Forum horse connections

Congratulations once again with Play The Ace today, Roddy. Four in a row, six this year, winning is an excellent habit no matter how narrow the margin.
Bunk Off Early has entries at Fairyhouse and Thurles at the weekend.
The roll of honour for the Fairyhouse race reads
2016 Yorkhill
2015 Killultagh Vic
2014 Un De Sceaux

Kemboy also entered in the Thurles race.
Excellent performance from Play The Ace Roddy. Good luck Archie with Bunk Off Early, which is something I wish I could do today.

Cornborough gives our syndicate its first runner at Cheltenham 1.20 today. I don't believe he is strongly fancied but you never know? Hopefully he'll get some prize money and come back safe and sound. Can't be there as have booked all holidays left for Christmas but the race will be interesting as our trainer will be in competition with his brother, who has a runner, for bragging rights.
Nice run from Cornborough today to finish 4th and trainers brother won the race. Tomorrow 12.00 Doncaster - Cape Hideaway another of our syndicate horses runs. He didn't handle the heavy ground last time out so hopefully we will see a better performance if the ground stays good.
Hopefully run Play the Ace at Haydock Saturday looking for 5 on the trot. Then Beggars Wishes at Kempton Boxing day, Both should run well. Nadolig Llawen
Good luck Paul. I hope you guys can spare a shout for Bunk Off Early in the beginners chase. If he has no reaction to the colic operation, he should go well.
Those who were there will know best but I'm told that BOE looked quite big before the race. He certainly had a good blow afterwards and, considering how some of Willie's have fared, we're happy enough going forward.
Kemboy goes up against Sutton Place tomorrow. Obviously a big ask but place claims if he runs his race.
Lets try again then with the redoubtable Play the Ace at Chepstow on the 6th and later in the day Equus Flight in the bumper. Happy new Year all
Very happy with both Kemboy and Bunk Off. Just waiting for the beast that is Cadmium to appear then we can look at the Arkle/JLT/RSA trebles. :cool:
One of our syndicate horses - Cornborough runs today 1.40 Kelso - his mark is about right but he is vulnerable to those less exposed. Hopefully he will come back safely and with some prize money.