Jockey News

I came across this in a feature in the Guardian on sports photos of the year. It shows the moment when Sir Des Champs refused at the Chair but Nina Carberry did not.

I hope her pregnancy is going well and that we'll see her back in action in due course, in bumpers at least.



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Has he made a miraculous recovery or is it just lazy journalism?

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Update on Ryan Hatch

Yesterday he was moved 56 miles by road ambulance to a special Spinal Treatment Centre in Salisbury.

Although doctors have said he will have to spend longer lying down than first thought, they are optimistic he will eventually get back on his feet.
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Funny Kevin made no mention of Danny Mullins' retainer with Barry Connell.
Oisin Murphy still rode out his claim inside 18 months.
Three jockeys whose claim was maintained for the maximum possible period were Sam James, Andrew Lynch and another Barry Connell retained rider Adrian Heskin.
Sam James rode one of his first wins for his master Kevin Prendergast in a big Galway handicap yet finished his first season with only two more wins and still had a claim when transferring across to Richard Fahey. Andrew Lynch 's claim was kept for riding Victram by Ado McGuinness and Heskin was under house arrest with Ml Hourigan for A New Story and his Whitbread winner.
Famously Clem Magnier's star apprentice Jimmy Coogan was clear in Irish Apprentice Championship in early 70s but as a disciplinary measure Clem banned him from riding the last two months of the season !
Pat Eddery's claim was so valuable that his master Frenchie Nicholson forbade him from riding in any apprentice race after he rode his first winner , using it instead to win Wokingham, Northumberland Plate and Vaux Gold Tankard his first season riding !
with jockeys agents and the like nowadays such care would be impossible.
Good points edgt.

Quixotic stuff from Blake.

Benching riders who ride more than 40 winners before they reach 18? By that rationale Jack Kennedy would be sitting on the sidelines now instead of riding grade 1 winners for Gordon Elliott. So instead of making a name for himself he would be slipping out of the subconscious of trainers not on account of injury or any lack of ability, but by some crazy ruling.

If Fergie had adopted such a policy with Rooney, we wouldn't now be talking about him breaking Sir Bobby's record.

Being a jockey, no different to any other sportsman, is a highly attritional process where only a small percentage of talented claimers will be both good and fortunate enough to make a living at the game once their claim is no more.
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Amazed to see Dickie Johnson doing an 800 mile round trip to Ayr for one ride in the bumper worth under £2k to the winner. Just shows what these guys are prepared to do in the search for winners
Guy Disney, who was granted a licence to ride in 2014 after having part of his leg blown off in Helmand Province, had his first success under Rules today in the Royal Artillery Hunt Cup at Sandown. Amazing achievement.