Curragh Weekend

Don't know what to make of Murtagh riding Cape Blanco - it was such a stinker in the French Derby. I could not be having him after that.
The Ballydoyle "under a cloud" theory does not stack up when (as Chronic has pointed out) you actually look at their number of winners. It just appears they do not have a strong crop of three year olds - with the main two in particular disappointing for one reason or another.
There is rain forecast for Sunday but not sure it will get to The Curragh in time for the big race (despite it going off at 5.10!).
Monterosso: obscenely short beater-upper of handicappers, or potential star in the midst of huge improvement?
I am pretty sure there are no potential stars in this line up.

If I had to go for one, it would be Cape Blanco, if the ground came up fast. I think Midas Touch and Co-ordinated Cut are plodders, Jan Vermeer i'm not quite convinced about, I like Monterosso but that is due to following him all year, and Chabal's last run and the likely ground is a worry. Poor renewal - lets hope something, Cape Blanco maybe, win by a decent margin.
if the ground came up fast. I think Midas Touch and Co-ordinated Cut are plodders,

Look, I'm honestly not wanting to start an argument here but it's a bit on the rude side to call horses of the calibre of these two 'plodders' - especially as the owner of one of them is a member of this forum. Maybe I'm being too girly but it would be more tactful (if those are your beliefs - I wouldn't subscribe to them myself) to describe them as maybe lacking a turn of foot at the finish or even - at a push - a little one-paced but plodders ? I really think that's rude! :whistle:
Maybe I'm being too girly


FFS. They're horses.

Do you want me to change my opinion because an owner is on the forum - how pathetic would that be?

To clarify - clearly they are not plodders - they are plodders in the sense that they do not, in my opinion, have the natural speed to win a classic. There's nothing wrong with that. And, there is a high chance I'm wrong.
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