
It's all a load of bollox the media are deliberately letting him do and say what he wants and playing it down,they actually try to excsue it, its truely pathetic SKY and BBC are pits of the earth their reprting and journalists are a disgrace,no impartialty..Even see the BBC trying to play down one of their black presenters comments down on trump and reprimanding her,they truely are scum its on the BBC now they are getting torn apart ar this minute on their victoria derbyshire show,they must be cringeing as this woman destroys them..
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Politcs live discusssing cummings with Brendan O'neill and anoter rightwing think tank on same panel how the f u c k do they get away with it,ffs same old biased crap..

And the bookending with an invited republican on one end and Brendan on the other, two koch suckers unreal,the BBC needs to be trashed and and all these cameron appointed lot shitted away.
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Brendan O’Neill: “There should be riots”

Laura Kuenssberg: “There’s the Labour activist, get him!”

Andrew Neil: “Carole Cadwalladr’s a mad cat lady”

Fiona Bruce: “This is Diane Abbott, right - DUUHH!”

Naga Munchetty: “Racism is bad”

BBC: “One of you has crossed the line” :lol::lol::lol:

Lots of other ''impartial'' BBC presenters but i was going to vomit adding anymore of the Tory enablers the list was huge all the obvious suspects..
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Lol. Was I trying to get a rise out of gigilo at the time?

Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. Personally, I think you weren't and are backtracking but who knows, and who cares.
What I don't like is the intimation that I was quoting you of thin air.
Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. Personally, I think you weren't and are backtracking but who knows, and who cares.
What I don't like is the intimation that I was quoting you of thin air.

Fair enough you got me - didn't remember saying it.

Having thought about it, I was probably making an exaggerated point about corbyns communist tendencies.

But while we're on don't likes - I don't like the way that the further left wing of the labour party tries to silence the centre left at present. A joined up approach is needed.
Yes. It was the headlines on the front of several tory friendly papers at the time. References to Venezuela abounded. Doubtless it will be again. A unified left would be great but the days of centrist cyrpto-tory policies tends to lead to Iraq wars and the likes - be it Blair or Clinton. It is one of the main reasons why outsider Corbyn was able to get a sizeable grass roots movement to propel him to leaderships. I respect standing up for the principles that got him there and if the centre-left wants to move to what would normally be traditionally left policies, all the better. However, the centre-left happily using the tory media to attack Corbyn is not the way to being any form of unity. As long as that's the game that they are playing, you are better off without them. If you are left leaning, i think it would be better not to give oxygen to these obvious smears.

Imagine of this was corbyn :lol::lol:

The UK’s most senior civil servant is under pressure to investigate Boris Johnson’s financial backers following cross-party claims that unnamed individuals stand to benefit from the prime minister’s willingness to pursue a no-deal Brexit.

John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has written to the cabinet secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, asking if there may be a conflict of interest in Johnson’s acceptance of support from hedge funds that could gain from an economic shock.

Earlier on Saturday, Philip Hammond, the former chancellor, suggested Johnson was pursuing the interests of financial backers set to gain from a no-deal Brexit, in a major escalation of tensions in the prime minister’s own party.

Hammond said he was repeating a comment made last week by Rachel Johnson, the prime minister’s sister.

The former chancellor was accused by senior Tories of attempting a “smear” without evidence. However, Hammond was supported on Saturday by a series of MPs from across the Commons.

“Johnson is backed by speculators who have bet billions on a hard Brexit – and there is only one option that works for them: a crash-out no-deal that sends the currency tumbling and inflation soaring,” Hammond wrote in the Times.

Downing Street has refused to comment on the claim.

Guto Bebb, a former Tory minister who was thrown out of the party for opposing a no-deal Brexit, said: “The dubious financiers who supported the ‘leave’ campaign and the prime minister’s leadership campaign are betting against Britain. The PM should put the interests of the country first rather than facilitating a financial bonanza for a few.”

Anna Soubry, the leader of Change UK, said: “This week’s events are damning evidence that Boris Johnson has no moral compass. It gives me no pleasure to believe that Johnson is in hock to all manner of people and in particular those who don’t give a toss about the livelihoods of our constituents but simply get even more rich gambling on our children’s future.”

However, the business minister Nadhim Zahawi said Hammond was peddling a conspiracy. “Philip you let yourself down by claiming speculators on ‘no deal’ are interfering in us leaving the EU,” he tweeted. “This is an ugly smear that is completely untrue. If you know anything about finance or the City then you will know that.”

Hammond and his team have not named any individual donors. However, hedge fund managers have backed Johnson. One of those is Crispin Odey, a fund manager who has also previously backed Vote Leave and Ukip. Over the summer, it was reported that his fund had made a £300m bet against British businesses and stood to profit from an economic slump in the UK. However, the fund also backed other British companies. Odey did not respond to a request for comment.

McDonnell said: “Given widespread concerns raised by the former chancellor Philip Hammond’s comment today about Johnson’s speculator sponsors profiteering from a no-deal Brexit, I am writing to Mark Sedwill, the cabinet secretary, to seek a Cabinet Office investigation into this potential conflict of interest.”

The conflict of interest code for members of the House of Commons states: “Given that service in parliament is a public trust … members are expected … to fulfil their public duties with honesty and uphold the highest standards so as to avoid real or apparent conflicts of interests, and maintain and enhance public confidence and trust in the integrity of each member and in the House of Commons.”
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Beth Rigby Retweeted
Beth Rigby
ANALYSIS: Day 1 of #CPC19 You have to admire PM’s message discipline, ‘surrender’ 18 times in #Marr i/v. But what’s out of his control are #Arcuri allegations & poss police probe. And it *could* become even more difficult to handle than Brexit battlefront

What we'd like to admire beth is some impartial journalism,not the same old tripe you and kunnesburg trawl out everyday,monday morning and its started aleady the blokes been caught red handed and groping other women coming forward the lists so long of wrong doings now it's become a joke.Glazed eye in the media trawling out the same old biased garbage...the blokes an absolute wrong un..parrotting something 18 times and we have to admire it ffs, this 1930s
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Alex Andreou
Seriously, though. Building 40 new hospitals, which turn out to be 6, which turn out to be mostly repairing existing hospitals, for which "the money will come from the future".

I've said it before: A General Election is a national IQ test.
11:16 AM · Sep 30, 2019

Layla Moran
This is absolutely absurd. Developing fusion is going to cost billions not millions. Good science costs and of course let’s fund it. Not least because it could save the planet. But let’s do it properly.


Andrew Steele
have ‘announced plans to design, develop and build…a commercially viable fusion power plant by 2040.’ For, er, £200 million! Funding for fusion is good news, but this is so ridiculous as to be a simple lie.

This is full on Trump politics. Just tell people any old rubbish, doesn't matter if it's true anymore..this is for the real mugs and again the media not questioning the lies..
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Todays BBC vox pop a lovely little trip into Bishop Auckland labour are going to get annihlated they tallk to ten maybe 60+ year olds,they like johnson and they believe the tories will invest there after brexit HI5 people ad the BBC another beautiful piece of propoganda to brainwash the masses,day after day after day the same old ****..Looks like they have sucked in the propoganda as well,i look forward to seeing the miners gala there with jacob rees mogg and co ffs..
Love the way the BBC headline on the touching went from:

Boris accused
Woman says he didn't touch her
This headline has now been removed in accordance with the strictures from number 10
The frightening thing is people think they are impartial broadcasters,maybe its just the oldies but they are obviously influencing voters to believe such utter bilge,scary stuff this johnsons as dangerous as trump,he sits their smirks knowing he's going to get the idiots onside,the more chaos he causes the more the dregs like it..The lists as long as your arm now there's virtually nothing he hasn't done wrong bar murder lying,corruption,sexual assault,racism,threatening to have someone beaten up,lied to the queen,shut down parliament unlawfully,left his wife when se had cancer,mistresses two had abortions,this money to the pole dancer it just goes on and on ,untouchable ad enabled by the media..If they ae letting him off the hook with these things and he still hasn't resigned he's never going to even his sister has condemned him,straight out of the bannon trump book...
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In terms of political strategy, I think this is very interesting. And only when its pointed out as blatantly in the tweet below does it become recognisable.

What was interesting was the idea that Boris's supposedly childhood hobby of painting red buses was chosen for him to push down another Boris Bus story on google searches. Im sure him, the person, and his advisors have been up to far worse, but its an interesting play.
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To be fair on that one the 'model of restraint' headline in the BBC pre-dated the model story I think.

It appeared fairly early on Friday and incensed me because it completely rewrote the narrative of the complaints about his language to one suggesting he was a 'model of restraint'.
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The crazy thing is johnson is so dumb,cummings is telling him to say these things and johnson probably doesn't even know why he;s so stupid,just shows the tories and establishment it's about one thing only and money and getting out by the 31st...
What a surprise Jennifer Acuris computer gets stolen :lol::lol: supposedly worried about the information on there about her and johnson do me a favour more like sequestered,laughable..So she lives in US but her computer was over here,why was she using an 8 year old computer:lol: ater all shes a business woman/tech expert come ex pole dancer:rolleyes:..This must be a 10/10 for amazing coincidences..:lol::lol:
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