
Into the dawn light, the great man strode, ready to do great things. Dominic Cummings, vanguard and as yet sole member of the gilet noir movement, emerging into his new life, where the TV news cameras wait outside his house every morning.

Cummings stomped up his own exterior steps as if they were the establishment he is about to crush. Well, some of the establishment, anyway. Not all the establishment. Not, say, his father-in-law, the baronet Sir Humphry Wakefield, nor any of the extended family, including, to take a randomised sample, the 1st Viscount De L’Isle, the 1st Baron Howick of Glendale or the 5th Earl Grey, from whom the family pile, Chillingham Castle, was acquired. The castle is also, we understand, fine for now.

It’s the rest of the establishment that needs to worry. Politicians, the civil service, the media, all the broken things that were doing such a terrible job of running the country before Cummings came along in 2016 and incinerated them with his big flamethrower of lies. They’re the ones who need to panic.

But first, there’s the small matter of the imminent constitutional crisis to get through. Stepping into his government car, Cummings answered two questions, put to him by Sky News, directly. On the first, relating to the subject of his own arrogance, Cummings informed: “I don’t think I’m arrogant. I don’t know very much.”

And with his next breath we would learn that, on the subject of his imminent row-cum-constitutional crisis with former attorney general Dominic Grieve QC, “Mr Grieve will see what he’s right about.”

If anything, it was lazy writing. “I’m not arrogant, course I’m not, but the former attorney general is about to get taught a harsh lesson in constitutional law, by me.” Not since Homer Simpson sat on a sofa trying to get to grips with the mystery of his own obesity while simultaneously eating donuts, can any TV viewing audience have had irony spoonfed to them with such generous ease.

It is important, at this stage, to remember that Dominic Cummings is a genius. Indeed, to get to the seventh paragraph of an article about Dominic Cummings and to not have already mentioned his unarguable genius may be a world record. This is the genius, don’t forget, who, three years ago, threatened to sue ITV for inviting Nigel Farage on to its Brexit debate show

The world is burning, and the government is being run by an arsonist
And who, more recently, told all the government’s special advisors that if they leaked anything to the newspapers, he would personally intervene to find out who they are and then sack them. So terrified were they of this news, delivered by the terrifying Dominic Cummings, that it was itself leaked within about 10 minutes. No one has yet been sacked.

Cummings is merely the latest in a long line of geniuses to run things for the Conservatives in 10 Downing Street. First there was Andy Coulson, whose genius took him to prison. Then there was Steve Hilton, whose genius took him to a life of Donald Trump fanboyism on Fox News. Then there was Craig Oliver, whose genius took him to losing the referendum campaign. Then there was Nick Timothy, whose genius took him to tirelessly writing self-exculpating columns for the crime of accidentally detonating the full holy trinity: his career, his prime minister and his country.

Dominic Cummings is a fantasist without an adequate Brexit plan
But the latest genius is of a different order. Part Lenin, Part Prospero, part basement-dwelling keyboard warrior, Cummings has big ideas for rebuilding everything, drawn, and this definitely shouldn’t worry you at all, primarily from reading lots and lots and lots of books about Otto von Bismarck.

Because human history is in absolutely no way littered with self-appointed geniuses, with their big ideas on how to solve the world’s ills, who are so very obviously right that it doesn’t matter what they have to break to get there. In the end, they always take you to the promised land, these people, so there’s definitely no reason to panic.

What is the Conservative Party for, after all, what is Conservatism, if it’s not to smash everything to bits and rebuild it in accordance with the 25,000 word blog posts of some wide-eyed zealot?

Still, at least some of the establishment will be spared. It will be up to them to sort out the mess once this latest genius is done, which might just be around about the end of October.
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Michael Buerk has claimed the obese should be allowed to die an early death in order to save the NHS money.

The 73-year-old broadcaster said people should be free to overindulge and, if they die, they should be seen as weak rather than medically ill.

‘The obese will die a decade earlier than the rest of us,’ he wrote in Radio Times. ‘See it as a selfless sacrifice in the fight against demographic imbalance, overpopulation and climate change.’

Obesity is not a ‘national emergency’ because it is just caused by eating too much insisted the BBC Radio 4 Moral Maze host.

He also queried Public Health England’s claim that overweight and obesity-related ill health costs the Health Service £6.1billion a year.

‘Who can calculate how much an obese person would have cost if they were slim?’ he asked.

‘How much would he or she cost if, instead of keeling over with a heart attack at 52, they live to a ripe, dementia-ridden old age, requiring decades of expensive care?

'In any case, VAT on takeaways, confectionery and fizzy drinks more than covers it.
He added that the ‘freedom to make bad choices is what personal autonomy, indeed democracy, is all about’ and asked ‘who is to say longevity is the ultimate goal in life?’

Mr Buerk added: ‘Many think that by declaring it a disease, it will reduce the stigma of fatness and encourage people to seek treatment.

‘They’re wrong, on almost every count. There’s been interesting research on how certain genes are associated with increased appetite and there are differences in individual metabolic rates but nothing like as much as people think.

‘You’re fat because you eat too much. Your genes might play a part, yes. But they don’t explain why obesity-related admissions to hospital have increased ten times in a decade.'

Another BBC Tory with a rightwing prejudiced view surprise surprise,a very nuanced way og looking at things,as said before you can say any old **** now with jihnson and trump around and it becomes the norm,racist,bigoted etc and pick on the poor sigh so predictable..enjoy your gravy train money michael..

Speaking as a fat man, I find Mr Buerk's comments laudable - the government interfering in what I eat is nanny-stateism and they can go **** themselves.

If I'm on a diet, it's because I want to be on a diet, not because the government tells me I should be on one.
Speaking as a fat man, I find Mr Buerk's comments laudable - the government interfering in what I eat is nanny-stateism and they can go **** themselves.

If I'm on a diet, it's because I want to be on a diet, not because the government tells me I should be on one.

Yep poor people who have to eat **** food to get by they aren't getting fat by choice but by economics you are knowingly doing it from eating luxury foods and can afford it,people like buerk aren't talking about people like you they are again through theor tory mouthpieces judging the poor that's what its al about..
they are getting fat by choice - they are choosing to buy fatty foods instead of normal meat and veg, probably (sweeping generalisation coming up), cause they are lazy fat bastards and can't be bothered cooking proper food.

It's not cheaper by any stretch of the imagination to buy fatty foods. the cheapest part of my weekly shop is the veg that should make up the staple part of anyones diet and doesn't cause obesity - the most expensive part of it (my shop) is booze and heavily processed foods.
Let's put it this way, if I had **** all money - I'd be buying veg and meat and bulking dinners out with extra veg. I wouldn't be getting fat on it.
Nothing is cheap when you have **** all,thats why its a down to iceland job not taking into account poor wages long hours part time contracts leading to depression exacerbating things many different factors,not only are they poorer but they are fat lazy bastards sounds like a tory bible to me..
See that's where they are going wrong - believe me, I've had **** all money and going to Iceland is not the way forward on everything. Fresh veg to do me and my partner a week costs:

Onions 60p
Mushrooms £2
Peppers £!.30
Potatoes £1.50
Carrots 70p.

so roughly £6 for veg for a week for two people - call it £12 for a family of 4.

Sling in some frozen meat from Iceland/Aldi/Lidl - buy one of each type of meat on a four week cycle - call it £10 a week for meat.

Some other staples like tinned tomatoes you can pick up for 50p a can for the decent stuff. But lets call it another £5 on weekly staples

So you're able to feed a family of four for something like £27 a week. And no fat inducing shite in sight.
Nappys,rent,electric,heating petrol dead end jobs unreliable contracts working crazy hours,doing that week in week out and then a family have to live on a diet similar to that if they are very lucky as the prices you put up aren't like that where i live and the amounts would be knowhere near enough,thats why suicides are going up people in debt and on universal credit and having to use foodbanks i bet they aren't giving out much veg either..A bloke last week committed syuicide he had 4.31 in his bank account universal credit wouldn't guve him any money killed himself single dad with two kids,thats the country we are living in no wonder there's loads of fatties around,easy to be criticize i used to do it mysef lots of different reasons for different people.The last person that needs to air their condescending voice is a rich Tory BBC presenter,they think the have the moral authorty on everything,can't they just shut theur bigoted faces and keep theur bigited views to themselves.
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Nappys,rent,electric,heating petrol dead end jobs unreliable contracts working crazy hours,doing that week in week out and then a family have to live on a diet similar to that

I'm not sure what your issue is with the food I put up - those are Tesco prices and quantities that I pay week in week out (I even looked a couple of them up just to make sure). That is what we live on - I'm fat cause I drink 30-45 bottles of beer every week. Not because of what I have for dinner.

You missed out housing benefit and child support allowances.

A lot of people could do a lot to help themselves before the government has to step in to tell them how to live (they've got me to do that!)
None of this means that I don't think there are people using foodbanks (though I do have some suspicions about people using foodbanks to free up cash for other items that you might say are a luxury) and people out there who are genuinely in need.

All I'm saying is that it is perfectly feasible to feed a family of four on around £30 - £40 a week. In my house the entire shop minus booze, comes to £35 - £45 - that's for everything, toilet roll, washing gear etc. No nappies mind you, I ******* hate children.

Heartbreaking worth going to the link he's there explaining his situation how low can you fcking go.

He couldn’t speak the language, he couldn’t organise obtaining or paying for the insulin he needed, and he was a catholic in a majority Muslim country. Right wing sadism of Alt-America killed him,home of the brave,bannon started the agenda for trump as he has done here. farage and bozos accomplice,everythings going to plan..pandoras box come the 31st.

The likely cause of death was not being able to get his insulin. He is a diabetic,” Bajoka wrote. “He was forcefully deported to Iraq a couple of months ago. He was born in Greece and had never been to Iraq. He knew no one there. He did not speak Arabic.”

“He was a member of the Chaldean minority group,” he continued. “He was a paranoid schizophrenic. His mental health was the primary reason for his legal issues that led to his deportation.”

“Rest In Peace Jimmy,” he added. “Your blood is on the hands of ICE and this administration.”

5. Aldaoud Was a Chaldean Catholic, Whose Members Have Been Targeted for Deportation

Aldaoud was a Chaldean Catholic, one of thousands living in Michigan. Chaldeans are an offshoot of the Roman Catholic church who trace their roots to ancient Mesopotamia in modern-day Iraq, Politico reported. The group is at high risk of being killed or tortured in Iraq by terrorist groups.

“Jimmy Aldaoud … should have never been sent to Iraq,” Michigan Rep. Andy Levin said in a statement to Politico. “My Republican colleagues and I have repeatedly called on the executive branch to cease deportation of such vulnerable people. Now, someone has died.”

Politico reported that advocates have expressed concern that many Chaldeans have been targeted for deportation despite spending years or decades in the United States.

ACLU attorney Miriam Ackerman, who is representing Chaldean immigrants in a class-action lawsuit, said that the deportations are putting these people at ris

“Jimmy’s death has devastated his family and us,” she told Politico. “We knew he would not survive if deported. What we don’t know is how many more people ICE will send to their deaths.”
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Jeffrey Epstein commits ''suicide'':lol::lol: on suicide watch:lol::lol: never saw that coming phew Trump breathes a sigh of relief,it's allright Andrew you can come back now everythings been ''dealt'' with..said Philip..:rolleyes: Strangled himself to death..lets face it they let him do it if nothing suspicious was involved,pretty sure cameras wouldv'e been on him 24 hours aday..Another stinking cover up..
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Please stop this now, claiming camera malfunction :lol::lol::lol:..the untouchable right just doing whatever they want,corrupting our media and referendums/elections as well, people just suck it up and vote for them talk about utter mugs..Same on twitter thousands of twitter accounts claiming to be labour supporters,just bought accounts trying to cause as much chaos as possible,i wonder who is doing all this:lol::lol: having to block dozens everyday i go on there rightwingers trying to corrupt with chaos and subterfuge,just craziness they will do anything absolutely anything to keep control..
he Jeffrey Epstein case is so bizarre and unsettling, it’s unsurprisingly become grist for all manner of conspiracy theories, ranging from the zany but believable to the horrifying but . . . still believable. But at the heart of it all is one basic, almost banal truth: billionaires really shouldn’t exist.

It’s still not entirely clear where exactly Epstein’s bottomless well of cash came from, though it’s quite clear by now that it’s definitely not from what he claimed was his day job. Whatever the truth — whether he was blackmailing the rich and powerful, serving as their high-end black-market pimp, or something spookier — Epstein’s extreme wealth is inseparable from his crimes.

Epstein preyed on young girls whose families were struggling with money, came from foster homes, or were on the brink of homelessness. He dangled wads of money and the prospect of career advancement to lure them in, then plied them with lavish gifts to keep them there. The opulence he lived in rendered his crimes invisible, barely even hiding — flaunting, in fact — what he was doing on his private island, far from prying eyes on the mainland.

The best lawyers money could buy won him the famous “sweetheart deal” that made sure his prison sentence would be at worst a mild inconvenience. While restrictions on non-billionaire sex offenders can be so stringent they end up living permanently under a bridge, Epstein used his wealth to simply skirt them: he changed his official residence to the Virgin Islands, thus avoiding having to regularly check in with New York authorities, and spent more time in New Mexico, where he exploited a loophole to stay off the state’s sex offender registry.

And while Epstein’s laughably lenient treatment was due to the elite connections he’d accrued over the years, these were themselves products of his extreme wealth, with Epstein using money to ingratiate himself with some of the world’s most important people. These reinforced each other in an endless loop, with Epstein’s wealth originating in the first place from the finance connections he’d mysteriously made during his time as a math teacher.

In other words, the monstrous, sprawling crimes Epstein is accused of couldn’t have been possible without the extreme wealth inequality that prevails in our current world. And while this fact won’t blow anybody’s mind, it gains extra urgency when you consider some of the other stuff Epstein was planning to do.

We now know that Epstein wanted to be a twenty-first-century Genghis Khan and flood the human gene pool with his DNA by artificially impregnating scores of women at his New Mexico ranch. He also wanted his head and penis frozen for some as-yet-undisclosed purpose. This is all horrifying enough. But consider also a more mundane but equally horrifying detail about Epstein’s beliefs that has gotten less attention: that Epstein opposed efforts to provide the poor with health care and relief from starvation, because he believed doing so would lead to overpopulation.

Epstein’s racist, eugenicist beliefs — that the human race can be genetically improved and that overpopulation among the global poor, not the resource consumption of the global rich, is the real threat to the planet — are not unique. They’re shared by garden-variety racists and a range of ill-informed people. But unlike those groups, Epstein, with his wealth, power, and connections, could actually act on them.

Perhaps Epstein really is one of a kind when it comes to the outlandish lengths he went to in order to actualize his beliefs. The trouble is, we have no way of knowing. The super-rich are generally intensely private, and the only reason we’re now finding out about Epstein’s deepest, darkest ambitions is that an unlikely confluence of factors has finally brought him the scrutiny he’s avoided his entire life. It seems more absurd to believe that Epstein stands alone among the global elite than to assume he’s just one of a number of ultra-wealthy weirdos hatching plans we’ll never hear about. This is especially true given that we already know about his fellow billionaire Peter Thiel’s interest in reversing the aging process by transfusing the blood of the young, or the fact that global overpopulation is a long-standing pet obsession of many billionaires.

One of the problems with wealth inequality is its tendency to magnify. A lot of people, probably even your neighbors and family members, have wacky, eccentric ideas for how the world should work; they just don’t have untold millions and billions of dollars to put them into motion.

Compound that with the corrosive effects of extreme wealth on the human brain. Both anecdotal evidence and many, many studies show that having wealth and power increases a person’s sense of entitlement — their feeling that they’re not bound by the rules of wider society — while reducing their ability to empathize, exercise moral judgment, and be generous. As one wealth manager told sociologist Brooke Harrington, author of Capital Without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent, “National borders are nothing to them. They might as well not exist. The laws are nothing to them. They might as well not exist. It’s potentially very, very dangerous.”

In other words, it’s a perfect recipe for creating a small army of Epsteins.

But it’s also a mistake to focus too much on the most salacious aspects of the Epstein story. While there are no doubt other super-rich creeps like Epstein lurking in the open, his case is just a particularly grotesque variant of the far more banal but dangerous ways the extremely wealthy discreetly shape our world for the worse: by spreading climate denial and white supremacy, for example, or by buying the electoral process and dictating public policy more generally. Even the most benevolent billionaires, like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, do detriment to the world before pushing their pet causes onto the rest of us.

The super-rich buy citizenship and destroy news outlets they don’t like. They help install far-right politicians in power and block our efforts to stave off the climate crisis. They plot coups, bankroll movements to roll back the political progress of the twentieth century, and literally get away with murder. And yes, some of them even run what appears to be an international underage sex-trafficking ring.

This isn’t just something intrinsic to wealth. It’s the natural outcome of concentrated, unaccountable power wielded by a small collection of people largely removed from the lived experience of the vast majority of people on Earth, just as feudalist monarchies and totalitarian dictatorships produced their own classes of people who engaged in extreme cruelty and selfishness, and wielded power simply to perpetuate it. We know where the concentration of wealth and power ultimately leads; the question is whether we’re willing to do something about i

Sound fimiliar?,unreal its just a mirror image of what's going on here and people are voting for's almost as though everything he's wrote there is happening here now great piece best i've read for a longwhile..
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At least he's not running the country,yet his and bannons influence on the tories has just ruined the uk for the next 5 years,the media just backing up johnson on all this spending its like going back to the thatcher days,of course this is what they know the old fogeys want,they can say and do what they like and go unquestioned backed up by blatant racism,it won't last trouble is it gives him 5 years to cause complete and utter havoc..
Sunday Times scoop Operation Yellowhammer Government's no deal plan

The government expects the return of a hard border in Ireland as current plans to avoid widespread checks will prove “unsustainable”; this may spark protests, road blockages and “direct action”

- Logjams caused by months of border delays could “affect fuel distribution”, potentially disrupting the fuel supply in London and the southeast of England

- Up to 85% of lorries using the main Channel crossings “may not be ready” for French customs and could face delays of up to 2 1/2 days

- Significant disruption at ports will last up to three months before the flow of traffic “improves” to 50-70% of the current rate

- Petrol import tariffs, which the government has set at 0%, will “inadvertently” lead to the closure of two oil refineries, 2,000 job losses, widespread strike action and disruptions to fuel availability

- Passenger delays at EU airports, St Pancras, Eurotunnel and Dover

- Medical supplies will “be vulnerable to severe extended delays” as three-quarters of the UK’s medicines enter the country via the main Channel crossings

- The availability of fresh food will be reduced and prices will rise. This could hit “vulnerable groups”

- Potential clashes between UK and European Economic Area fishing vessels amid predictions that 282 ships will sail in British waters illegally on Brexit day

- Protests across the UK, which may “require significant amounts of police resource

- Rising costs will hit social care, with “smaller providers impacted within 2-3 months and larger providers 4-6 months after exit”

- Gibraltar will face delays of more than four hours at the border with Spain “for at least a few months”, which are likely to “adversely impact” its economy
The hysteria over Brazil’s rainforest fires is out of control. Arrogant Western greens despise Brazilians for elevating economic development over natural conservation. But these trees belong to Brazil and it can burn them if it wants, says Brendan O’Neil...spiked

Please someone put this c*nt out of his misery..