
I love time travel films/books, although the older I get the more problems I have understanding what's going on. I probably need to watch 12 Monkeys again, although it's unusually coherent for a Terry Gilliam film [eg I have no desire to ever watch Tideland ever again; gave me the creeps].
Saw the Red Lion at the national last week. Patrick Marbers play about semi pro football. Again, another gem. Very very accurate and gripping. A small cast of three but holds attention from beginning to end.

I am am certain it will be seen around the country and probably go to the west end
Saw Seven Brides for Seven Bros at Regents Park Open Air Theatre on Thurs (touch and go all day re the weather but it didnt rain at all during the show!)

One of my all time fav musicals and if you can get to see it live at Regents Park its worth it.

Just packed all my dvds up for sale - better to get 30p each for them then throw them out or keep collecting dust! Only ones I cant sell are A Horse Called Nijinksy, Lochsong review and a couple of "best races" collections (free to good homes if you are intersted?!) Oh and some other sets that I dont have sleeves for so no bar codes!
Friends went to it and really enjoyed. Musicals not my thing but they said it was exclelent

ive booked Richard 11 for October. That will be nine visits to theatre this year in all. Becoming an addiction but nothing has seriously disappointed yet (Kafka was just ok ) and some outstanding moments

although im far from money concious I haven't paid more than 30 for any ticket and mostly around 20. People assume theatre has to be west end prices. It doesn't at all. Also there must be more venues in London than ever before
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I am still bewitched by the Great Beauty. An extraordinary hypnotic film. The astonishing party sequence is now on you tube. I think this is one of the most stunning pieces i have seen in any film. not seen anything quite so brilliant in recent memory. There are no subtitles so you may not get the sardonic wit but that can come later.

sometimes you reflect and realise their brilliance or otherwise in time. This is a great great film

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Shades of Fellini. Must watch it again. Still nothing much on at the cinema that I want to see. But did watch Dark Horse on dvd the other day and though it was brilliant; interesting to see what my daughter and SIL think of it when I pass it on to them. Did you watch the interview with Sir Roy Strong on BBC4 last night. Have to admit that I'd never heard of him #gapinmyeducation but I found him a narcissistic snob.
Song of the Sea was incredibly beautiful but a bit boring. Still want to see it again but this time sat at home with a cup of tea. Having watched the Big Hero film with the grandkids the other week, I think Song of the Sea should have won the Oscar for best animation.
Shades of Fellini. Must watch it again. Still nothing much on at the cinema that I want to see. But did watch Dark Horse on dvd the other day and though it was brilliant; interesting to see what my daughter and SIL think of it when I pass it on to them. Did you watch the interview with Sir Roy Strong on BBC4 last night. Have to admit that I'd never heard of him #gapinmyeducation but I found him a narcissistic snob.

I didnt see him but caught sight of him before and instant dislike. We certainly have our fill of snobbish oxbridge liberal elitist tossers in the arts. A S Byatt is another case in point. Cant stand her

The film is definitely worth seeing again. One of those rare films that requires another viewing. Admittedly some scenes drag slightly. the nun being a case in point, but I genuinely believe no film has left such an impression in recent years. The opening party scene linked above is quite brilliant

Talking of arts commentators almost bumped into Melvyn Bragg in west end last week. Hes taller than you expect
He's chancellor of Leeds University and gave a speech when my son graduated. None of us had a clue what he was talking about. Did you see the recent programme about him? Now that was so different to the Strong bloke; a man who has remained loyal to his roots and still has friends going back to childhood. His book 'Speak for England' had a lasting impression on me although his semi autobiographical books don't seem to be top rate [although I must admit to not having read them]. His biography of Richard Burton was impressive.
....but I have to admit to a fondness for Brian Sewell [probably because he is often photographed with a whippet that looks like mine] which is very two faced and shallow of me....
....but I have to admit to a fondness for Brian Sewell [probably because he is often photographed with a whippet that looks like mine] which is very two faced and shallow of me....

I have to say i absolutely despise the idiot. His views on art are so entrenched in the past that cannot be taken at all seriously. A view that nothing post 1880 is worth looking at and that women cannot create art at all is plain stupid. hes also spiteful too.

Sad to say that hes probably near death now but his art critique was simply ridiculous.
Just goes to prove how important it is to be photographed with cute dogs/cats/kittens #cangetawaywithmurderify'do
45 years is very good. Its understated in a very british way. Rampling's performance is about as pitch perfect and convincing as you will see this year. Courtney too although his character just irritated me a little too much.
Been staying oop north and watching dvd's most nights so have caught up with a few films. Rewatched 12 Monkeys so I could understand it better; still think it's a great film. Gravity; oh dear, what a waste of two hours of my life..still, at least I've got it out of the way. The Imitation Game, I loved, as did everyone else watching it. The Book of Life was great fun. But the best one was Interstellar. Wow. Didn't understand it and, having read a write up since I got back it's no wonder I couldn't [even more complicated than I'd thought] but that didn't seem to matter...I still loved every minute of it and wish I'd seen it at the cinema now. The Wolf of Wall Street was dire but I nodded off through part of it so at least it didn't waste too much of my time.
The more I think back on wolf of Wall Street the more I believe it to be an actual rank bad film

saw playboy of the western world at Southwark playhouse couple of weeks back. Another fantastic small theatre. London has so many. Great play. Riveting . I'm getting addicted to smaller scale theatre . It's great value and being close to fine performances is hard to beat

cant make up mind about legend. Rather too familiar with their tiresome story and film has been knocked. There is however a great pop up exhibition on Bethnal green road
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Oh, also watched Pacific Rim; in fact watched the film, then 'the making of' and watched it again. Loved it.
12 Rounds 3 : Lockdown 2015
awful, don't waste your time watching it!

Spooks - The Greater Good to watch later today when I finish Real Humans

ooop north moe? I'm ooop north, whereabouts you staying?
Is Real Humans the original version of 'Humans'? We were staying in Bamburgh and the weather was awful for the first week. Coming back in October and like to take in the Borders National when the weather is kind [Kelso is one of our favourite tracks]. Also may do a Northern Racing Club trip to Hexham on 10th but that, again depends on the weather. The whippet doesn't like standing around in the cold for too long! [that's my excuse anyway]....
Been to Bamburgh a few times, Seahouses loads and Holy Island a couple of times too, I'm not that far North, but you can tell its getting colder now, its beautiful up there though isn't is, more so if its nice :)

Yes it is the original, Äkta människor, if you can watch stuff with subtitles, then I would highly recommend it, the first few episodes are very close to the UK version but after that it seemed to deviate a little, very very good though.
Looking forward to seeing The Martian. Hopefully it will be like Interstellar but won't make my brain hurt as much#whatbrain
I saw The Martain last week, enjoyed it, although quite slow in parts and I thought Matt Damon was very good.
I saw Sicario last night, one of the best films of the year without doubt. Emily Blunt is excellent and it's well worth a watch.
The trailer for Black Mass (Jonny Depp) looks interesting.