Champion Hurdle 2014

Details are still sketchy, but a prominent fishwife is going to jump ship and be saved from the impending storm

This is inevitable really, without any races in a few weeks the fishwives have been left with nothing to gossip about. They are left isolated with the cold hard facts and crumble under the weight of 19 grade one wins and greatness.
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I don't wish to appear curmudgeonly (but no doubt will), but could we have one thread for all this bollix and another for intelligent discussion of what is the race of the festival?

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Well I do beg your pardon.The name calling , insults and veiled threats are all part of field sports. The game plan has been left in the changing room. Its all or nothing.
I don't wish to appear curmudgeonly (but no doubt will), but could we have one thread for all this bollix and another for intelligent discussion of what is the race of the festival?

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To be fair, Benny, if it wasn't for all the fishwives sustaining the bollix with their straw-man theorising, there wouldn't be a problem. :whistle:
Usually when I see there's an unread post on one of the festival race threads, I click and read with interest, as this forum is home to a number of members whose views I find insightful and interesting.

This thread I have stopped bothering, because all I get is:

"My horsey can run faster than your horsey, and if you don't agree you're a fishwife!"
"No, my horsey is better than your horsey and you're the fishwife."
"My dad could beat up your dad any day."
"You smell of poo and wee."

If I wanted that level of insight I could visit TRF, or the Betfair forum.

Sorry, rant over. Carry on with the fishwife bollix.

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Usually when I see there's an unread post on one of the festival race threads, I click and read with interest, as this forum is home to a number of members whose views I find insightful and interesting.

This thread I have stopped bothering, because all I get is:

"My horsey can run faster than your horsey, and if you don't agree you're a fishwife!"
"No, my horsey is better than your horsey and you're the fishwife."
"My dad could beat up your dad any day."
"You smell of poo and wee."

If I wanted that level of insight I could visit TRF, or the Betfair forum.

Sorry, rant over. Carry on with the fishwife bollix.

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If you have an intelligent point to make, go ahead, it will be listened to.
I have a feeling that BennyB is in the OC camp but is too SCARED to come out and say it for FEAR of being forever branded a smoked kipper.
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I doubt it will. I happen to think something will improve past HF - if I put that on here I'd just be called a fishwife and be accused of 'having the fear' or some other such mindless crap.

For what it's worth I have backed Our Conor and am reasonably happy with that. I might look to cover on MTOY on the day. I don't think TNO will have the speed over 2m, and whilst I admire HF and his achievements I don't think his price represents any value given the strength in depth of the race.

Un de Sceaux could be the joker in the pack if he runs.

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I doubt it will. I happen to think something will improve past HF - if I put that on here I'd just be called a fishwife and be accused of 'having the fear' or some other such mindless crap.

For what it's worth I have backed Our Conor and am reasonably happy with that. I might look to cover on MTOY on the day. I don't think TNO will have the speed over 2m, and whilst I admire HF and his achievements I don't think his price represents any value given the strength in depth of the race.

Un de Sceaux could be the joker in the pack if he runs.

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As per last year, I shall give my final, considered, unbiased (:whistle:) opinion on the race, around the 5-day stage, Benny.

Until then, you can sit by the harbour in your clogs, mending nets with the rest of them. :cool:
Collateral form line of OC franked in the betfair yesterday (Irish saint form with Vasco Du Ronceray) . That puts him on OR 174+ by my reckoning. At my most generous I can only have HF on OR 169 at Cheltenham.
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Collateral form line of OC franked in the betfair yesterday (Irish saint form with Vasco Du Ronceray) . That puts him on OR 174+ by my reckoning. At my most generous I can only have HF on OR 169 at Cheltenham.

Here's your problem, barracuda.

See all of these collateral form-lines you mention? All they do is uphold Hurricane Fly's own superior form, through the tie-in with the self-evidently inferior Our Conor.

Anything argued in OC's favour beyond this point, is based on speculation and/or hope. In other words, it's guesswork.

OC supporters are, of course, entitled to speculate. The arguments that he is still improving, will get fitter, will be better suited by the track and/or ground next time, all have legitimacy.

But, speculation is all it is, and only a dribbling loon of the highest order would try and boost these arguments with numbers which are effectively plucked out of fresh-air.

This is post is a sop to BennyB, because he always calls the The Fly wrong, and he's going to be miserable enough come half-three on 11th March.

Benny - yer a torn-faced ba*stard! :D
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What Collateral form Baracouda? Dell Arca - Sametegal - Our Conor is it?

Think the Sametegal form was more or less agreed to be insignifigant.

Or are you just teasing ..................... :blink:
I'm a little disappointed and surprised at you lot . A novice form student can figure it out . Do I have to state the race and date giving these enlightening clues as to future form?
Well it just encourages me to carry on posting dribble.:lol:

''OC supporters are, of course, entitled to speculate. The arguments that he is still improving, will get fitter, will be better suited by the track and/or ground next time, all have legitimacy''.

You're right there Grassy. I hadn't even considered the suitability of the track. Add 2L.:p
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''OC supporters are, of course, entitled to speculate. The arguments that he is still improving, will get fitter, will be better suited by the track and/or ground next time, all have legitimacy''.

You're right there Grassy. I hadn't even considered the suitability of the track. Add 2L.:p

You would be as well adding two purple bananas too. It wouldn't dilute your logic any. :blink:
Anything argued in OC's favour beyond this point, is based on speculation and/or hope. In other words, it's guesswork.

OC supporters are, of course, entitled to speculate. The arguments that he is still improving, will get fitter, will be better suited by the track and/or ground next time, all have legitimacy.

But, speculation is all it is,

This I agree with