Excellent article, Ven!
I'm sure I've made a few of those mistakes for sure! One thing that doesn't apply here is th booking fee, though.
'Nicking', Jon, is the practice of examining pedigrees and coming to the conclusion that certain pedigree crosses work better than others - such as MR PROSPECTOR crossed witH NORTHERN DANCER line mares or SADLERS WELLS with DARSHAAN or SHIRLEY HEIGHTS mares...
To a certain extent we've done it with BARRANTES - using COMPTON PLACE on a DISTANT RELATIVE mare, because there have been some decent winners with that combo (BOOGIE STREET for a start). That is a simple one to work out, of course, because both COMPO and DR are/were Whitsbury stallions and they obviously supported Compo with mares by their own stallion, DR and others who support Whitsbury as a stud would send their DR mares to Whitsbury stallions.
Paul and I sent RUNS IN THE FAMILY (also by DR) to Compo in 04 - she'll hopefuly have the 05 filly to run for her next season, so we'll find out if there's any truth in it!
I absolutely agree about doing your research from the catalog - that's why you need someone you trust to go to the sales with who is an ,insider, and can tell you more about each mare. Conformation is essential too - they need good wheels to stand training, as we all know!
Incidentally, I received a very nice PM from Fudge the other day, giving me a better insight into TRADE FAIR - it's just as important to know as much as you can about the stallion as it is the mare!