Bar the Bull
Dormant account
How do you expect to progress in life with that attitude, Duke?
I am sickened.
I am sickened.
That's very honest of you DOM I hope it doesn';t cost you the win. I'm actually finding hard to understand this notional value and hope i'm not the only one. Can someone please explain the formula? For instance if you take an original price and it remains the same how can there be a positive notional value?
It is indeed very good of you, DOM. NA and I will check it out.
Chef, the idea is as follows. Say you had a win bet of £1k on a 10/1 shot. If successful, the bet will win you £10k. If the price has comes in to 5/1 you would then need to bet £2k on the same horse in order to win the same amount. In that sense the value of your original £1k bet would have doubled because twice the original stake is now required to win the same amount.
If on the other hand the price has drifted out to 20/1 you would only need to place £500 to win £10k, so the value of the original bet would have halved.
And if the odds remain the same then you would still need to bet the same amount on the horse to win, so the original bet of £1k would still be worth the same.
NA- Having reviewed the table I think there may be a mistake on your calculation for mine, I think Son of Flicka should have be calclulated at 16 not 6. Could you please check but by my reckonings I've been given false credit lol
Unlucky DoM, but you get a bonus for honesty.
I will throw an ante-post tenner at something on your behalf as compensation. Two rules: you need to post your selection on this thread today, and you need to pick something at a double-figure-price.![]()
Thanks guys, much appreciated and thanks again to NA, Grey and particularly Duke for your honesty. I'm a firm believer in karma, so hopefully you'll get yours next week…
Really sorry but you are right Duke, I obviously misread my 16/1 for 6/1 when entering it on the spreadsheet - unfortunately this means that you lose out at the top of the table.
This means that Perpetual moves to the top (after a slight adjustment to the notional total due to the fact that he has 2 horses in the same race). I've attached an image of his portfolio and one of the top of the revised table.
Apologies again DukeOfMarmalade and thanks for being so honest.
Well done Perpetual (and just hope I won't be saying this to someone else in another 2 days!)
Really sorry but you are right Duke, I obviously misread my 16/1 for 6/1 when entering it on the spreadsheet - unfortunately this means that you lose out at the top of the table![]()
How do you expect to progress in life with that attitude, Duke?
I am sickened.
gutted - my bet on Lord Windermere was for the Jewson!