Cheltenham Festival/ Corona Virus?

I’m working today - off rest of week - and we have a big weekend where I need to reconcile fund NAVs from Friday against this morning. We thought there had been a weekend housekeeping issue until I checked the APAC market movements.

When I should be trying to unravel the Champion hurdle - though I’m coming to the conclusion it’d be easier to find a cure for Covid-19
We’re ok. It’s not official yet, but the word from COBRA is that the UK is still in the “containment phase”.

We are on, guys and gals!
I’m working today - off rest of week - and we have a big weekend where I need to reconcile fund NAVs from Friday against this morning. We thought there had been a weekend housekeeping issue until I checked the APAC market movements
Hope it went well and we look to work in the same type of role!!
My employer has imposed a travel ban so hospitality cancelled for me [emoji20]

Watching from the sofa with Mrs Viking for me this year

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Real possibility we may not get Gold Cup day.

All football for the rest of the season to be played behind closed doors in England
Is that actually being reported somewhere or is it just fud nuggets on twitter? And if so - please link to it.

Times main headline tomorrow and most footballing people tweeting about it. Be announced after tomorrow’s cobra meeting apparently.

Obviously not racing, but highly unlikely they’ll stick football behind closed doors and then allow 70k into Cheltenham on Friday
Times main headline for Thurs at present is about the budget, with a fairly low-key headline on covid19 as their second headline. Nothing of this nature there.
Mrs DG and I have decided not to go next week, we've stocked up on the shopping and will be staying in all week. I had a near brush with death from pneumonia twenty years ago and have chest infections two or three times a year whilst Mrs DG cannot fight off infections very well and is in hospital six or seven times a year. With thousands coming here from God knows where next week we are more or less locking ourselves away and will see how the land lies next weekend. RacingTV it is.

Happy we made the right decision, only thing we really missed was the atmosphere. but probably saw more of the actual races than we would have stuck in a crowd. Mrs DG missed the shopping village but hey that was good news.Given the latest news bulletins we are continuing to stay indoors and not coming into contact with other peopke if at all possible, Have registered for online shopping, having our newspapers(delivered) and will have to considered delivery of our medication. Only potential problem is I am due an INR blood test Friday at our GP's surgery which may have closed in the meantime so will have to wait and see on that one.
From time to time I post a link to an article by Ben Aitken (Narrow The Field) if I think it may be of interest. I am afraid Ben's wife is seriously ill with the virus and his account of what they have encountered so far is alarming, these are the relevant pieces from several tweets he has posted.

I've hardly seen any reports on what happens to people when they contract Coronovirus... unfortunately I have first hand experience of it as my wife is currently hit hard by it and I mean absolutely floored by it..she is mid 30's, fit and healthy and has no underlying health conditions...but for the past two days has barely been able to string a sentence together without gasping for breath...the facts are that this **** is ******* real. If an elderly or sick person were to get it to the level she has it there is a high chance they would die, I have no doubt about that in the slightest.....I must also point out that she works in health care and has immaculate self hygiene standards...and STILL managed to contract the disease. We are both now on 14 days lockdown. An ambulance has been to the house but the decision was made for her to stay here......which we both agreed with. When she is resting she is OK...when she tries to do ANYTHING she is floored and gasping for breath in seconds. Whatever is happening is real, very ******* real. Stay safe and stay smart...Must also add that there have been periods during the past 48hours where it's seemed like she fine and even potentially recovered...then bang! Another wave hits her, back to square 1 or worse. It is a very nasty virus and clearly extremely dangerous to some.Symptoms... Very mild cough and sneezing for a couple of days (nothing you would worry about normally) Then calmed down for a couple of days Then a very rapid onset of shortness of breath and fatigue Fever/temperature spikes are not too bad but are there..Shortness of breath/wheezing/tight chest are the worst symptoms closely followed by the severe fatigue Temperature/fever is manageable and least severe symptom but it is a factor Like most illnesses I'd assume everyone's symptoms would vary slightly...Also important to add that the paramedics DID NOT test her for Coronovirus as they said it was so rife they had stopped doing it that morning...however, paramedic agreed she had all the symptoms and it was almost certain she had it and we had to go into lockdown...Facts are that if she somehow doesn't have it the country is even more screwed than we thought as she'll then have a virus that has the exact same symptoms and we'll then be dealing with TWO debilitating virus's running rife...Every avenue we went down pointed towards her having Coronavirus and the quickness with which 111 sent an ambulance and then the paramedic confirmed and put us on immediate lockdown told us the seriousness of the matter.....from which one can only assume the true numbers of the spread are not being recorded and as such told to us. Since starting this tweet thread people have been in contact from other countries saying my wife's symptoms sound exactly like what they had/witnessed...Long and short of it is I shared all this because I was surprised at the lack of other 'real life' stories being shared. Not interested in scaring people, don't condone panic, just wanted people to hear what to possibly expect if you or a loved one are hit by it. Stay safe.
My SIL has been told today that someone he was at a meeting with last week now has it. Haven't heard any more so not sure what [if any] advice he has been given, but I certainly won't be seeing my children or grandchildren for a while. We were all going on holiday together at Easter but I'm pretty sure Mike and I won't go as we're self isolating as much as possible. I was SO looking forward to it.People just have this idea that you either get it and die or it's just like a bad cold is so wrong. I also wonder how many people will suffer from ME afterwards. Stay safe everyone; thank goodness we have social media so don't feel too isolated.
No new cases in the whole of Devon and Cornwall in the last two days. This whole thing has been blown out of all proportion and the people stripping the supermarkets bare are utter morons.
Edited as I've re-read a post after someone pointed it out to me. Cheers
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My Daughter and her fiance both have it although unconfirmed as they are self isolating and riding it out. The worry is they are living with my wife's mother who is nearly 80 and has underlying health conditions. My niece in Nottingham has it and has been tested. They all have the same symptoms as Ben's wife, are all in their mid 20's to mid 30's and get out of breath just talking too long on the phone. It does make you wonder what the true number of infections are if two out of three in my family have not been tested yet, but definitely have it.
My daughter was floored by a mystery virus a couple of weeks ago. She's never ill, never missed a day of school, uni or so far in six years of work. We advised her to take a couple of days off until she got to see a doctor but she wouldn't. That's just typical of her (and no doubt many, many people) and by the time she got a post-work appointment, she was on the mend. She says she now wonders as her symptoms were identical. She's 32, jogs before work every morning and goes to the gym in the evening and is very hygiene-aware. She wasn't tested and was treated/advised as having a common virus.
Big thanks to tiggers1972 (Darren) who sent me a PM overnight and who lives in Cheltenham too,offering help if we should need it in the next few weeks.I think we have most bases covered now and our eldest daughter and her husband and family live about an hour away. Ironically she is a funeral director which may come in handy :ninja:. Anyway as I said in my reply, the gesture is much appreciated Darren.
"All race meetings in Britain from Tuesday until the end of March will take place behind closed doors, the BHA has announced.

The fixtures at Taunton and Wetherby on Tuesday to be the first in England to take place behind closed doors. The approach was taken at Kelso in Scotland on Monday.

A statement by the racing industry steering group said the intention was for scheduled race meetings to take place wherever possible, warning that some may have to be cancelled. It said every effort will be made to notify customers and the betting industry at the earliest opportunity.

With race meetings due to happen every day — and in the light of possible staff absences, including in critical roles, and in order to protect industry staff and support the wider effort to free up critical public services — the steering group said the aim was to agree a schedule that was sustainable.

The plan was agreed on Monday by the sport’s tripartite leadership, including the Racecourse Association, The Horsemen’s Group and the BHA.

Nick Rust, chief executive of the BHA, said: “Racecourses and racing yards are embedded in their local communities and we are acutely aware of our responsibilities to protect public health.

“The restrictions we are putting in place to close racing to spectators and limit attendees will reduce demand on public services. We also have a range of measures in place designed in response to the government’s guidance on public health and we will continue to update these as appropriate.

“We acknowledge that today’s decision will also impact on local businesses, especially hotels and restaurants, who are struggling at this time. We are following the government’s advice to strike a balance between protecting public health and maintaining business activity and will continue to do so. We thank our customers and staff for their support.”