Jockey News

The DRF was far worse than anything she did to Dunne. Dont think it makes her a good jockey or not.

One unfortunate consequence of this affair is Gavin Sheehan. I think one of the reasons he went to the front on Saint Calvados in the King George was to cut Bryony off on the turn in (payback for what she had done the previous year, something that David Dunne referred to in his Facebook defence of Robbie Dunne). It did lead to Sheehan losing his job unfortunately.
I think she’s probably one of the best balanced riders out there and as Outsider says Nicholls wouldn’t keep putting her up if she was a bad jockey. So what, anyway, that’s got nothing to do with how she is being treated. She must be living in a very lonely place at the moment.
Has she become a poorer jockey since the Dunne affair, or was she always rubbish? Asking for a friend.

My opinion of her as a jockey hasn't changed from before or after the terrible things that happened to her.

The terrible things that happened to her don't make her beyond criticism though do they?
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At any one time, I think there are only ever about a half-dozen jockeys* (absolute maximum) who are clearly better than the remainder.........and only about another half-dozen that are so palpably fu*cking terrible, that they should go and seek another living.

I'd have Bryony in that exceedingly large middle tier; where jockeys are on many more moderate horses than they are decent ones, and get limited opportunities to make themselves look good. Jockeys are 95% journeymen (or women), imo.
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I have no idea about the going ons at Ditchet but there's no way on this planet could PN not get a better jockey than Bryony to ride for him.

However she's not the worst and being avaialble makes life easier for a trainer and that has probably why he keeps her around.
At any one time, I think there are only ever about a half-dozen jockeys* (absolute maximum) who are clearly better than the remainder.........and only about another half-dozen that are so palpably fu*cking terrible, that they should go and seek another living.

I'd have Bryony in that exceedingly large middle tier; where jockeys are on many more moderate horses than they are decent ones, and get limited opportunities to make themselves look good. Jockeys are 95% journeymen (or women), imo.

Ooh! I smell a lively discussion of naming the two half-dozens :D
Ooh! I smell a lively discussion of naming the two half-dozens :D

My tuppenceworth.

Clear of Remainder
Davy Russell
Rachel Blackmore

Nick Schofield
Tom Scudamore

For the purposes of this exercise, I have left out jockeys I merely think are over-rated (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), jockeys I can never win with (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), and conditionals who still have a chance to improve.
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My opinion of her as a jockey hasn't changed from before or after the terrible things that happened to her.

The terrible things that happened to her don't make her beyond criticism though do they?
Dunnes barrister:
"The valets took a view, and I would submit, that they knew at Southwell that the upset and anger would pass. It is quite wrong to exclude the context of the weighing-room culture."
These guys must see similar, day in,day out, in the heat of post-race discussion, and are better placed than most to judge such situations. It would seem that Bryony, the original panel and the media have all over-reacted to,essentially, what was a storm in a teacup.
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Yes, reet, and they would be amongst the first to protect the “weighing room culture” as many of the others have done. If such culture condones such treatment - which extended far beyond the heat of the moment stuff - to one of their own then they should be mighty ashamed of themselves.
My tuppenceworth.

Clear of Remainder
Davy Russell
Rachel Blackmore

Agree with that

Nick Schofield
Tom Scudamore

Agree with Schofield but not Scudamore, i'll always maintain he is a 10 times better jockey than his dad was

For the purposes of this exercise, I have left out jockeys I merely think are over-rated (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), jockeys I can never win with (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), and conditionals who still have a chance to improve.

Agree with Hughes, the most weak as **** jockey in a finish ever to become Champion


Tom Cannon
Ben Jones
Kevin Brogan are the best 3 jocks stationed this side of the Irish Sea, Brogan is going to the very top NQAT
Dunnes barrister:
These guys must see similar, day in,day out, in the heat of post-race discussion, and are better placed than most to judge such situations. It would seem that Bryony, the original panel and the media have all over-reacted to,essentially, what was a storm in a teacup.

Nope. It means there's something wrong with the culture in the weighing-room, if the all see it that way.
I think she’s probably one of the best balanced riders out there and as Outsider says Nicholls wouldn’t keep putting her up if she was a bad jockey. So what, anyway, that’s got nothing to do with how she is being treated. She must be living in a very lonely place at the moment.

Largely my opinion too.

I never worry if I see her booked for something I've backed. (I couldn't say that about Dunne.)

I tend not to take too much notice of jockey bookings, to be honest, other than maybe those that are clearly just there to ride to instructions in making sure a horse won't be winning. Some such bookings are usually enough to put me off.

I do tend to double-check jockey records for the trainer and/or owner as they tend to tell me whether a hose is likely to be trying, which is my biggest worry when it comes to punting.

As long as my horse is trying I can take defeat. If it loses because of pilot error, I have to figure out whether the error was avoidable or forgivable. That kind of thinking tends to inform my opinion of jockeys.
I am ROTFLMAO at you Brain Hughes knockers.You are absolutely clueless and wouldn't know a good jockey if he jumped up and bit you on the ass.

Hughes has had an over 20% strike rate this season and could/should become one of the very few jockeys ever, to have ridden over 200 winners in a season.

Overrated my ******* arse
My tuppenceworth.

Clear of Remainder
Davy Russell
Rachel Blackmore

Nick Schofield
Tom Scudamore

For the purposes of this exercise, I have left out jockeys I merely think are over-rated (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), jockeys I can never win with (Brian Hughes and Aidan Coleman top of that list for me), and conditionals who still have a chance to improve.

Can’t fault your two outstanding choices overall. Must say I found it a lot more difficult than I expected to come up with any others that are head and shoulders above the rest - lots of them seem to have their moment in the sun at one time or another.

I draw a distinction between rider (horsemanship) and jockey (tactical nous) and I suppose the best combination of the two results in a low number of horses losing that should have won and a high number of horses winning that shouldn’t have done. I’ll have to give it more thought.

In the meantime, from the “rider” side I would exclude, from a purely aesthetic perspective, any of them who have resorted to bumping up and down on their horses :)
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I am ROTFLMAO at you Brain Hughes knockers.You are absolutely clueless and wouldn't know a good jockey if he jumped up and bit you on the ass.

Hughes has had an over 20% strike rate this season and could/should become one of the very few jockeys ever, to have ridden over 200 winners in a season.

Overrated my ******* arse

As someone posted above, on Gold Cup day Hughes was battling it out with Bryony in the Hillbilly chase at Fakenham
Some neck, Grass, for one who considers such talk as de rigeur for this forum? :lol:

That's some false equivalence, reet hard.

For one, this is an online forum - not a place of work. And for two, I haven't ever threatened anyone, or acted like a mysoginist, dinosaur, bas*tard, in all my time here.

So, with that said, I haven't a clue what the fu*ck you're prattling on about. :thumbsup:
As someone posted above, on Gold Cup day Hughes was battling it out with Bryony in the Hillbilly chase at Fakenham

So what???.he rides he does not train them

The great northern based champion jockey Tommy Stack who never had one ride in the Gold Cup and only ever had one ride in the Champion hurdle on the Schweppes winner True Lad during his entire career
but on the rare occasions he got his chance like on Ken Olivers Tom Morgan he gave a brilliant ride to...

What would you suggest? Nicky Henderson tell Nico sorry I'm putting Brian Hughes up or Willie Mullins use him instead of Danny or Patrick.

You need to go back to the 80's to the era what the North had some very good horses and people like Ron Barry Jonjo Phil Tuck Mark Dwyer Ridley Lamb etc kept the rides.

The fact Brian Hughes had no mounts at the Festival has got bog all to do with the guys ability.
Go back to sleep, Tanlic.

Really Grassy..typical reply when you know you're making a complete ass of yourself......Brian Hughes has got one of the best pair of hands in the business, is a brilliant judge of pace and is almost always in the right position at the right time.
That is why he is champion you go have a nap and stop posting shyte
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Really Grassy..typical reply when you know you're making a complete ass of yourself......Brian Hughes has got one of the best pair of hands in the business, is a brilliant judge of pace and is almost always in the right position at the right time.
That is why he is champion you go have a nap and stop posting shyte

I dont know if Hughes is a good, mediocre or great jockey. Never looked a negative to me, but it is easy to argue that not riding against the best jockeys at the most valuable meetings inflates the number of winners he rides. Guess its the logic behind the champion trainer being based on prizemoney.