Kauto Star

Just read the report on RUK.

Looks like an almighty hissy-fit by Nicholls and the staff. He's always been a bit precious, but I didn't think he'd descend to a tantrum like this, when it comes to Kauto Star.

Shocking scenes
Totally the owner's choice of what do with his horse. I'm sure the team at Ditcheat are very sad to see him go and that's perfectly understandable but I think anyone who works at a racing yard knows that a horse could be taken away at any time. I really hope he gets on well in his new discipline and if dressage doesn't suit him I'm sure they'll find something that will. He may well be too lively for it but it's unlikely he'll be pumped full of oats as he will have been whilst racing and that quite often affects their temperament. I think he's athletic enough to do well if he takes to dressage and he'd be a great advert for the versatility of the thoroughbred for life after racing.
PFN needs to tell his daughter to come off twitter. Bottom line is its not their horse. They are all paid to look after horses. If they want to own them splash the cash.
I would assume that,if anyone knows what's best for the horse it's Clifford Baker. If he isn't happy about the decision then I'd be most concerned. Dressage does actually put quite a strain on horses legs. Seems wrong to me for a horse that loves to gallop and jump to do something so disciplined. Either way, I hope the old boy is happy in his new life. Does it mean he won't parade at Cheltenham, though, as I was very much hoping to see him there [I've never seen him in the flesh].
I'd humbly suggest that none of us knows the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Quite apart from things being said in the heat of the moment, tit-for-tat statements and emotions running high, the media will relish this and you can guarantee that anything that is said will be edited to suit.

Formulate an opinion if you know the full, and true, story. If you don't, keep an open mind.
I would assume that,if anyone knows what's best for the horse it's Clifford Baker. If he isn't happy about the decision then I'd be most concerned. Dressage does actually put quite a strain on horses legs. Seems wrong to me for a horse that loves to gallop and jump to do something so disciplined. Either way, I hope the old boy is happy in his new life. Does it mean he won't parade at Cheltenham, though, as I was very much hoping to see him there [I've never seen him in the flesh].

Nicholls and Baker didn't seem too bothered about Neptune Collonges going off to do dressage (won on his debut earlier this year, incidentally). Nicholls was all over Twitter / Facebook with photos of Nipper in the ring, going on about how great it was that he was enjoying his new career. Seems like his issue is more with Smith than it is the idea of Kauto doing dressage per se.
What suits one horse doesn't necessarily suit another - Neptune is an entirely different character to Kauto. The yard has been quite involved with Neptune since his retirement and the Hales family are horse people.

Smith's comments, incidentally, are quite clever, if you don't look too hard. Paul Nicholls hasn't said he didn't know anything about it - he has said precisely the opposite. I rather think the "disappointment" goes both ways.
those that have already decided he won't take to it that should shut their cake hole

It's being so polite that makes you such an endearing character ..:blink:

My point was merely that Kauto is not Neptune and that the circumstances are somewhat different.
Just read the report on RUK.

Looks like an almighty hissy-fit by Nicholls and the staff. He's always been a bit precious, but I didn't think he'd descend to a tantrum like this, when it comes to Kauto Star.

Shocking scenes


He's made a tit of himself and lost the owner who provided him with his two highest rated horses, for no reason.
Wonder where Clive Smith will have horses now. Not sure if he still has a share in Indian Daudiae at Nicholls' but he sent the shite like Free World to Arthur Moore. He had horses at Pipe's before Nicholls', I remember Royal Auclair being there.
Smith has bought bugger all in the last few years. Not sure Nicholls will be all that bothered; People like Geffen or Hales will be delighted to buy the next Kauto.

Nicholls does himself no favours though as he gets so emotive. Smiths comments are those of a politician.
I don't think god may deliver the "next kauto" anytime soon, Aragorn!:).

I think its refreshing when people show emotion, something sorely lacking in the world we now live.
This is a natural falling out, Nicholls and staff know the consequences of upsetting Smith, but they've let their emotion go wild. They'll take the consequences on the chin. Clive Smith will bite the bullet, (if he is at all greatful for the training Kauto recieved), and the Nicholls team will no doubt be called bitter and twisted for many years, where they can be slated for showing some emotion by superficial folk on racing forums and in the media.
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It'd be nice if the next multiple Gold Cup and 'people's horse' could be owned by someone normal. Both Clive Smith and Jim Lewis struck me as rather odd. Talking of Jim Lewis, he no longer has anything in training with Nicholls, or anyone, from what I can see.
I couldn't give a rats a$$ who said what or told who whatever. I think this is fantastic news that Kauto isn't going to spend his time standing in a box or leading young horses up the gallops unable to race. A lot of horses know where they are going and love a day at the races with all the attention they receive etc.

I'm pretty sure Kauto will love every bit of this and it will be like a new lease of life to him.

Many years ago Capt Ryan Price retired his long time stable star What A Myth from racing but rather than shove him in a box and let him out for a couple of hours a day he decided to send him hunting. It gave him a new lease of life and he was so full of himself they decided to run him in Hunter Chases....it was like he was never away and as history shows he actually won the Cheltenham Gold Cup after he came back.

PN can say what he wants but I have seen a champion retired. I used to go every couple of weeks to Polly Teirney's (now Perkins ) yard in Slingsby, She was as loving and kind a lady you could ever hope to meet who loved her horse but it was hard to believe this old horse standing in the field next to her stables or in his box staring into space looking bored sh!tless was Sea Pigeon. On a couple of occasions Jonjo turned up when I was there and the old horse would prick his ears and start nodding the old head like he was all excited to see his old pal and believe me when I tell you they know who is who the same way a dog does.

So I say good on you Clive Smith and anyone who says different tell em to take a hike
It's being so polite that makes you such an endearing character ..:blink:

My point was merely that Kauto is not Neptune and that the circumstances are somewhat different.

Apologies, wasn't speaking about you specifically, more the general overreaction through the social media.
Smith comes across as a bit pompous to me but be honest,as much as PFN is supposedly the punters friend this is only as he loves the limelight and the self importance.If smith wants him pulling a milk cart round the streets five days a week then it's up to him,he owns the horse he paid the fees.yes he reaped the rewards to but isn't that the risk of ownership?

Personally I would like to remember him as a champion and not a dressage horse.I'd have liked to seen him hunting or something.

Seems to me there are hidden agendas going on between the two camps.As the previous posts alluded to might it it be the stable tour revenue or might it be Geffen got kauto stone.who knows.
I wonder how much they are going to lose from public tours to see the peoples horse..... :whistle:

All proceeds went to charity, like the Air Ambulance, which was the trainer’s preferred charity after it landed on their gallops one day to help a rider who had been unseated and sustained a serious injury.