Novice Hurdlers 2014/15

It is quite obvious what Ruby rides in the supreme and Neptune unless injuries.
he rides Douvan in the Supreme and nichols in the Neptune.
One thing which has gone unnoticed this season is how poor a crop of novice hurdlers Nicholls has. Four entries in the Supreme, three in the Neptune and none in the Albert Bartlett and all available at 33/1 or greater.
While I know it was a rank bad race, yesterday's maiden winner Lockstockandbarell couldn't have won more easily. He could be a real nice prospect for Punchestown.
Douvan will be the banker of the meeting for a lot of Irishmen and Brits for that matter to get them off to a good start

However you only need back at your own record over the last 10 to 15 years to quickly realize picking the winner isn't easy

I myself can only recall having 2 winners in the last 30 years in Cinders and Ashes and Vautour and a few ew placed.

Dunguib Binocular and Cue Card all failing to score I'd say all 3 could be considered as good if not better than Douvan.

There are so many progressive horses in the race and it only takes one to be a touch better.

When I look at the prices of some of the outsider who look like they wouldn't be out of place in the race

I reckon your better off dutching or even backing 2 or 3 horses for small stakes or simply not having a bet,the rest of the day.

Quewy for example is 18 on the machine and around 6/1 for a place and he looked like a top class horse in the making the other day.

Nicky Richards horse Glingerburn is a super looking horse with a definite touch of class.
He took care of The Fred Winter winner Hawk High the other day and could improve enough to give them all a race at Cheltenham
He was backable at 100 95 and 90 now 70 after he won the Morebattle and there's no better test of an uphill finish than Kelso if you are heading to the Festival
He hasn't made up his mind yet whether he goes or not but I will be amazed if he doesn't go.

Jollyallen is surely worth an EW bet he was beaten the other day but that was a weird race. I doubt if the winner would beat him again. He looks a real tough cookie and wont be far away IMO

On Tour may still go for this.he wasn't given the best of ride at newbury but was the only horse who came out of the pack from the back.........Cheltenham will suit him better and there's definitely more to come from him.

No doubt most of you have your own ideas but mines is not to risk one cent on Douvan. He looks a great prospect but so did Dunguib and he got his ass kicked.

Great traveller but I've seen Ruby going better than the horses so many times I simply don't think he's as good as he looks and he's a shocking price in my book
Douvan will be the banker of the meeting for a lot of Irishmen and Brits for that matter to get them off to a good start

However you only need back at your own record over the last 10 to 15 years to quickly realize picking the winner isn't easy

I myself can only recall having 2 winners in the last 30 years in Cinders and Ashes and Vautour and a few ew placed.

Dunguib Binocular and Cue Card all failing to score I'd say all 3 could be considered as good if not better than Douvan.

There are so many progressive horses in the race and it only takes one to be a touch better.

When I look at the prices of some of the outsider who look like they wouldn't be out of place in the race

I reckon your better off dutching or even backing 2 or 3 horses for small stakes or simply not having a bet,the rest of the day.

Quewy for example is 18 on the machine and around 6/1 for a place and he looked like a top class horse in the making the other day.

Nicky Richards horse Glingerburn is a super looking horse with a definite touch of class.
He took care of The Fred Winter winner Hawk High the other day and could improve enough to give them all a race at Cheltenham
He was backable at 100 95 and 90 now 70 after he won the Morebattle and there's no better test of an uphill finish than Kelso if you are heading to the Festival
He hasn't made up his mind yet whether he goes or not but I will be amazed if he doesn't go.

Jollyallen is surely worth an EW bet he was beaten the other day but that was a weird race. I doubt if the winner would beat him again. He looks a real tough cookie and wont be far away IMO

On Tour may still go for this.he wasn't given the best of ride at newbury but was the only horse who came out of the pack from the back.........Cheltenham will suit him better and there's definitely more to come from him.

No doubt most of you have your own ideas but mines is not to risk one cent on Douvan. He looks a great prospect but so did Dunguib and he got his ass kicked.

Great traveller but I've seen Ruby going better than the horses so many times I simply don't think Douvan's as good as he's looked and he's a shocking price in my book
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Does anyone know what's happened to Free Expression? Last seen a disappointing third on 3rd January, but no word since. T'internet has no word, either. I had him in an ante-post accumulator, to win me approx £450,000 for minimal stakes; he's not the only horse to let me down in the accumulator, btw.

Thanks for any answers.
Tbh, Grey, I'm not blaming him entirely for my damned misfortune: Sign of a Victory probably won't even run in the CH and Djakadam looks likely to run in the GC, instead of the Ryanair. The risk you take betting in December, I suppose, but that £450k would have come in quite handy.
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My usual tactic with the novice races is to look for the best horse either side of the water. In the Supreme there are a couple of bits of form to link the two and none of it reads well for the Brits. Douvan looks to be head and shoulders above the rest in Ireland and I really can't see an alternative. Maybe Shaneshill if the murmurings were positive in the lead up.
Took 40/1 ew NRNB Kalkir for the Supreme. The NRNB concession is important (I could have got over 200/1 on Betfair but would lose if it sticks to the Triumph). Chances are it won't run but if it does it won't be more than 10/1. If it doesn't run, I haven't lost anything.
Really like the look of jollyallan for the supreme. He really battled up that Sandown hill the other day which will stand him in good stead.
Douvan is just too short in a supreme.
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Barry Geraghty was asked if he thought either of his stable companions would beat Peace and Co'

"How many stones do I have to give them ?" :)
Really like the look of jollyallan for the supreme. He really battled up that Sandown hill the other day which will stand him in good stead.
Douvan is just too short in a supreme.

I backed him ew at 20/1 thanks to someone on here saying he look like a Supreme Horse.

I still think he is but I doubt if he'd out tough L'ami Serge let alone beat Douvan who so far is all hype but looks the part.

While WMP Ruby and everyone in Ireland think Douvan is a moral certainty NJH and BG are adamant he'll need to be better than hype to beat their horse.

I'm between a Rock and a hard place so I'm depending on making a profit from backing ew.

The horse I really like is Qewy who showed an amazing turn of foot when hacking up last time. The second did no harm when he came out and won the length of a football pitch the other day.

John Ferguson has been aiming his horses more towards Cheltenham this year(So they say) and this is the only horse I can find that might beat the big 2

He's got the toe......absolutely, but it's all down to how he travels mid race. Any sign of pressure could see his best weapon eliminated.
I backed him ew at 20/1 thanks to someone on here saying he look like a Supreme Horse.

I still think he is but I doubt if he'd out tough L'ami Serge let alone beat Douvan who so far is all hype but looks the part.

While WMP Ruby and everyone in Ireland think Douvan is a moral certainty NJH and BG are adamant he'll need to be better than hype to beat their horse.

I'm between a Rock and a hard place so I'm depending on making a profit from backing ew.

The horse I really like is Qewy who showed an amazing turn of foot when hacking up last time. The second did no harm when he came out and won the length of a football pitch the other day.

John Ferguson has been aiming his horses more towards Cheltenham this year(So they say) and this is the only horse I can find that might beat the big 2

He's got the toe......absolutely, but it's all down to how he travels mid race. Any sign of pressure could see his best weapon eliminated.

I backed Qewy in this..but I'm slightly worried he'll want it softer.
It was said at the Newcastle preview tonight that any horse Mullins takes in, they work against Douvan, Alvisio Ville & Faugheen to see if they're any good. Read in to that what you will but I'll be against Douvan in 7 days.
I backed Qewy in this..but I'm slightly worried he'll want it softer.

He wouldn't want it on the fast side of good that's for sure the last time he ran on that type of ground he never went a yard according to Declan McDonogh.

If it's on the soft side of good/yielding he'll be fine.........If he gets soft ground he can go **** himself as SS doesn't want it soft:lol: