Forum horse connections

McCoy also says he has no time for Jack Doyle in his book. Anybody have any interactions with this lad in the past? AP seems fairly adament that he's nobodys cup of tea in the weigh room.

Thought that a bit strange myself. The Chapter of his relationship with his now wife was difficult to read. How did she put up with him??? Overall with a couple of chapters to go it has been a decent read as these things go. I buckled over laughing when he spoke about the Brave Inca relationship. I'd say JP had a few quid on the day he won his Champion Hurdle!!
Thought that a bit strange myself. The Chapter of his relationship with his now wife was difficult to read. How did she put up with him??? Overall with a couple of chapters to go it has been a decent read as these things go. I buckled over laughing when he spoke about the Brave Inca relationship. I'd say JP had a few quid on the day he won his Champion Hurdle!!

His father in law must be one patient man because I would have linched him if he had carried on that way with a blood relative of mine! The pursuit of winners literally had him driven mad at that stage of his career. Is there anyone to compare to the Pipe/McCoy axis for consistent winners since they both went their separate ways? You could set your clock by them by and large and distance bets were an absolute gimme. Just back the biggest winning distance and you were home and hosed! I miss those days:(
I buckled over laughing when he spoke about the Brave Inca relationship. I'd say JP had a few quid on the day he won his Champion Hurdle!!

I didn't think we had a "relationship" with him. The only times I ever talked to McCoy was in the parade ring before and after a race and I bump into him in 21 Club most Festival Fridays. As I have said countless times before, no-one knows what goes on in the background. Why decisions are made. Barry just didn't do PR like Ruby does. But that's because he was never in that position before. I can safely say that Brave Inca would not have been the horse he became if McCoy had been on him sooner. But he may not have achieved what he achieved without McCoy and Ruby on board. My personal feelings for all three jockeys is irrelevant when looking at how they rode him.

As for JP and the Champion Hurdle, I believe there were lots of zeros involved.
Vincitore runs in the 3m amateur handicap chase at Ludlow tomorrow. Back down to a workable mark of 124 and with the rider claiming 7lb, he must have a great chance. The fast track would be my only concern.
Native Beauty, leased for the season by our racing club, is entered for a Novice Hurdle at Towcester on Sunday. 61 entries and a SF of 16, so possibility of the race dividing. If she doesn't get in, she also has an entry at Leicester on Tuesday.
In Bloom, which a few of us have leased for six months, is entered in a rather hot looking novice hurdle at Naas on Saturday - all 14 horses entered have already won over hurdles.
In Bloom, which a few of us have leased for six months, is entered in a rather hot looking novice hurdle at Naas on Saturday - all 14 horses entered have already won over hurdles.

Great to hear she's back Grey. Thought from a previous post that things were looking a little bleak. Her form was working out extremely well until Chill came out at the weekend and looked like he had been zoomed in from Mars!!
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression, it was expected she'd be back from her little setback around now. I was disappointed she had an injury, though, because sometimes the form of these juvenile hurdlers peters out very quickly and you might need to make the most of it while you can.

Chill appears to be very ground dependent, and connections said when he won at Leopardstown that he was much happier there than he been on the soft to heavy at Navan. All the same, the form seems to have stood up well enough. Third horse home Bat Masterson was runner-up in each of his next two runs and the 4th horse, Szabo's Destiny, won a little handicap last week, off a mark of 101. That would presumably put In Bloom on about 114+.

P.S. She is also entered in the Listed Mares Novice Hurdle at Fairyhouse on Sunday
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Vincitore runs in the 3m amateur handicap chase at Ludlow tomorrow. Back down to a workable mark of 124 and with the rider claiming 7lb, he must have a great chance. The fast track would be my only concern.

Haven't seen the race yet but only btn a nk - I feel for ya - another promising run though.
Haven't seen the race yet but only btn a nk - I feel for ya - another promising run though.

Thanks, it's always galling to be beaten so narrowly, but we're proud of the horse and the way he battled so tenaciously. As I suspected, Ludlow proved to be an insufficient stamina test.
Now it's Cross of Honour's turn tomorrow in the first at Market Rasen. Up against a well-regarded Henderson hotpot, but should give a good account of himself. Roddy's Book'em Danno surely has a stiff task under a double penalty.
Best of luck, to both of you. Should we go for a reverse forecast?

Meanwhile In Bloom is being kept for a juvenile hurdle at Gowran on Thursday rather than running this weekend.
CROSS OF HONOUR (love his Mum's name!) builds steadily on his debut and comes a fine second at Market Rasen against a fair-sized field. Very pleased for you and your co-owners, Michael O.

After his expectations, I think Roddy will be disappointed after BED's down-the-list finish today, but as I see he thumped one before weakening, I wonder if he felt it a bit? Hopefully, he's finished sound and will spring back to his usual good self next time out.
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Thanks Krizon. Very frustrating as there's no doubt that he would have won if he hadn't given away so much ground by swerving out to his left over the last two flights. He's never shown that tendency at home so may have been feeling something. We're having his back checked out this morning. Definitely left-handed next time!
Just watched the replay a couple more times, MO. Mm, he doesn't help his cause by battering the second last and then hanging out noticeably left. Overall, though, he's smart at changing leads on the turns and I'm not sure a r/h track disadvantaged his very good speed and fluid hurdling style since he kept to the rails well bar the final run up the straight. Well-made horse, too, now I've had a bit more time to look him over - he covers the ground well and he's not afraid at all to attack his obstacles. Whoever schooled him did a fine job. Hope he checks out all right - hopefully he just juddered himself a bit at the second last where a late clatter can cost impetus and, having come off the rail, then lost lengths. But he's a very nice horse.
Unlucky Michael o with C.O.H. Just seen the race.

I see Sail Home fairly romped home in the penultimate race at Kempton - I'm sure one of our members is part of the syndicate - well done.
In Bloom runs in the first at Gowran, a non-graded winners juvenile hurdle. The form of the race she won at Navan has worked out ok, she seemed to enjoy the jumping side of it, and the ground should be fine for her. It is a higher class of race, though, there are two experienced tough nuts in it in the shape of Burrenbridge Lodge and One Cool Shabra, and the other two are unknown quantities either or both of which could turn out to be exceptional. It will be pleasing if she can hold her pitch in this company.