Cheltenham Festival/ Corona Virus?

If they cancel Cheltenham then they`ll probably cancel all football games and, presumably, the season will become null and void! Not a happy thought for our lovely Kopite friends:D.
Cheltenham confident festival will not be stopped by coronavirus according to article on RP site

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It’s in Northern Ireland now & infected case flew to Dublin from Italy.

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That's the spirit.



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:lol: At this rate I reckon those Cheltenians, mentioned by DG as staying in that hotel in Tenerife, will be going over the balcony.
Quote from an ITN article:

Although flu might not seem like a deadly illness, on average it kills around 17,000 people in England a year.

Public Health England told ITV News: "The number of flu cases and deaths due to flu-related complications varies each flu season.
"The average number of deaths in England for the last five seasons, 2014/15 to 2018/19, was 17,000 deaths annually.

That's a huge difference in statistics.

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In 1918, as one global devastation in the shape of World War I came to an end, people around the world found themselves facing another deadly enemy, pandemic flu. The virus killed more than 50 million people, three times the number that fell in the Great War, and did this so much faster than any other illness in recorded history.

One of the questions that has been particularly vexing is why the 1918 pandemic human influenza A virus killed so many young adults in the prime of life.Usually, the human influenza A virus is deadlier to infants and the elderly. But the 1918 strain killed many people in their 20s and 30s, who mainly died from secondary bacterial infections, especially pneumonia.

Genetic material from bird flu virus picked up just before 1918
They found that a human H1 virus that had been circulating among humans since around 1900 picked up genetic material from a bird flu virus just before 1918 and this became the deadly pandemic strain.

Anyone with Netflix should watch a series from last year called Pandemic. It predicted the current situation and that it would start in a meat market in China.
One of the questions that has been particularly vexing is why the 1918 pandemic human influenza A virus killed so many young adults in the prime of life. Usually, the human influenza A virus is deadlier to infants and the elderly. But the 1918 strain killed many people in their 20s and 30s, who mainly died from secondary bacterial infections, especially pneumonia.

People lived on top of each other, 10 to a room, in squalid conditions, they were far weaker, undernourished back in the day....Many joined the army just to get a meal.
Quote from an ITN article:

Although flu might not seem like a deadly illness, on average it kills around 17,000 people in England a year.

Public Health England told ITV News: "The number of flu cases and deaths due to flu-related complications varies each flu season.
"The average number of deaths in England for the last five seasons, 2014/15 to 2018/19, was 17,000 deaths annually.

That's a huge difference in statistics.

This was the article that I had read, twice as confused now!
I have an idea that our arshole of a PM will announce that "Britain is open for business [and sod the consequences]", just to show Europe, in particular, that we are an island and are an "independent, sovereign nation". I hope he does anyway, for the sake of our enjoyment at Cheltenham, 10-13 March.
Government holding a ‘COBRA’ meeting on Monday.

Any excuse to stop racing they would. I’d say Aintree is more at risk than Cheltenham though.
We need to step outside and have a fag here.

How would stopping a race meeting in Gloucestershire in two weeks' time have any significant impact on containing or arresting this problem? It's nonsense.

Why would you single out one event, even taking into account the logistical scale and size of Cheltenham, without considering much more draconian measures regarding the everyday free movement of people across the UK and beyond?

It would do nothing. It doesn't make sense.
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We need to step outside and have a fag here.

How would stopping a race meeting in Gloucestershire in two weeks' time have any significant impact on containing or arresting this problem? It's nonsense.

Why would you single out one event, even taking into account the logistical scale and size of Cheltenham, without considering much more draconian measures regarding the everyday free movement of people across the UK and beyond?

It would do nothing. It doesn't make sense.

At this very moment you are right. 20 cases so far. The problem is its going up day by day and for some reason all countries seem to be taking this extremely seriously. Switzerland "with no cases" have stopped all gatherings of over 1000 people. If Cheltenham is cancelled then so will football, rugby and virtually everything else. If this happens, we will have much more to worry about than missing our best 4 days.
Without exact figures to hand i recall the mortality rate for flu is around 0.08% and that based on the relatively small sample base gathered so far the mortality rate for the Corona Virus is over 1.0 %. Multiply the UK flu figure by 10 and it would indicate death toll of around 170,000 in England. That's the population of a big town.