Departures 2009

I saw her pulling up with a hind leg flapping about. Seemed to be snapped quite high up. It was x rated stuff I'm afraid.
Pretty appalling

Aintree is proving almost as brutal as the killing fields of Galway this year..
Yes, Im sure it gets annoying after a while to have nobody attempt to slap down Bobbyjo every once in a while!
Perfect Line & Ashby Jo both lost
On Raglan Road looks badly injured post Aintree to the degree he wont race again. Thanks for saying that Isinglass to my previous post comment. If the owner of that great site sees this congratulations its the best site for any hosrseracing lover ive seen / been part of hence as soon as i could i recommeded it and added the info on here.
My boss was on a racecourse vets thing a few years back (they have to go every year) - they were told that bumpers are some of the worst races for injury...

which he took great delight in bringing up as I was getting greener and greener faced as my horses debut came closer....:rolleyes::lol:
I hope that On Raglan Road will join Inglis Drever at Andrea and Graham Wylie's place, if that is right for him, it's good news that he isn't dead. Fingers crossed that he is able to recover enough to enjoy life.
I thought Ashby Jo was lost last summer?
Yes your right Aldaniti it was last summer but someone had posted a new comment on the thread about him my mistake :confused:. Thanks for the other link by the way i will send a message that site is brilliant for relaying info of injured horses. I used to get my info off the scratchings lists published in the ravcing post under the scratch from all engagements dead section. But due to various pressure / dont let the public know crap it no longer appears. But anyone reading this for the first time check out the following site its brilliant and Issinglass A MEGGA big thanks for your work on it.
But anyone reading this for the first time check out the following site its brilliant and Issinglass A MEGGA big thanks for your work on it.

Thanks, these sites are labours of love as done for no profit in whatever spare time we have, often when very tired after a normal working day. Mine needs an awful lot more work on it, but we try to keep it going - any stories and photos welcome form anyone by the way! :)
I've been tracking as many fatalities as I can for Atacanta's forum, since I think it's very important that we don't hide the fact that horses do die in the sport, which makes it look as if it's got far more to hide than it has, and also to give the lie to certain animal 'welfare' groups' propaganda, which vastly overstates the case, and gives no recognition to the continuing research into fracture repair and other veterinary advances. They also fail to recognise how often courses are willing to change the positioning or structure of obstacles so as to minimize risks, but, as we all know, you can't gallop horses at speed at fences and expect to have no risk at all.

Horses sometimes just fade off the radar and then a year later, up they pop in Hunter Chases, which is great. Sadly, some fade off permanently, with no fanfare at all, because they're just little Class 6 AW stalwarts who aren't 'worthy' of the Press's attentions. We haven't added WICHITA LINEMAN or CLONVIS (sp?) at Fairyhouse to this sad roster yet. My current listing stands at 60 fatalities of horses in active training since January 1st. However, I expect there to be others who've passed away due to illnesses at home, whose loss won't be publicly known as they died in private.