Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
LMFAO. Democracy is flawed how? Because you voted remain and didn’t win? Trump is anti democratic because he won on a collegiate system that has been in place for as long as anyone can remember? Would it be closer to say democracy is flawed for you because you’re a liberal and You don’t like Trump? I’d bet that’s a 1.01 shot.

I said both the EU and Uk politicians have shown themselves for what they are not just the EU. In all fairness the EU have negotiated like anybody with half a brain would have. Its the UK and our negotiators that have been flawed because they are compromised with their positions on the vote.
I didn't vote in either because I'm neither a yank or British but I will say that they are the two funniest things I have ever witnessed, I just keep running out of popcorn!
Have you read the the agreement? If you have, do you believe that it’s an agreement that means we are actually leaving in anything but name?

We're going round in circles aren't we? I made a mistake by posting on this thread & for that I apologise, I'll just leave by copying a line from your 3.05 post

"It isn’t about everyone getting what they wanted is it."

Stay lucky
We're going round in circles aren't we? I made a mistake by posting on this thread & for that I apologise, I'll just leave by copying a line from your 3.05 post

"It isn’t about everyone getting what they wanted is it."

You’re bolded post is just life unfortunately. If remain had got 17.4m would the 16m + people that voted Brexit have got anything they wanted? The answer is no again that’s democracy.

Stay lucky
Leave in its purist sense means that we leave without a deal. No serious government wouid negotiate that, which is why the PM has had to accept that there are only a limited amount of concessions we can ask for, and we end up in a customs union that the EU govern.

Not ideal for an arch-Remainer like myself but I’d take it if my first preference - a second referendum to break the democratic deadlock - doesn’t happen. I’d take it for two reasons: it guarantees frictionless trade and no Irish border; and it teaches the arrogant fukcwits in this country of our true place in the world. We do not get to determine the terms of trade with whoever we trade with, just because we are British. And in that sense, Brexit will have taught those terrible people a very harsh lesson. Those people are the ones that call the EU bullies, btw, just because they remind us that they are bigger and more important than us.
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Leave in its purist sense means that we leave without a deal. No serious government wouid negotiate that, which is why the PM has had to accept that there are only a limited amount of concessions we can ask for, and we end up in a customs union that the EU govern.

Not ideal for an arch-Remainer like myself but I’d take it if my first preference - a second referendum to break the democratic deadlock - doesn’t happen. I’d take it for two reasons: it guarantees frictionless trade and no Irish border; and it teaches the arrogant fukcwits in this country of our true place in the world. We do not get to determine the terms of trade with whoever we trade with, just because we are British. And in that sense, Brexit will have taught those terrible people a very harsh lesson. Those people are the ones that call the EU bullies, btw, just because they remind us that they are bigger and more important than us.

The Irish border issue is the biggest fraud going and it’s been designed to facilitate this deal of us having to stay in a customs union.
When you refer to terrible people who are you talking about I note arrogant **** wits but who is that exactly?
Out of interest do you have children and if we end up remaining will you be happy for them to be conscripted to the EU Army?
Democracy is not static or suspended in time.

On referendum day, before the results were announced, Farage said he thought they'd lost narrowly (he actually said about 52-48) and if that was the case they would be pushing for another vote in a couple of years because enough time would have passed for people to change their minds.
Democracy is not static or suspended in time.

On referendum day, before the results were announced, Farage said he thought they'd lost narrowly (he actually said about 52-48) and if that was the case they would be pushing for another vote in a couple of years because enough time would have passed for people to change their minds.

If that is the case why did it take 40+ years after the 1975 referendum when the EU and our relationship had changed so much?
The Irish border issue is the biggest fraud going and it’s been designed to facilitate this deal of us having to stay in a customs union.
When you refer to terrible people who are you talking about I note arrogant **** wits but who is that exactly?
Out of interest do you have children and if we end up remaining will you be happy for them to be conscripted to the EU Army?

Do you want an Irish border? If you do, good for you, but a border is a horribly backward step. If you don’t want one, a soft border is needed to ensure frictionless trade - the technology solution has not been accepted.

The arrogant fukcwits are those who think we are still owed by Europe because we saved them in WWII. Those people still think we can trade on our terms alone.

I have no kids. There is no EU army. No EU state has conscription. You are a scaremonger.
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Do you want an Irish border? If you do, good for you, but a border is a horribly backward step. If you don’t want one, a soft border is needed to ensure frictionless trade - the technology solution has nor been accepted.

The arrogant fukcwits are those who think we are still owed by Europe because we saved them in WWII. Those people still think we can trade on our terms alone.

I have no kids. There is no EU army. No EU state has conscription. You are a scaremonger.

So you missed the backing of Macron and Merkel for a EU army this week?

Who says anything about being owed by the EU? Who says this and what is your proof of this? You talk about scaremongering I talk in facts you seem to be just making comments based on nothing when you talk about arrogant fukwits.

There is already an Irish border. They have different tax rates, VAT and numerous other border type issues that are solved daily. No one wants a hard border and that includes me but to believe there are no solutions without staying in a customs union indefinitely is fallacy. If this agreement is signed I’m sure we can all agree the EU would have no need to pursue a free trade agreement with us and we would be stuck in the union in perpetuity without a unilateral mechanism to withdraw whilst being held to all their rules.

Rightly or wrongly the majority of people that voted to leave knew it would mean leaving everything and that includes the customs union and in last years election 80% of the electorate voted for parties campaigning on a leaving the customs union manifesto.
Believe me, SP, I have met many older people who think Europe still owes us for the war, and that they should STILL be grateful.

Yeah, I’ve heard the currency argument is a border argument, but that is not physical infrastructure - it’s entirely different. But I’ve already said that I would reluctantly accept this arrangement for the reasons previously given.

And check the Labour Party’s 2017 election manifesto. It seeks to “retain the benefits of the single market and customs union”. Quite explicit. No mention of leaving it.

That EU army thing is a long way off, and conscription won’t happen.
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Believe me, SP, I have met many older people who think Europe still owes us for the war, and that they should STILL be grateful.

Yeah, I’ve heard the currency argument is a border argument, but that is not physical infrastructure - it’s entirely different. But I’ve already said that I would reluctantly accept this arrangement for the reasons previously given.

And check the Labour Party’s 2017 election manifesto. It seeks to “retain the benefits of the single market and customs union”. Quite explicit. No mention of leaving it. They actually say close to but also will respect the result of the referendum. I guess we can both agree that this is like having your cake and isn’t practical.

That EU army thing is a long way off, and conscription won’t happen. It isn’t that far off they’ve already heavily budgeted for it in the newest EU budget announced last week.
Yeah, Labour’s policy is a mess, but increasingly they are making commitments to the CU.

I’m not sure they know what they’re committing to. One says one things one says another. My problem with all of them is it seems to me that the majority of politicians are just self serving and I truly believe the majority of the British public have had enough. If this continues I genuinely believe they’ll be civil unrest.
I’m not sure they know what they’re committing to. One says one things one says another. My problem with all of them is it seems to me that the majority of politicians are just self serving and I truly believe the majority of the British public have had enough. If this continues I genuinely believe they’ll be civil unrest.

I’ll take it back to Cameron. Holding a referendum on such a divisive issue was a massive mistake. All to ensure the Tories wouldn’t be wiped out by UKIP at the 2015 General Election. That seems an age away.
I’ll take it back to Cameron. Holding a referendum on such a divisive issue was a massive mistake. All to ensure the Tories wouldn’t be wiped out by UKIP at the 2015 General Election. That seems an age away.

That was part of the issue but also the EU refusing to budge on anything when Cameron went over there to negotiate immigration targets amongst other things. Which is kind if ironic because as soon as the issue looked like it might topple Merkel earlier this year they soon changed tack. If ever you needed to know who was running the show that was it.

Talking of the next election the Tories could be wiped out for the next 30 years if they don’t change course on this. I only think labour would survive as they’ve been given a gimme with this deal and to reject it and aren’t in power.

Which brings me to my final point. This whole episode could end up leading to something much much worse in this country and that’s the rise of the far far right or a Trump type political figure who leads a new party.
Well, I think Farage does a reasonable impression of Trump, and he appears to have been seen off. For now. Not sure how it might pan out if we have a second referendum, particularly given that politicians from all sides will look a bit stupid aligning themselves to either a different side they chose in 2016, or the position they have since adopted. Chaos all round.

If you are part of the single market, you don’t get to negotiate separate EU immigration quotas - that includes Germany. What you might want to do of course is use existing legislation to regulate who is here from the EU, and monitor their access to public benefits. None of which we did.
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LMFAO. Democracy is flawed how?

Democracy is by its very nature flawed. 90% of voters in a democracy are brainless. And the voters usually only amount to about 50% of the populace.

But unfortunately it's the least bad option available.

Give me a benevolent despot any time...
Democracy is by its very nature flawed. 90% of voters in a democracy are brainless. And the voters usually only amount to about 50% of the populace.

But unfortunately it's the least bad option available.

Give me a benevolent despot any time...

So what you’re saying really is it’s a good job we’re in the matrix and this is all
Just bullshit anyway.
If a generic rule applied that could define every single individual nation state in Europe, (or even a majority), individually as a 'race' e.g "the Bulgarian race' or the 'Dutch race', or the 'Scottish race', then you could argue that British leave voters were being racist, although it still doesn't stand up in a court of law. Unless of course you would like to imply or give criminal records to seventeen million voters who were asked to vote on this referendum in the first place. You tell me how many Nation European states define their own racial identity, (do they actually have one?), as a"race' then you might have a decent argument.

Unfortunately when The British, (Colonial bastards that we are), decided to walk away from 28 neighbouring countries or whatever it was, to leave the European institution, (ironically leaving behind other European colonialists in the process), including The French, and the infamous world renowned former fascist state Germany, this cannot be deemed as racism by any sane definition of law. I couldn't care less what way this all goes now. Stay, remain, remain, leave or whatever, but you should really stick to Drone's argument about finding a legal way of making the referendum void if you want to win the argument, instead of this racism point. If a British voter in the 21st century cannot look at the impact of mass migration on his or her population, in a 'once in a lifetime vote' without being labelled a racist, then the only case to answer is slander for people calling other people racist.

Here's your answer mate, it wasn't too hard to find. I thought we should expand your question, in relation to Nation States having racial identities, not just to Europe, but to the entire planet, (which at the last count), had 195 countries in it. https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061219212922AAx5JgV
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