago when I dragged him up there whilst the Red Rum Ex was on! so far I've never got around to going to the national stud which I'd like to one day, Which of the Tatts sales would you say is the most interesting?
Helen, I think they are all exciting for their own reasons. If your OH likes car auctions, well.... this is vaguely similar. (That should sell it to him :blink: !)

The auctioneers talk at approx 200mph, but they do have an electronic board above their heads showing what the current bid is, which is just as well as I could rarely understand what he was saying.

As has been pointed out, you can have any of the horses pulled out and trotted up and down. You can ask the handlers if there are any known vices, which SHOULD then be mentioned in the sales ring. The handlers can give you extra info. as well about temperment etc. which can be useful. Be warned that you sometimes have someone coming and asking your name, just so that the owners know who has been to see their horses.

I had one lovely Welsh man come over to me when we were viewing his mare, with some lovely photos of the mare's first foal. He had every detail available and you could see he was having a great time trying to promote his pride and joy.

When I was walking around trying to locate the horses you are looking at to view, I was looking to see what everyone else was looking at too.

It's a great experience, which I would have been quite nervous undertaking on my own, but with people that knew what they were doing, I was quite happy to trot along behind with my catalogue making notes and just totally enjoying the whole thing.
Just on a slightly different subject, The National Stud has put together an extremely proffessional CD about Phoenix Reach. It is narrated by Clare Balding and shows the majority of his wins worldwide.

It is an excellent marketing tool which we were given yesterday to send to anyone considering sending their mare to be covered by Phoenix.

Crazyhorse, I can have one in the post to you this evening if you would like one! :D
These "compatibility" programs are a total nonsense.

There are 2 types of people who specialise in these "tools" - romantic dreamers and charlatans. It will be easy for you to find out which sort they are. If they do it for free, they're in the former category, if they try to make you give them money, then it's the latter.

I got offered one of these when I re-registered Indie as a broodmare, and Im fairly sure it was a Weatherbys based thing.......

Good luck to everyone having a go - Breeding a foal is possibly one of the most confusing,frightening,soul-destroying, heartbreaking,infuriating,worrying,angst-ridden things ive ever done.


(though I would have done a fair few things differently if Id had the chance to do it again!!) :rolleyes:

and I can thorough;ly recommend a visit to the National Stud - its amazing. :)
It's quite funny Trudi, as the two mares we ended up with neither of them had been "checked" - BUT I have since heard that they have both scored high marks!

What a relief :blink: :)
Snap! Just about to ask. C'mon, Kathy, don't do a BALMACARA on us - we didn't have her revealed until two years had gone by and you were threatened with the torture of the 1,000 Losing Bets...
I was assuming most of you could work it out by now. Some of you have already PM'd me with the possible lot numbers! B)

Lot numbers 2429 and 2635.

If that's not enough info...just ask! :D
Originally posted by krizon@Dec 1 2006, 06:32 PM
Snap! Just about to ask. C'mon, Kathy, don't do a BALMACARA on us - we didn't have her revealed until two years had gone by and you were threatened with the torture of the 1,000 Losing Bets...

There were enough on here who threatened me with a lot worse if I ever used Connie as a broodmare. B)
Some very interesting news you could take into account, Kathy - I've put it on the photo session topic. You could get in on the ground floor of this now and have foals ready for the US market in double-quick time.
Originally posted by krizon@Dec 1 2006, 06:47 PM
So what is the girlie doing with her time these days, Kathy?
She has been with Rehoming of Racehorses down in Somerset for a while now, Krizon. She loves her new life and has had a couple of clear rounds with her showjumping. Tessa adores her and there are even a few photos of her on their website.

I was going to sell her privately but in the end I wanted to ensure she had a good home for life. The first time I spoke to Tessa I knew she would take good care of her.
Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 1 2006, 08:38 PM
There were enough on here who threatened me with a lot worse if I ever used Connie as a broodmare. B)
Not so sure I remember that - I do remember the phrase "any horse of mine has a home with me for life" though..... B)
<_< Oh look, out of the woodwork they all come.....

She has a home for life.

I wonder who will appear next? We can run a secret ballot via PM if anyone is interested! :D