Fallon Case Collapses

Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Dec 10 2007, 01:29 PM
journos inside racing will know who Fallon spends his time with and form an opinion accordingly

"Why does he go there for his gear, my guy's is much better..."
:laughing: :laughing: :clap:
Originally posted by clivex@Dec 10 2007, 11:33 AM
I think the drug ban would be a big mistake..for the reasons mentioned above...he can now clearly blame that on the trial

You seem to be a bit obsessed with what i have to say about this EC.

The above is ridiculous of course. Laughable even...but I think an 18 month ban (as seems likely) is a bit harsh.

Seems to be quite a bit of talk that this has been the final straw, not so much for Coolmore, but definately for AOB
Laughable even

yes Clive, one of your favourite expressions..along with dismal guff

you also said on TRF that my comment re the 18 races was laughable...you said something along the lines of ...do you really think thats all they have got, don't talk stupid?

if you want to pass judgement on others views with such derisory comments...best try and and make sure you have a history of knowing wtf you are on about...otherwise your throwaway comments look just that...so I'll just throw them away.

Yes..I was interested in what you had to say...I see you have had a couple of days off since Fallon walked...must have been a big blow for you...someone you hate so much...not getting your idea of their "just desserts"

did you have to have a lie down old lad? :nuts:

what is it like celebrating someone's downfall anyway...does it give you a buzz???
Article on the comment pages of The Times today by Stephen Pollard, a political commentator who own racehorses. I fear he may be very accurate in his view of those who run racing:


He fineishes with this observation:
<< Kieren Fallon is by a huge distance the most talented jockey of his generation. He is also the bad boy of the sport, earning regular suspensions for his aggressive riding. The news now of his positive test for cocaine is of a piece. Others from the wrong side of the tracks act humbly and deferentially towards the toffs who run racing. Fallon refuses to play that game. The perception has long existed that the authorities have thus been out to get him.

My interpretation of the farce that ended on Friday is that the racing authorities started from the presumption that the chavs involved in racing are bent and that, because Kieren Fallon was their bête noire, ergo Fallon was bent and had to go. And so they cobbled together smears and circumstantial evidence to bring him down. >>
a good article that is Headstrong

Fallon is so very similar to Alex Higgins re his ability to upset the upper echelons of their respective sports.

I also think both of them drag similar opposing camps of supporters and non supporters.

Some people will only like a sportsman if they are seen to conform...others will enjoy what the sportsman shows at his sport and push the personal stuff away.

It really depends on what people want from their "heroes".

I tend to try and appreciate the sportsman and divorce the personal stuff...but even with myself I've found that hard with Fallon and Higgins in certain circumstances.

George Best would be another polarizer of opinions..he is one of my "heroes"..I saw him play when I was between the age of 11 & 16...so you can imagine the impact watching such a genius like him had on me.

His appearance on the Terry Wogan Show though was the pits and it did really upset me to see someone I admired..for his skills...be reduced to such a sad spectacle.

I really like Henry Cecil...so all the stuff that happened there didn't enamour me to Fallon...but...that is the sort of stuff that happens in life...could happen to anyone...it wasn't a disgusting visual spectacle like the Best/Wogan business.

I just don't seem to get the hatred thing with sports stars based on what they do in their private life...some people really do dislike people intensely.

The problem lies then with people that really dislike...and are in a position to actually do something about punishing said person...this has clearly happened with this case against KF.

He is clearly a man with a self destruct button...or just a completely carefree attitude to life...not sure which tbh
There are rumours abound that an announcement will be made within the next couple of weeks from Coolmore and Fallon...but there would wouldn't there be?
I think it's over Galileo ..no matter what happens with the possibe/likely ban

I think Fallon has had more than his share of loyalty from O'Brien....it's a shame..because they were a classic combination.
On two of Fallon's horses that drifted to 3 times their true price and were subsequently "slowly away" I dropped 10K. I can't recall being ripped off by Best, Hiiggins, McEnroe, Nastase or any other "flawed genuises".
you might have been "ripped off" by O'Sullivan though if you had backed him when he just packed in playing and walked off that time.

Are you really convinced that Fallon threw those races Tom?...I'm not disputing he may have...but sometimes we can get into pocket talking country regarding racing.
Originally posted by Honest Tom@Dec 10 2007, 07:20 PM
On two of Fallon's horses that drifted to 3 times their true price and were subsequently "slowly away" I dropped 10K. I can't recall being ripped off by Best, Hiiggins, McEnroe, Nastase or any other "flawed genuises".
What do you mean by 'true' price?
Originally posted by Galileo@Dec 10 2007, 06:54 PM
There are rumours abound that an announcement will be made within the next couple of weeks from Coolmore and Fallon...but there would wouldn't there be?
There's a piece on the RP website right now [news section] in which AOB pledges that Coolmore will stand by Fallon, saying that they knew he had an addiction problem when he arrived there, and will continue to help him work through it; but there will be a high level meeting soon to discuss future riding plans, presumably to have all contingencies covered
Totally unrelated, but should newspaper editors continue to employ journalists who are habitual drunks?
Originally posted by Venusian@Dec 10 2007, 09:20 PM
Totally unrelated, but should newspaper editors continue to employ journalists who are habitual drunks?
They rarely do these days LOl
But in the old Fleet Street era of blessed memory, there was no other kind :D
Cheers, Gareth

The rest of the article may bluster, but now this is definitely worth pointing out..

"He was riding Myboycharlie in the Prix Morny that afternoon and connoisseurs of extreme irony who are not familiar with drug vocabulary should note that as 'smack' is the word for heroin, so 'charlie' is the universal term for cocaine."
Originally posted by EC1@Dec 10 2007, 08:29 PM
Are you really convinced that Fallon threw those races Tom?...I'm not disputing he may have...but sometimes we can get into pocket talking country regarding racing.
[edit [Melendez]]. There was no way the confidence behind them losing was based on what was in the public domain. You may recall the race at Brighton where Fallon took over from the 7lb claimer having his first mount who "got lost" on the way to the course. Someone told me at 11.00 a.m. Fallon would be on that horse. The same guy told me something about one of the two horses I'm talking about. I won't repeat it here but it fits in with my perceptions.

You have to remember that these things took place at a time when the jockey club were still in charge and the clowns thought they could do anything, regardless of how obvious they made it, and get clean away with it. Of those who were stupid enough to get caught, the horses they were charged with "passing information" on were generally only a small subset of the horses that they "passed information" on. Most of them took several years to charge with action that took place 2 or 3 years previously while their more recent activity was conveniently ignored. Culpable was barefacedly topping up his holiday fund right up to receiving his ban.
Originally posted by Honest Tom@Dec 11 2007, 10:23 AM
Culpable was barefacedly topping up his holiday fund right up to receiving his ban.
:laughing: :laughing:

I'm not too sure about Fallon (the evidence was there but was also ruined by some dross) but every racegoer in North Yorkshire seems to have a very similar opinion of Fergal Lynch. When he rode for us, he was very polite and friendly but he had 2 ways of riding and David Barker agreed, he was either "brilliant" or "utter shite."

Some of the evidence against him (boarding flights to Spain with Rogers, breaking various BHA rules) surely needs looking at more closely despite it being thrown out by the judge.

Like ht Said, Winston, Culhane and co. were warned off with far less evidence.
About the different Fallons affairs

Why is not possible to know the results of the analysis of some blood taken in August earlier than in december?
why they dont provide at the same time the analysis and the second one at the same time?

about the betfair affair
particularly I think he is so stupid that it is quite likely they were guilty, but how can a country as serious as England is can start a proccess like this if they are not sure he is going to be found guilty in the courts.
Why is not possible to know the results of the analysis of some blood taken in August earlier than in december?
why they dont provide at the same time the analysis and the second one at the same time?

Damn good questions - in athletics, doesn't the b sample result usually follow within days?
I think I read somewhere that the reason it wasn't announced until after the court case was to avoid the possibility of influencing the jury.

Having said that his previous failure in France took a while to come through as well.