Jockey News

Ruby Walsh just broke his leg there after a fall from Lets Dance at Punchestown. His 3rd fall of the day!! Terrible luck with Faugheen back out tomorrow.

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Depending on the severity of the break that could be a season ender. Possibly a career ender at his age?

Big few weeks for Townsend.
They reckon he’ll be out until February. Townend switches to Faugheen.

Davy Russell will surely be a shoe in for Irish champion jockey.

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I can see why James Bowen is so highly touted . A very impressive ride on Thomas Campbell on Saturday - no panic when Paddy rushed up his inside on Anteros . Interesting the changes at Nicholls yard . Nick Schofield has evidently gone ( jumped or pushed ? ) and Cobden has leapfrogged Sean Bowen into No2 .
Willie Twiston Davies will not be returning to race riding, eventually planning to take over from Nige. In the meantime going to dabble in the bloodstock industry.
Willie Twiston Davies will not be returning to race riding, eventually planning to take over from Nige. In the meantime going to dabble in the bloodstock industry.

Thought it was interesting he said his Dad wanted him to continue riding.
Thought it was interesting he said his Dad wanted him to continue riding.

Nowhere near as good as his elder brother - wise I should have thought to pack up . Then again I have never forgiven him for his rush of blood to the head on Baby Run in the Foxhunters !
STD rates his brother as a much better jockey than him : some might say that wouldnt be difficult. NTD probably not encouraging the training as he has nearly given up as many farewell tours as Sinatra.
Mikey Fogarty has announced he's given up riding. His last ride was at the Punchestown festival but he held off making a firm decision until sure it was the right one.

When Roddy's Quattrocento was entered in an amateur chase at the Cheltenham November meeting in 2010 he asked for suggestions on here about who to get to ride him, which is how Mikey got the ride. Glasses were raised all round when he won on him at the tasty price of 18/1. He also won on our Razor (Raise The Beat) in a winners' bumper at Naas after giving a very lucid preview of the race in the parade ring beforehand.

He was a stylish and talented rider but by his own admission he probably didn't want it enough to be a pro even though he was definitely good enough. Best of luck to him whatever he ends up doing long term.
Donncha O'Brien

I reckon his people might try get him a championship this year before he gains weight. Can't find any odds on this - can anybody help on both counts - my thinking and the source of a price?
James Bowen and Harry Cobden continue to shine . Bowen outstanding not just on Raz de Maree but also some of Christian Williams recently and horses really do seem to jump for Cobden - Politologue was much better in the Tingle Creek than before or since .
Yorkhill aside, Ruby will have a challenge on his hands being in peak form for the festival. Like any sport at the top level, there's being fit and then there's Match fit!
Yorkhill aside, Ruby will have a challenge on his hands being in peak form for the festival. Like any sport at the top level, there's being fit and then there's Match fit!

He's come back close to the festival before. He'll need a few race rides alright.

I can see him riding for another 4 to 5 years but with a very reduced schedule come the 3rd year or so
If he's not careful he will end up in a situation where he won't even be able to work ride after he retires, which would be invaluable either to, say, Mullins if he chooses to work with him, or as a trainer in his own rite. I've never been a fully paid up member of the Ruby Walsh fan club but, at this moment in time I feel desperately sorry for him. At least Richard Dunwoody, who also had to give up race riding when he still wanted to carry on for many years, left the sport fit enough to take on other challenges. As for yesterdays accident, I was surprised when it was said he'd broken the leg again, when he walked to the ambulance; the ambulance staff are surely far too experienced to have allowed him to do that.
His consultant will be advising differently I fear.
While we may not have seen the last of Ruby the jockey he is one fall away from retirement as his leg has taken enough punishment.

Surely we should see what his consultant has to say rather than speculate.