Departures 2009

Horses sometimes just fade off the radar and then a year later, up they pop in Hunter Chases, which is great. Sadly, some fade off permanently, with no fanfare at all, because they're just little Class 6 AW stalwarts who aren't 'worthy' of the Press's attentions. We haven't added WICHITA LINEMAN or CLONVIS (sp?) at Fairyhouse to this sad roster yet. My current listing stands at 60 fatalities of horses in active training since January 1st. However, I expect there to be others who've passed away due to illnesses at home, whose loss won't be publicly known as they died in private.

Which is why you'd be delighted to have your interest drawn to the post concerning Jameel Asmar, Kri? Reported on here, not in the press!
Shame, liked him a lot, but then a good, quick way to go and always thought he would go that way as was pretty buzzy and electric. Has had a pretty good innings.
Fret not - he lives in Brighton, his name emblazoned across the front of one our big red buses! I shall doff me 'at to 'im when he passes by...

Shadz, I'm finding ye olde TH format a bit difficult to navi - daft old bat, I hear you mutter - so where's this Jameel thingy?
Thank you very much, Isi! Isn't it time that little foal of yours grew a bit? He's been so tiny for so long! (Your avatar, in case you're worrying now.) We've got quite a lot of 'celebrity buses' down here - every now and then one tootles past and I think "Who??"
Fret not - he lives in Brighton, his name emblazoned across the front of one our big red buses! I shall doff me 'at to 'im when he passes by...

Shadz, I'm finding ye olde TH format a bit difficult to navi - daft old bat, I hear you mutter - so where's this Jameel thingy?
Fier Normand at Cheltenham on Wednesday, so I hear. Just after Jonjo realised he had been aiming too high with him.
By Brian Fleming2.03PM 18 APR 2009

ALEXANDER SEVERUS, beaten into fourth place by Silk Affair after he started the well-backed 5-2 favourite for the Fred Winter Juvenile Novices' Hurdle last month, has died.

Owner Paddy Wilcott said: “He worked on the Wednesday before Liverpool and worked well but half-an-hour later he was lame and it got progressively worse.”

“He went for an x-ray which showed up a small crack and underwent surgery to insert two screws into his leg. All appeared to have gone well but he stopped breathing and sadly died in the recovery room.”

Formerly trained by Andre Fabre, the son of Montjeu won his second start over hurdles for Edward O’Grady at Leopardstown last January before he dead-heated for third in his first handicap also at the Dublin track.

“He was the most exciting horse I owed so far and was definitely the best,” added Wilmott, who has a dozen horses in training.

“He only ran four times over hurdles and we always felt chasing would have been his real game but we’ll never find that out now.”
He was a nice horse. There're loads of losses at the minute, or so it seems. Hope this trend stops soon!
Hunter chaser Watchthespace fell two out tonight at Towcester in a horrible fall and was killed.

The fall also looked bad for the rider, Ms S Phizacklea. Does anyone know if she's ok?
Grey, Mick Fitz said in the wrap that she'd been taken to hospital, having been k.o.'d in the fall (which is why she looked as spark out as the poor horse - I feared they'd met the same fate, tbh), but was chatting and lucid, so presumably all right. Didn't say if she'd crunched any bones, though, so fingers x'd she didn't.
Good news about the jockey, though obviously a pity to lose the animal; the fall looked horrendous for both horse and rider.
I'd been channel-flipping between ATR and RUK and missed the actual smash - it must've been dire for the presenters to keep saying how bad it was. I think they may also have been inwardly worried that Sarah was worse than just conked out. It's very pleasing when race callers manage to tell us when jockeys are up okay, but when you see one lying flat out and not moving, it's a big worry until there's some news.