Novice Chasers 2010/11

Redhead: on behalf of besotted wimminfolk, I've sent a big X for Rupert's nose via some owners who came to Plumpton today from the Webber stable. They are all very excited in the yard and agree that Rupey's much stronger than last season. I said he looked like a mini-DENMAN and they said yes, not as long and rangy, but a sort of compact version. Said it's certainly now given Paul Webber a lot to think about, now he knows he's got a serious horse in the yard.
Some nice pots off slow paced mudbaths this side of the water. Will be the odd exception of course but Meade's chasers don't blow me away in the big chases

Why do you think that us then - my theory is he has his purple patch around this time of the year has his horses at concert pitch when others are just gearing up WP Mullins etc.. Mopping up a lot of easy prize money and by championship time they have mostly done their winning! Any thoughts?
“Mikael rode out on Monday morning and seems fine, so we’re very pleased. He went very well and Paul (Townend) was thrilled with the way he jumped, so I was very happy. He’s entered in the Drinmore and that is an option at this stage.”
Not sure I understand what you're saying Grassy? That once they leave novice company Meade is no good?!!!

Either way I am a massive fan of this horse and really fancy him for the Henessy. The race is tailor made for him.
Sorry, Aragorn - it's a thread about novice chasers, that's all. :cool:

Oh yeah! I was on to chaser's in general... I really do hope Meade gets it right cos I think Pandorama is a proper staying chaser.

Gal, I thought Quel Esprit's jumping was superb today for novice. Look forward to him stepping up in trip.
I hope so, Gal - I've got the horse in an NH 10 To Follow comp! Thought I'd go for the unobvious with a few of them this year, and the moment I'd bunged the list in, he did the biz.

“I’d say it is more than likely we will run at the weekend. He did a lot of schooling last season before we pulled the plug and he has done a good bit this season too. He also ran in a chase in France (May 2008) so it’s not like he is a normal first season novice,” he said.
“It’s not something I would normally do, running a horse first time in a Grade One, but I’m happy, with all the schooling he has done, to do it with this horse. Provided he works well during the week we’ll go for the Drinmore,” Mullins added.
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Bar One's Prices:

The Bar One Racing Drinmore Novice Steeplechase
Back of the Pack 14/1
Bostons Angel 12/1
Erritt Lake 20/1
Head of the Posse 7/1
Jessies Dream 4/1
Kakagh 12/1
Lucky William 12/1
Mikael D’Haguenet 4/5
Noble Prince 5/1
Realt Dubh 11/2
Bar One's Prices:

The Bar One Racing Drinmore Novice Steeplechase
Back of the Pack 14/1
Bostons Angel 12/1
Erritt Lake 20/1
Head of the Posse 7/1
Jessies Dream 4/1
Kakagh 12/1
Lucky William 12/1
Mikael D’Haguenet 4/5
Noble Prince 5/1
Realt Dubh 11/2

Please tell me they are all running! Noble Prince would be smashed into at 5/1 if a likely runner. The price suggests he is not.
Cannot see Mikael going off odds on for a Grade 1 on his debut...I would wait and see what the others price him up as.
Agreed. The ultra impressive Noble Prince or Realth Dubh (I presume only one of these will ruin?) will probably be at most 5/2 or 114 on Sunday morning.
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