
Johnson was on Nick ferrari show this morning was asked about what he thought of Natta munchutty,went into denial mode as as thought he was going to be accused of more allegations never heard of her he said,this mans unbelievable must be the only person in the country that hasn't seen her in the news,even number one fan ferrari couldn't believe it..Her name gets mentioned and he automatically assumes an allegation against him :lol::lol: i'd hate to think how many more they are if he is like this everytime a womans name is mentioned,knee jerk reaction now everytime..

Meanwhile @JohnJCrace

The treasurer of the 1922 committee, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, has been held by police after an incident in the International Lounge at the Tory party conference. Just hours before Priti Patel announced plans to get tough on crime.
2:31 PM - Oct 1, 2019

You couldn't make it up,well you could if you're johnson..
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Johnson and the DUP what a bunch of headcases they are as well ffs,the stuff going on is unbelievable..getting more dangerous by the day these DUP lot sucking it up anyone would think they would want trouble the way they carry on here,obviously this will be all over the BBC with Laura bang onto it..Could quite easily be Ian paisley ffs what a ******* rant,he couldn't gve a flying fcuk about ireland either..

Well well what a surprise they did edit it :ninja: no noose or traitors gate remarks heard unreal the media corrupting the news again..
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The deal put forward by reverend jihnson,deliberately knowing will be rejected to cynically try and get a VONC the general election not even an attempt to try and get a sensible deal the complete blame game on EU we never saw that coming,as proven a few posts back they have to crash out before the 31st nice pay off for hos mates and him a few billion in the bank..Another disgusting rant tomorrow,no doubt Laura will be happily clapping along with great enthusiasm and impartiality..
The deal put forward by reverend jihnson,deliberately knowing will be rejected to cynically try and get a VONC the general election not even an attempt to try and get a sensible deal the complete blame game on EU we never saw that coming,as proven a few posts back they have to crash out before the 31st nice pay off for hos mates and him a few billion in the bank..Another disgusting rant tomorrow,no doubt Laura will be happily clapping along with great enthusiasm and impartiality..

And there we go,no chance of a deal and now the blame game begins and suckers in the voters,johnson even got slated tonight by the times a dumbass 5 years of johnson through pure lies and corruption..massive majority to do as they please a complete bunch of backward nutjobs..
Laura Kuenssberg
Statement from Mary Wakefield, who happens to be Dominic Cummings' wife-'I am not the woman referred to in Charlotte Edwardes’s column. Boris was a good boss and nothing like this ever happened to me. Nor has Charlotte, who I like and admire, ever discussed the incident with me.'

Thanks laura you've excelled yourself again,who wouldv'e thought dominic cummings wife wouldv'e said that eh,anyone would think you are a puppett of cummings as well got to love the impartial BBC i also see that 25 mps from the labour party are supporting johnsons deal on newsnight..Strange that i went to their twitter feeds and not one had confirmed that or even seen it,more propoganda from the republic of the BBC,North Korea must be in admiration of our broadcasting company,now for the subservients to lap i up and vote for the republic of englands president johnson..
Donald Trump has defended the wife of a US diplomat who killed a British teenager in a road accident, suggesting it is difficult to drive on the other side of the road and that "we've all done it".

Put him to sleep someone ffs..
How's it going, gigilo? not seen you post for a while and this forum is dying a death.

Hope all is OK with you- Cheers :)
Your starter for ten.

Is the Duke of York scandal being given too much prominence when the really important sex/corruption scandal is Johnson/Jennifer Arcuri?
Your starter for ten.

Is the Duke of York scandal being given too much prominence when the really important sex/corruption scandal is Johnson/Jennifer Arcuri?

Good question Arch, but I'll go with HRH on this one. I rate (associations with) pedophilia about 3Lbs higher than financial corruption between consenting adults.
That isn't in the wrong place. Rich people have too much money, they need taxing more. Chris Davis is probably the worst player in major league baseball and gets all that money. Whenever the argument is put forward that yeah Premier league football players are on too much money but that's the market for you it's nonsense. It's hard to quantify a footballer's worth, his value to a team. I mean, we all know Jesse Lingard is poor but there's no stat that quantifies that. In Baseball they have one called WAR which means wins above replacement.

Chris Davies has a minus WAR, he is objectively worse than replacement level players, and he's pulling in 20m a year. My point - this is life, we have this everywhere, billionaires with too much money.

Why do Golfers get paid so well? They aren't in a League that gets Billions from TV, it's all sponsorship. It all comes from companies who's executives have too much money.

Tax them. Tax them hard.
If Jeremy Corbyn does manage to get into a hung parliament situation, but chooses not to work with Sturgeon to end Tory rule for the sake of preventing another Scottish referendum I will be very dissapointed.

Labour could miss their only way in to Downing Street, spending another generation out of power...while the Scots probably get another referendum anyway.

I know you have to go out to win these elections but in the words of John Mcenroe, 'you cannot be serious', Jeremy'!

Ps, only a 1 percent chance of a Labour majority according to one recent poll.

Yes the polls have been wrong a few times recently, the first time when David Cameron exceeded expectations by beating Ed Milliband by about 100 mp's. The second when we left the E.U...and the third when Trump walked into the Whitehouse in America.

My point is....when the polls have recently been wrong the right/centre right causes tended to have been underestimated.
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I see many of the very rich are threatening to leave the country if Corbyn wins (a tiresome threat we always hear). Unfortunately, the poor and vulnerable don`t have that option if Johnson wins. A Johnson majority government would accelerate the country`s decline and despair.
Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+3)
LAB: 28% (-)
LDEM: 12% (-2)
BREX: 3% (-3)


Glad i was on the most seats at 11/8 and majority at 9/4 now 1/16 and 1/2 still looks huge..

Scotland can kiss goodbye to indey ref as well brexit psrty have all gone to the tory and the snp predicted 50+ seats is now down to just 41 and tories are polling an ubelievavle 28% in scotland,more sufferig for the whole of the UK..
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