Cheltenham Festival/ Corona Virus?

That looks far more complicated than my “dig a hole and fill it with water” theory…

It could genuinely could be a goer and let’s see what Mrs Perp thinks!
Suburbs, so not a massive garden, but long gone are the days of it being needed as a football or cricket pitch so definitely the right time to do something
I have four teenage/early twenty’s boys still at home and seriously think there will be a murder if we’re all confined to the house.

Prepping so far has been to order numerous box sets (James Bond, Lord of the Rings, The Office etc.) and dusting down the board games. What else can I do??

Jumpers for goalposts and 40 minutes per half two-a-side, backie goalie.

And repeat.
I have no intention of obeying any lockdown.

I'll be off in the car to a quiet country or seaside location for a long walk. Pieces and a big flask of tea very easy to prepare.

Obviously if I or somebody within the household gets it I'll have to obey it but I'm out in the country, 800' above sea level with fair prevailing winds from the Atlantic keeping the air clean. Loads of space between houses and large gardens so I'm never in close contact with anybody.

I don't go to pubs and don't have any drinking buddies bar one ex-colleague whom I meet once a year for snooker and a few jars. Apart from that, I meet my brothers once a month for snooker and lunch and that's it. We've already cancelled the meeting scheduled for early April based on self-assessment of the risks involved, as well as the annual family Grand National get-together.

The bottom line for me, though, is that self-isolation is no big deal. I'm very content in my own company. Nothing Sartrean or anything like that, I just find it easy to occupy my mind and if I need exercise I can nip out the back door and play keepy-uppy or practise my skipping.
I have no intention of obeying any lockdown.

I'll be off in the car to a quiet country or seaside location for a long walk. Pieces and a big flask of tea very easy to prepare.

Obviously if I or somebody within the household gets it I'll have to obey it but I'm out in the country, 800' above sea level with fair prevailing winds from the Atlantic keeping the air clean. Loads of space between houses and large gardens so I'm never in close contact with anybody.

I don't go to pubs and don't have any drinking buddies bar one ex-colleague whom I meet once a year for snooker and a few jars. Apart from that, I meet my brothers once a month for snooker and lunch and that's it. We've already cancelled the meeting scheduled for early April based on self-assessment of the risks involved, as well as the annual family Grand National get-together.

The bottom line for me, though, is that self-isolation is no big deal. I'm very content in my own company. Nothing Sartrean or anything like that, I just find it easy to occupy my mind and if I need exercise I can nip out the back door and play keepy-uppy or practise my skipping.

That sounds fabulous. A lot would want that as a holiday. Stay safe up there.
Cheltenham was "lucky" as this week would be a no go.
I would be very surprised if schools are open next week. My son is 17 and in Whitchurch High in Cardiff, the biggest school in Wales. Today, 30% of teachers are off and attendance is 79%. We are getting emails about remote learning daily and teachers are saying to the kids to prepare for closure.
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Self isolating becoming more difficult again today. Mrs DG, who has a poor immune system,has succumbed to another kidney infection which normally would involve a stay in hospital with intravenous drips pumping antibiotics into her. Our surgery has closed and her GP has suggested staying home as hospital is not the best place for her to be in current circumstances. All this has dictated I have had to break my isolation to go to our nearest pharmacy in a large supermarket to fetch her antibiotics. Bloody heaving in there,no one keeping their distance from anyone else.

Hope I got away with it, there were only eleven cases in Gloucestershire as of yesterday, but three of them are nearby.
Self isolating becoming more difficult again today. Mrs DG, who has a poor immune system,has succumbed to another kidney infection which normally would involve a stay in hospital with intravenous drips pumping antibiotics into her. Our surgery has closed and her GP has suggested staying home as hospital is not the best place for her to be in current circumstances. All this has dictated I have had to break my isolation to go to our nearest pharmacy in a large supermarket to fetch her antibiotics. Bloody heaving in there,no one keeping their distance from anyone else.

Hope I got away with it, there were only eleven cases in Gloucestershire as of yesterday, but three of them are nearby.

An article I read said to alternate any clothing you've worn outside. Are surgeries no longer offering a delivery service? Is there a local group that that are delivering to people that are self isolating that could help?
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We have registered with Pharmacy2U for monthly stuff but this was an emergency and the nearest pharmacy for us but they don't deliver.
We have a village WhatsApp group formed now and any help requested/offers is posted on there. I personally am only doing shopping in local small town which seems to be functioning as normal. I am going to work but that’s outside doing horses so no contact with people (until boss comes back for abortive French skiing trip and Vietnam holiday prior to that) but I will literally be avoiding them like the plague! I did suggest the French trip was possibly a step too far......:whistle:

I did go to Cheltenham on Wednesday (no symptoms since but not ruling anything out). My mother is a very fit 75yo but does have rheumatoid arthritis so isn’t now going out anywhere. The garden will look fabulous soon!
In shared isolation, if the current trend continues the very existence of the virus will be my fault.
I`m with DO on this. I already do a nice long walk in the morning. Luckily, I`m right on top of some lovely countryside and generally I only come across some rabbits, birds and, at this time of year, fields of lovely lambs. I do meet some smashing oldies walking their dogs and I know walking their dogs is a very important part of their life, both mentally and physically. I`ve now started a shorter afternoon stroll!! I want to be fit if and when this awful virus strikes me. To me it`s a question of just being sensible, with plenty of hand-washing!
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I`m with DO on this. I already do a nice long walk in the morning. Luckily, I`m right on top of some lovely countryside and generally I only come across some rabbits, birds and, at this time of year, fields of lovely lambs. I do meet some smashing oldies walking their dogs and I know walking their dogs is a very important part of their life, both mentally and physically. I`ve now started a shorter afternoon stroll!! I want to be fit if and when this awful virus strikes me. To me it`s a question of just being sensible, with plenty of hand-washing!

Went out walking yesterday and was in a better mood after coming home an hour later. Will be going out twice a day to pass the cabin fever. The human mind is a strange thing, IO have often stayed in doors 3-4 days in a row when betting from home but not having anywhere to go makes it's harder. We are wired to not want to do what we are supposed to do.