
Not all bad news David koch died today,unfortunately i don't drink anymore no wonder Brendans seething!:thumbsup: Two more to go and Trump perhaps 2020 won't be as bad as i thought!!:adore::adore:
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I've lost touch. Anything interesting on the Brexit front over the last month or so?

Nothing much Doris mugabe lied to the queen broke the law,biggest fraud in political history prorogueation voted illegal by 11/11 by all judges but of course as with all these corrupt rightwingers he will carry on like his fellow african dictators,bar that nowt really to see..We were almost heading to a rightwing dictatorship,thank **** everyone woke up!!:blink:
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I think that young gentleman may have some learning difficulties, Gigilo and there is ample other more appropriate material to help you make your point.
I don't see anything that shows that at all just badly educated,by another undefunded council..stoke by the way 200 million in cuts for 2020 thanks tories another little beauty.
Where's the **** Kuennsburg,looking for some labour activists with seriously ill daughters she can direct traffic on twitter too or outing the biggest story of the year about johnson of course not..The Boris Broadcasting Company which she salutes and salivates over she does a disappearing act,this woman makes me want to vomit,no doubt looking for some insignificant smear she can find on labour,she might find corbyns shoe laces undone at 4pm maybe they could use that as a counter headline to the criminal as PM..
Just pissed my pants listening to Boris Broadcasting Company,corbyn delivers the best speech i've ever see him do zero mention bar 10 seconds then they move onto oihnson the criminal and she's there spouting her normal BBC claptrap ''the establishment are against boris johnson'',:lol::lol::lol: someone pick me up off the floor ffs.
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The Supreme Court have said that Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted unlawfully in proroguing Parliament. Do you agree or disagree with the ruling?
Agree - 49%
Disagree - 30%

Leavers 57% looks like the countrys full of rightwing nutjobs that know the law better than 11 judges,what a lovey country we are living in imagine how these people think your tommy and racist more excuses it's there in black and white..(no pun intended)no defence m'lud

After todays verdict,..hardman :D
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Labour propose policy of effectively ‘open door’ immigration. They will be big losers in any General Election in the near future. It seems that they are doing everything they can to frighten off potential voters looking to oppose Brexit.
Labour propose policy of effectively ‘open door’ immigration. They will be big losers in any General Election in the near future. It seems that they are doing everything they can to frighten off potential voters looking to oppose Brexit.

Labour seem determined to ensure that they don't form the next government. What's the point in them anymore, they serve little or no purpose at present - they are not an effective opposition.
Its amazing that they have got the support that they do, being the only party who don't swallow and then espouse the corporate messaging of their donors, and without the media hammering the same message home at every opportunity.
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Being in government is the goal for some in Labour party - regardless of what principles they have to shed to get there. Many others would go that route. Not doing that seems to be what Corbyn/Labour is being criticised for here.

If you don't agree with their principles, fair enough, don't vote for them.
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Being in government is the goal for some in Labour party - regardless of what principles they have to shed to get there. Many others would go that route. Not doing that seems to be what Corbyn/Labour is being criticised for here.

If you don't agree with their principles, fair enough, don't vote for them.

I'm not criticising them because they refuse to shed their principles. I'm criticising them because their principles are a pile of old bollocks and, because of this, they will never get elected.
You agree that they have their principles that you disagree with, possibly abhor. You have said that voting for them is a vote for food shortages. And yet you want these to be doing your bidding as an effective opposition. As you have pointed out, there are more than two parties. Get one of those other parties to do the work you want them to do, and stop have expectations that Labour owe you anything.
I have never said that voting for them is a vote for food shortages. Anywhere. I have said that I don't agree with their principles and that they seem to be doing their best to ensure that they don't get elected.

I vote SNP as they are moderately left wing and represent a change from the governments the English keep foisting on us. Prior to becoming an SNP voter about 12 years ago, I voted Labour every time - and I'd love to see them produce a manifesto I could get behind. Not because I think they owe me something, but because I think they owe the country something - getting elected is about making compromises - you can have all the principles in the world, but if you don't get into power, you can't get any of them implemented. Meeting some, rather than all of their principles should be the way forward.
Johnson needs to be taken out of there,hes a sociopath,has all the racists running riot he's getting them deliberately onside the whole of that tory pary are stinking the place out
a few are standing upto him but he is corrupting everything by using that 35% of voters that seem braindead and even encourage that stuff he is doing..All this bannon and cummings in the background he's a walking disaster and his sister yesterday said he is desperate and could be connected to his financiers that want to crash the pound again,that from his own sisters mouth..Can you imagine how corruptable he must be for her to say something like that in public,but of course the establishment BBC,SKY,PESTON, etc etc they just back him up wih their puerile ******* vox pops trying to brainwash people into thinking in the same way,he never gets questioned or scrutinized they even try to turn it into a positive ramping up again..He could pull his pants down and do a s h i t in the house of commons at pmqs and the BBC would still spin it into a good reason with the tory seals clapping away and kuennsberg smiling in admiration,ffs any other party has no chance of positive coverage,the countrys a joke...

We have gove off his face,two days on the bounce look at this from 2 days ago then he followed it up the following day with the other ones marching powder the others drink ,these people are utter filth and the compliant public vote for it.. Guern sniff sniff Completely pished..

All over the news? was it ****,they can do what the **** they like as all media are compliant not a word said sick country we are living in..
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It's the small and seemingly insignificant actions, or rather the subsequent lies told to cover them up, that tend to bring people down. The business with his 'close friend' Jessica Arcuri is possibly more of an issue for Johnson than whatever he said to the Queen.