Novice chasers 2014/15

King's Palace could easily turn out to be a steal for those of us who took the 6/1 for RSA

actually 7.03 I got for a massive 15.64p :mad: the rest at a fair bit lower..such is life.

I would fancy Don Poli but rumour has it some big bets were struck yesterday for the 4 miler.

Could be just a mad punter with too much money but he's been cut everywhere and King Palace has def tightened up.

If King Palace wins impressively at Newbury and Don Poli doesn't show King's Palace could go off about evens like Grand Crus did for the Pipes.

Interesting sonario

I wasn't too surprised when Whisper was beaten the other day. The owner said all he had to do is jump to win but rose coloured glasses and all that.

Nicky Henderson wouldn't have him fully need to rush him.

He'll have some mickey mouse race lined up for him to give him a bit of confidence then all being well he'll turn up fighting fit.

Apart from him I can't see anything else that's likely to stop Kings Palace's price falling through the floor.
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Comparatively rare for front runners to win at the festival though. Hope Kings Palace turns out one of those rarities
DH, the reasonable expectation is that the yard won't run both, hence you can back either (or both) NRNB.
Well he won, but certainly not with authority. Unless they sort his jumping out he has no chance in the Arkle.
Holywell was not impressive around Donny this time last year either yet won all around him after.
as Barry said he probably frightened himself but he jumped each fence straight with no hanging or cork screwing that I saw.
He is all power so I would be confident he will be sorted on time.(Famous last words!)
The first thing the commentator said when he jumped the very first fence was:
"Not a great jump from Josses Hill, who rather corkscrewed in the air"
According to the RP it''s 11 from 67 which is well below his average which 8 short of his 5 year average.

Can't see that it means much as they have spent fortunes on a crop of new blood and BG did say it's the best bunch of young horses he's seen in a long time.

As the BBC used to say every other day when their camera's went on the blink "We will resume normal service as soon as possible"

As for Josse's Hill if he doesn't run again between now and the Arkle he wouldn't carry my money no matter what BG said

He may have won but it was hardly an inspiring performance from a horse you would have thought far superior to his opponents.

Barry may have been confident he was always going to win but I'd like to have seen him get closer to the leader earlier and see how he jumped at speed.

Maybe a bit early to expect more but time will tell