
“I’m now asking for your help again. If you would like to join my campaign to be the leader of the Conservative & Unionist party, please click here.”

Howlett tweeted that he received a random phone call from Johnson’s team. “Where did he get my data from given #GDPR and that I have never opted in or consented to my data being used - a complaint to the information commissioner @ICOnews is in order,” he wrote.

Howlett, who was an MP for two years until the 2017 general election, wrote he would not be voting for Johnson after awkward exchanges in Westminster with the former London mayor:

“Last time I spoke to Boris he asked me who I worked for in a @HouseofCommons lift – I replied I worked on two of his campaigns and had just become an MP. 2 weeks later he asked me same question.”

An ICO spokesperson said: “We are aware of these concerns and will be assessing the information provided.”

A campaign source said: “The BackBoris campaign is compliant with GDPR and the Data Protection Act.
Day 12

Boris Johnson is facing a backlash today after he declared war on 'sin taxes' - complaining that they 'clobber' the poorest families.

The Tory leadership frontrunner pledged to review the government's flagship sugar tax on fizzy drinks if he reaches No10, and insisted it will not be extended to milkshakes.

He also vowed to freeze new taxes on foods which are high in salt, fat or sugar – and argued those who want to lose weight should just exercise more.

The policy would amount to a major reversal of government efforts to combat obesity.


The announcement - which came as charities warned obesity is now a bigger cause of many cancers than smoking - sparked an immediate backlash from health campaigners who accused Mr Johnson of 'turning back the clock'.

The Royal Society for Public Health argued you 'cannot outrun a bad diet' and said it was wrong to put the onus on individuals to change their habits.

Others pointed out that Mr Johnson had himself introduced a sugar tax in City Hall when he was Mayor of London.

Boris Johnson has promised to review the government's flagship sugar tax on fizzy drinks if he reaches No10, and insisted it will not be extended to milkshakes +2
Boris Johnson has promised to review the government's flagship sugar tax on fizzy drinks if he reaches No10, and insisted it will not be extended to milkshakes


Boris Johnson says he would 'love' a BRIDGE between Britain...

Boris blasts 'IRA supporter' Corbyn saying the Labour leader...
In one of his most significant policy announcements to date, Mr Johnson questioned whether there is clear evidence that 'sin stealth taxes' work.

'The recent proposal for a tax on milkshakes seems to me to clobber those who can least afford it,' he said.

'If we want people to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles, we should encourage people to walk, cycle and generally do more exercise.'

A levy on soft drinks was introduced in April 2018 in an attempt to cut the amount of sugar they contain.

Boris imposed 'sugar tax' in CIty Hall as Mayor of London
Boris Johnson imposed a 'sugar tax' on drinks at City Hall when he was mayor of London.

The Tory leadership front runner put a 10p charge on all added-sugar drinks sold in the building in 2016.

The proceeds went to health campaigns.

Mr Johnson said at the time that tackling obesity was 'one of the biggest' health challenges for politicians.

'I hope this initiative will allow us to raise awareness of the problem and encourage people to think about their diets,' he said.

Aides said Mr Johnson's policy will not apply to other sin taxes such as those on cigarettes and alcohol.

Cancer Research UK chief executive Michelle Mitchell stressed the significance of the taxes and praised their success in lowering smoking rates and removing sugar from diets.

'Taxes on less healthy products do have a positive effect,' she said.

'They have been highly effective in bringing down smoking rates to record lows, including within deprived communities, and the Treasury's own analysis showed the tax on sugary drinks took 90 million kg of sugar out of the nation's diet on day one.

'Physical activity is one way to lose weight but the Government also has a big role to play if we are to significantly reduce obesity levels.'

The Obesity Health Alliance's Caroline Cerny said voluntary programmes for the food industry to cut sugar 'have not had the same success' as the tax.

'The levy is supported by the public and welcomed by a wide range of health experts and is vitally needed as part of a package of measures to help create a healthier environment for everyone,' she said.

Allies of Jeremy Hunt said the policy exposed divisions in Mr Johnson's camp.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock – a backer of Mr Johnson – recently signed off extending the sugar tax to milkshakes, and a ban on sales of energy drinks to children.

Mr Hunt's side said this showed Mr Johnson's 'own team are profoundly against' his policies.

The move was hailed by low-tax activists, however.

Daniel Pryor of the Adam Smith Institute said: 'It's about time someone stood up against the killjoys who want to ban Tony the Tiger and force you to pay more for your sugary drinks.'

But the Royal Society for Public Health argued you ‘cannot outrun a bad diet’ and said it was wrong to put the onus on individuals to change their habits (file photo) +2
But the Royal Society for Public Health argued you 'cannot outrun a bad diet' and said it was wrong to put the onus on individuals to change their habits (file photo)

What is the sugar tax and has it been working?
From April 2018, soft drinks companies have been required to pay a levy on drinks with added sugar.

If a drink contains between 5g and 8g of sugar per 100ml the tax is 18p per litre, whereas if a drink has more than 8g of sugar per 100ml, the tax is 24p.

Fruit juices and milk are not included in the tax.

The move aims to help tackle childhood obesity. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks are now the single biggest source of dietary sugar for children and teenagers.

Some drinks, including Fanta, Lucozade, Sprite, Dr Pepper and Vimto, had their recipes changed so they contained less than 5g of sugar and the price did not need to be put up.

However, others like Coca Cola and Pepsi refused to reduce the amount of sugar and, as a result, the price of them increased.

The Government has predicted the levy will raise £240million a year, which will be spent on sports clubs and breakfast clubs in schools.

The sugar tax raised £153.8million in the first six months after it was introduced, between April and October 2018

Johnson the lunatic in full flow now ffs,just when report comes out todat saig obesity causes more cancers than smoking and matt hancock was going to introduce a sugar tax on milk shakes,this an is insane...
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And supported by the rightwing think tank The Adam Smith institute what a surprise ,the deregualtion stuffs happening already before brexits even done,he will bring back smoking next what a looney tune this man is..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: We will have Brendan O'neill writing a piece soon how itts a good policy for the working class,i wouldn't put it past him¬!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
We will have Brendan O'neill writing a piece soon how itts a good policy for the working class,i wouldn't put it past him¬!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

He said as much on Sky's paper review last night, fleshed-out with the usual tired sprinklings of 'nanny state' 'hit the working class hardest' 'government shouldn't interfere with lifestyle choices' blah blah

Personally I'm looking forward to the return of the original high-tar nicotine-rich Capstan Full Strength and Players Navy Cut. Proper gaspers they were

Slim folk coughing their guts up in a smoky dive was a far nicer sight than fat folk queuing in takeaways :)
He said as much on Sky's paper review last night, fleshed-out with the usual tired sprinklings of 'nanny state' 'hit the working class hardest' 'government shouldn't interfere with lifestyle choices' blah blah

Personally I'm looking forward to the return of the original high-tar nicotine-rich Capstan Full Strength and Players Navy Cut. Proper gaspers they were

Slim folk coughing their guts up in a smoky dive was a far nicer sight than fat folk queuing in takeaways :)

Queuing for your takeaway whilst smoking in the same space with everyone else,Brendan and his allies would love it if they could get a few more quid out of it,i bet brendans going to get a big juicy bonus when brexit goes through...
Seriously can someone put this Brendan o'neill out of his misery,they truely are evil corrupt b'stards and what makes it even worse working class people read and agree with this shite and don't see the bigger picture,the kochs must be thinking its going to be easy money over here and the good old USA..
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They should ban Takeways, all the litter thats left in the street by the fat lazy bastards should be cleaned up by the shop owners, just shut them all, especially chicken shops.
Day 13

Boris Johnson trousered almost £43,000 for a speech in Switzerland which he used to back a No Deal Brexit .

The eye-watering figure was paid to the Tory leadership frontrunner for an address to the Swiss Economic Forum on May 24 - the same day Theresa May announced her resignation.


inRead invented by Teads

Experts say a no deal Brexit could cost thousands of jobs, and Chancellor Philip Hammond announced it could inflict a £90billion hit on the UK economy.

But at least millionaire Mr Johnson - who also earns £22,000 a month from a Daily Telegraph column - managed to turn a profit.

Legal disclosures show he earned £42,580 for just three hours' work, a rate of £14,193 per hour, plus free travel.

"We will leave the EU on October 31, deal or no deal," Mr Johnson told the conference.

He added: "The way to get a good deal is to prepare for a no deal situation.

"To get things done you need to be prepared to walk away."

Mr Johnson "prohibited image and sound recordings" of his comments at the conference, according to a Swiss news report, but one attendee posted a photo anyway

Days earlier, he was paid another £25,540 for another private speech - which he used to announce his own leadership bid.

He told the event in Manchester by the British Insurance Brokers Organisation: "Of course I'm going to go for it."

Days earlier, he was paid another £25,540 for another private speech - which he used to announce his own leadership bid (Image: AFP/Getty Images)
New figures show mega-rich Tory donors are flocking to back the overwhelming favourite for Prime Minister.

Mr Johnson has registered £235,000 in the last two weeks, taking the total amount he has received in the last year to £502,000.

The most recent donations include £50,000 from Peter Cruddas, one of the City of London's most prominent Brexiteers, and £50,000 from James Reuben, a financier.

By comparison, Hunt registered no additional donations in the last two weeks.

Just another day in toryland,another heartwarming story johnson making firtunes backing brexit
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RIP BBC The filth have been exposed thanks to anna brees,there could be a lot more to come yet as well..anyone remember the bombed syrian panorama lol its like watching B movie zombie film,i've excluded myself from their lies i can't watch anymore of it,totally corrupt tory propaganda.She's going to be relentless!!:ninja:.

Some very hammy acting the othernight on panorama,seems a diffferent person here don't you think ffs,what a fake..:eek: one minute she's saying she was verbally abused while leafletting the next shes working for israeli embassy talking about using hand to hand combat and can take anyone..Jesus what a stitch up this programme was an utter disgrace,you would have to a total mug to believe any of it..

Heart breaking stuff,nicely covered up for the torues by panorama..a hard watch..
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Yesterday i was looking on twitter at the clebration of durham miners TORY SKY AND TORY BBC were there,went onto twitter they edited a supposedly non interview showing Laura piddock refusung to answer questions on antisemitism,this is just unbelievable at the time i thought that was very poor as she just said ''thats not fair'' which i thought was lame..This got shared 300,000 times on twitter..
Now it has been exposed not only was the whole thing cut to make it look that way but she did a full interview on it destroying the journo and replying to all questions and the only bit they left in was thats not fair as she was saying she was supposed to be talking about the rally but she did a full interview,but all the obvious MPS Wes streeting etc were having a dig on twitter,the whole interview was filmed by someone from the labour party and is now on twitter,this is another disgraceful attempt to undermine anyone connected with the labour left..At the moment its only been retweeted 5,000 times,the rightwing propoganda goes on and on how are they getting away with this crap,even worse labour MPS backing it up now they have neen made to look ridicyulous with full interview coming out..This country is a disgrace,while the right get to wreckj the country and do what the **** they want and try despicable corrupt jourbnailism to destroy the labout party..How much longer before the public waje up and see whats going on???
Cambridgeshire police has been investigating five allegations relating to the June 6 by-election which was won by Labour’s Lisa Forbes.

A polling station at City College Peterborough at the recent by-election
A polling station at City College Peterborough at the recent by-election

Officers had previously declared that no offences were committed in relation to one allegation of bribery, two relating to postal votes and one relating to the burning of ballots.

Now, the same conclusion has been reached into the final allegation, a breach of the privacy of the vote.

RELATED: Police end fourth investigation into alleged electoral fraud at Peterborough by-election

Peterborough MP Lisa Forbes dismisses accusations vote rigger was part of election campaign

Ms Forbes won the by-election by 683 votes, narrowly pushing out the Brexit Party’s Mike Greene into second place.

However, the result has led to a flurry of allegations of electoral fraud, with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage describing Peterborough as a “rotten borough” over the postal vote fraud allegations.

Conservative deputy leader of Peterborough City Council, Cllr Wayne Fitzgerald, also alleged there was “harvesting” of postal votes.

The election saw 9,898 postal votes returned at a rate of 69.6 per cent, with 400 rejected.

Labour has consistently dismissed the allegations, describing them as “nonsense” and a “desperate attempt” to excuse a defeat.

Another smear dismissed the brexiteers as usual using racial filth you should read twitter the stuff they say i'm surprised its not against the law and and getting poilce involved unbelievable not the first time farage has done it either,get ready for more they will stop labour at all costs...the right can do what they like...truely is pathetic..they should bill him and banks for the pleasure..
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It never existed if you believe the filth sky and the bbc,luckily this chap was there to film it all and then you get labour MPS retweeting what the lying media were saying she didn't do an interview all because of their agenda,like wes streeting and others they seem to prefer tory lies to the truth nowadays absolute scum of the earth and against someone like lauras that completely different class..The bit that was shown was the last three 5 seconds all over twitter yesterday...:ninja: wes streeting still no apology lol..
Hopefully corbyn will be replaced by her,no tom watson or anymore blairites...
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Times journalist:

"Boris is expected to win a landslide victory with the support of about 60% of the Tory membership"

Also Times journalist:

"Corbyn in trouble as our tiny sample concludes he only has support of about 60% of the Labour membership":lol::lol::lol:

This was splashed over front page of the times,of course the BBC reported it ffs it's just unreal talk about desperate,what a numbskull you would have to be to read this ****..
We would be thankful to the USA for helping us avoid a Corbyn Government.

You must be a very strange person if you're only 30 and you think like this,you were talking of leaving the country what are you a multi millionaire done good ex labour voter,give me a break and you've been on here since you were pro trump/johnson you saw the light seen it heard it all before..
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My financial situation is neither here nor there, but I am fortunate that I have plenty of options in life, wherever I may find myself.

I was a proud Labour member and supporter for years, but Corbyn is a student protester and career politician who has literally no idea of the real world. He is filthy left wing scum, to use some of the vile vitriol of the left.

I have never once said I am pro-Trump/Johnson/Brexit/Fascism/whatever you come out with next. I guess that's always the way though, if I'm not a left wing idiot then I'm a right wing idiot, and vice versa. Genius.
My financial situation is neither here nor there, but I am fortunate that I have plenty of options in life, wherever I may find myself.

I was a proud Labour member and supporter for years, but Corbyn is a student protester and career politician who has literally no idea of the real world. He is filthy left wing scum, to use some of the vile vitriol of the left.

I have never once said I am pro-Trump/Johnson/Brexit/Fascism/whatever you come out with next. I guess that's always the way though, if I'm not a left wing idiot then I'm a right wing idiot, and vice versa. Genius.

Lol another lucky guess...:lol::lol:
My current bets on election,all smashed off the boards..

Tories most seats 11/8 currently 4/7
Tories majority 7/2 currently 2/1
Labour vote share 11/10 20-30% that price is stil there
Election this year 2/1 currently 8/13
How about this as well, leave on the 31st then election on a friday 1st of november and guess what students are at home,labour would be lucky to get 150 seats that would truely be manipulation..
Michael Buerk has claimed the obese should be allowed to die an early death in order to save the NHS money.

The 73-year-old broadcaster said people should be free to overindulge and, if they die, they should be seen as weak rather than medically ill.

‘The obese will die a decade earlier than the rest of us,’ he wrote in Radio Times. ‘See it as a selfless sacrifice in the fight against demographic imbalance, overpopulation and climate change.’

Obesity is not a ‘national emergency’ because it is just caused by eating too much insisted the BBC Radio 4 Moral Maze host.

He also queried Public Health England’s claim that overweight and obesity-related ill health costs the Health Service £6.1billion a year.

‘Who can calculate how much an obese person would have cost if they were slim?’ he asked.

‘How much would he or she cost if, instead of keeling over with a heart attack at 52, they live to a ripe, dementia-ridden old age, requiring decades of expensive care?

'In any case, VAT on takeaways, confectionery and fizzy drinks more than covers it.
He added that the ‘freedom to make bad choices is what personal autonomy, indeed democracy, is all about’ and asked ‘who is to say longevity is the ultimate goal in life?’

Mr Buerk added: ‘Many think that by declaring it a disease, it will reduce the stigma of fatness and encourage people to seek treatment.

‘They’re wrong, on almost every count. There’s been interesting research on how certain genes are associated with increased appetite and there are differences in individual metabolic rates but nothing like as much as people think.

‘You’re fat because you eat too much. Your genes might play a part, yes. But they don’t explain why obesity-related admissions to hospital have increased ten times in a decade.'

Another BBC Tory with a rightwing prejudiced view surprise surprise,a very nuanced way og looking at things,as said before you can say any old **** now with jihnson and trump around and it becomes the norm,racist,bigoted etc and pick on the poor sigh so predictable..enjoy your gravy train money michael..
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