Forum horse connections

Just watched Mike and Quattro's smooooth performances on the ATR replays. Different jockeys, different riding styles, two cracking results. Note to Mike's lass: I'm not that fond of braided tails, but he's got such a lovely roundy bum, you've shown it off a treat. Just the sort of rear which invites blowing raspberries!

Steady on Kri, beginning to think you`d like an introduction.
Listen, after some of the men I've dated, I wouldn't mind sharing a few Polos with him! I don't like fallen-away or skinny backsides - his is a lovely shape.

Meanwhile - blink and you miss 'em - another of Flame's horses' swift returns to the track: MAJOR ERADICATOR trots up third in the Seller at Ripon a few mins ago.
Kikos is gonna be entered up for Aintree a week friday... Hopefully it will be a better outcome than last time. Not sure I could handle many more of those!
Copper Dock has his second run of the year tomorrow in a 28 runner handicap up the straight 6f of the Curragh. Should improve a good deal from an inadequate 5f last Saturday - well drawn - we are caliming 10lbs - hopeful of a reasonable run. He is immeasurably better on the AW though.
Copper Dock has his second run of the year tomorrow in a 28 runner handicap up the straight 6f of the Curragh. Should improve a good deal from an inadequate 5f last Saturday - well drawn - we are caliming 10lbs - hopeful of a reasonable run. He is immeasurably better on the AW though.

A very nice 3rd at 16/1 Barry - the place has boosted my bank - cheers - I've yet to see the race though - congrats.
Well, BILL's botty-braid was beautiful, but I'm afraid there wasn't much bounce to him tonight. He looked listless and was niggled by Denis for a fair bit of the race, until he conceded that tonight was not the night. Hope Bill's okay, but he looked just flat, rather than disinterested.

However, a different story with the gutsy NO PANIC (unbraided - is that the clue?) putting in neat jumps and, although headed in the run-in, forcing his way back to triumph under Denis. Brilliant, Roddy - lovely result.
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Well done Roddy :)

Novabridge runs in the 4.20 ( i think it was) at Yarmouth tomorrow - hes had a mention on here before as was bred by songsheet - so he deserves another now :)
Fishing was excellent, No Panic was also ,and best of all was Denis. Call Me Bill was not well and will be off for a while.
We bought Book Em`Danno while we were there . What do you know of this one guys.
Congrats again Rod - four winners from the last 5!!!!!!

Was a bit surprised to see NP returned fav as outsider of 4 in morning paper - guess a few bets were landed?

See he's scheduled to be back out at Aintree on Friday...
Not surprised to hear CALL ME BILL was unwell - he ran as if so, so wish him all the best to return to his bouncing ways.

NOVABRIDGE - Troods, dunno what you thought, but he ran much more confidently last time when he lost his hood (Kieren riding that time). Andy put it back on today and he looked like either he couldn't quite find his feet on Yarmouth's lumps 'n' bumps, or he really doesn't like not being able to see fully - he just didn't want to let down and storm ahead. Hey-ho, it's all good fun, innit?
Im not completely convinced he gets 6f Kri, hes run over it 3 (?) times now (though I also thought Chepstow wouldnt be his favourite place at all - he strikes me as a clever bugger and undulations are a bit too much like hard work for him!!) - hes worn blinkers since about halfway through his 2 year old year, so they must think that he needs them rather than not. I was suprised to see them on him back then - but I can also well imagine that without from the start he will take the mick completely !!!

Ive said for a few weeks now that I wouldnt be suprised if they are up to something with him - hes run well in his last two runs which were against much older and better horses, and hes never really disgraced himself ( IMO ) but I think also that they are in a bit of trouble with him becuase against his own age and in his class, hes always top (or near the top) weight. Bit of a "what do we do with him now" kind of thing?? (I still want to put him over hurdles!!!!!)

I know nothing about flat racing though so Im probably completely wrong on all of it !!!

(p.s. - jsut seen Ed Walker interviewed - (as per the Hugo Palmer thread elsewhere) - hes rather nice ;) )
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Hurdles? If he can't get 6f, how will he get 16? :blink: Or did you mean you think he needs much longer than 6?

:lol: oh its just what I want to do with him - remember, I think everything should be jumping regardless of what it actually manages to do!!! I still remember the old theory that 5 and 6f horses made good 2 mile hurdlers (you can tell how long ago I was in newmarket!!!) I just think he would be ok - its not like he doesnt settle to go that bit slower,and hurdles would make things fun I reckon !! *

*that or completely put him off and make him tell them to feck right off !!! :lol: