Forum horse connections

Well done Eddie, Art and Apache Gold - I'm delighted for you all.

Unfortunately I can't say the same for our horse Oliver's Gold. I personally didn't see the race but I'm informed the jockey had a nightmare of a ride and was banned by the stewards for 7 days for insufficient effort.

Other syndicate members are not being so kind but it was only his second ride as far as I am aware, and he had the pressure of riding an odds on fav and the expectation of winning. I give him the benefit of doubt as the race wasn't run to suit being 19 seconds below standard, raced wide, didn't use whip, dropped his hands and lost 2nd. A lot for one so inexperienced to handle and hope he learns from this and moves on. I expect the ban was for the latter reason.
Bay of Freedom is in the last at Roscommon on Monday night. It's not a great race but, after the debacle at Galway,it's difficult to be confident; I just hope he jumps well and enjoys it all and we'll take it from there. Some things have come to light and we are keeping our fingers crossed; more detail in the blog for anyone who is interested:
The best of luck, Paul, as usual the blog is a great read. I hope your horse can give his best tonight.
The best of luck, Paul, as usual the blog is a great read. I hope your horse can give his best tonight.

Thanks Art. Davy Russell said he was the first one beaten. He's booked in for an endoscopy tomorrow (routine scope was negative) and if that is negative off to Coolmore to get an opinion from their vet. Davy said he felt like a slow horse but that he knows he isn't a slow horse - just couldn't get out of 2nd gear and was really wobbly towards the end and being led in. Having a few drinks back at the hotel but will post a blog later or, perhaps more sensibly, in the morning

It is now morning so here it is:
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You've certainly had both the highs and the lows of ownership with this horse.

At least his jumping was reasonable last night and hopefully whatever's bothering him can be sorted without too much bother.
The most popular 58 rated horse both on this forum and on ATR (at least with Kevin O Ryan ) Apache Gold runs at Killarney tomorrow.
8.5 furlongs is step up for him but Donncha o Brien rides so we are hoping for the best again.
Having won twice on Champions Day (at Cork) he is no stranger to the big occasion (especially when the big occasion is somewhere else) so Gleneagles v Golden Horn will not faze him one iota ! John Joe Walsh in the form of his life so that is no harm either.
pdleech you might consider our old friend aspergillus infection.
Wish you all the very best in sorting Bay Of Freedom out .

Luckily enough he's not showing any of those symptoms Eddie. The endoscopy today revealed a large ulcer (a 3+ on a 0-4 scale accordingly to the vet). The vet couldn't believe his coat was so good and he had been eating so well - it certainly explains a lot. We had him on Gastrogard before Cheltenham; this and the fact he had been out to grass since October would have helped him run so well there. We took him off Gastrogard after Cheltenham and he probably was affected in Punchestown, Down Royal and Galway as well as last night. The sternum and rib issue would not have helped in Galway either. To be honest I am so proud of him for being brave enough to even finish 4th last night under the circumstances. We will get him right and I look forward to his next race whenever that might be; his handicap mark could be appealing :)
The most popular 58 rated horse both on this forum and on ATR (at least with Kevin O Ryan ) Apache Gold runs at Killarney tomorrow.
8.5 furlongs is step up for him but Donncha o Brien rides so we are hoping for the best again.
Having won twice on Champions Day (at Cork) he is no stranger to the big occasion (especially when the big occasion is somewhere else) so Gleneagles v Golden Horn will not faze him one iota ! John Joe Walsh in the form of his life so that is no harm either.

Good luck Eddie. Everything's falling into place (as long as Golden Horn and Time Test are the new big two)
Good luck Apache Gold !!!

Pdleach, that's annoying, but hopefully a longer course of omeprazole will sort him out. You can get feed supplements that help them after the drugs finish as well - I'm sure you lot have it completely under control but it might be worth looking into - I'm 99% sure the "real" ones are FEI and JC legal. Onwards and upwards :)
Good luck Apache Gold !!!

Pdleach, that's annoying, but hopefully a longer course of omeprazole will sort him out. You can get feed supplements that help them after the drugs finish as well - I'm sure you lot have it completely under control but it might be worth looking into - I'm 99% sure the "real" ones are FEI and JC legal. Onwards and upwards :)

Another option worth considering is to continue with a low-dose administration of Omeprazole as a prophylactic while the horse is in training. That's how we're (hopefully) managing the condition with one of ours who had severe Level 4 ulcers. Treatment has to stop 3-4 days before a race, as Opremazole is a banned substance. This situation is frustrating and illogical as the drug does not enhance performance, being in the same category as wormers (which are allowed). The NTF are lobbying the BHA, but to no avail so far.
They have some funny ideas sometimes, but I suppose a blanket ban is better than the confusion that could reign with different ones being ok.

It's hard when it's a high stress environment for the horses. Permanent omeprazole is expensive - though if it works you'd hope most owners would consider it an acceptable extra expense.
way to go Roddy!
Apache ran his usual brave race on ground too quick.
Had the Gods not mistaken Killarney for York and vice versa we may have been in business !
I left home after the Juddmonte and collected Baldeagle on my way to races.
Aidan o Brien left York at much the same time and arrived in Killarney about 20 minutes after me; I must be a slow driver !
Met AP and Richard Hughes who are hosting a fund raising lunch Friday for Robbie Mac.
Alas neither wanted to come out of retirement to ride Apache !
Adding roasted flax seeds to diet can heal ulcers in six weeks I am reliably informed pdleech.
Apache Gold is in great nick at present and ran a decent race, yet again. He's a real pleasure to have anything to do with.
Well done Roddy. Just caught up with last nights racing and Buachaill Alainn travelled with more enthusiasm than he has in recent starts and he ran on well again. Well ridden by Sean too.

Hopefully he can go on from there