Dormant account
To add not that any of the other victims should have suffered that fate either.
So unfair. A thoroughly decent man under no reward or in the name of any religion , did what he did, purely to help his fellow human beings. I feared he was always doomed though as IS would have come up with any pathetic reason to carry out his murder. They do not act in the name of anything decent, moral, humane or worthy of any empathy from their fellow mankind.
His poor family, the images of his last moments everywhere for the world to see must be absolutely horrifying for them.
If there is a God, may he/she bless him and all like him, but I wonder why he/she allows such evil in the world in the first place?
Isnt it also remarkable that so many of those who got so excited about the jews...sorry israel.. on the basis of "human rights" are suddenly no where to be seen when we isis is discussed?
as if
So unfair. A thoroughly decent man under no reward or in the name of any religion , did what he did, purely to help his fellow human beings. I feared he was always doomed though as IS would have come up with any pathetic reason to carry out his murder. They do not act in the name of anything decent, moral, humane or worthy of any empathy from their fellow mankind.
His poor family, the images of his last moments everywhere for the world to see must be absolutely horrifying for them.
If there is a God, may he/she bless him and all like him, but I wonder why he/she allows such evil in the world in the first place?
Well I'm one of those, and presumably your post is an attempt to get a response. Unfortunately I'm in the middle of a fairly significant move back to the UK so I'm lacking time at he moment. In fact I'll likely be absent until the end of the month.
However my reponse is very similar to others, and we need feet on the ground as well as in the air. Every conceivable effort must be made to wipe them out before they reach Baghdad, and once their 'army' is halted the intelligence services can focus on chopping the head off. It all seems to be happening a little too slowly for my liking.
'in 2003 we needed Obama in the White House, now we need Bush' is a quote I heard/read somewhere recently, which has more than a grain of truth to it
Had the West not been once-bitten and made terminally shy by the ill-conceived 2003 invasion I think Iraq would have been swarming with our ground forces months ago
I'm a pacifist and appeaser by nature but there comes a time...if we have to go in, go in hard, very hard and get it over with
Thousands of innocent civilians will of course be killed if we go in...rapidly, over weeks...plus the ISIS rabble
Thousands of innocent civilians will of course be killed if we don't go in...gradually, over months and years...minus the ISIS rabble
Isnt it also remarkable that so many of those who got so excited about the jews...sorry israel.. on the basis of "human rights" are suddenly no where to be seen when we isis is discussed?
as if
Just the one sentence, yet I cannot understand it.You call me a liar and then go on to prove what I said to be perfectly true.
Just the one sentence, yet I cannot understand it.
I have never seen Clive say anything derogatory against ordinary Muslims. And as for accdusing him of "drumming up hatred against ordinary Muslims", that is simply outrageous, Grey. If you said that on a public forum about me I would be very annoyed indeed.
Regarding Islam, Clive does make the reasonable observation that some aspects of its teachings require examination and rebuttal. With that I wholeheartedly agree.
okEc I am far from anti muslim. I despair of some aspects of islam
Isnt it also remarkable that so many of those who got so excited about the jews...sorry israel.. on the basis of "human rights" are suddenly no where to be seen when we isis is discussed?
as if
Hamm's post about Switzerland read to me dripping in sarcasm as it was meant imo
Your arguments with Hamm and Grey always end up same..Grey could post it were daylight and you would post it wasn't
you are nitpickin pair of them and then whole thread consists of spats being constantly referred to over and over again
just calm down a bit..we only chatting here..its not world war 3 or owt is it?