Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
If anyones interested in the peoples vote,then just go to the site and they send a letter/email to your local mp with your permission as though written from you..
Are we missing a trick here. Surely this is a great opportunity to give northern Ireland back to the Irish and remove the issue with our borders.
Yeah, we can do that. Let’s ask the people of Ulster first if they want to give up their Britishness. I’m all for a united Ireland, btw, but I’m more delighted that the border issue is a massive spanner in the works for Brexit.
But you'd get the lovely Arlene for free.

A (voluntary) sponsored swap of Ulster Unionists and Scottish Catholics with Celtic and Hibs moving to Belfast?
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True. I'd forgotten about that. It leaves the SNP in a difficult position, then, since Catholics in general see them as anti-Catholic and only vote for them if they don't like the other candidates. I don't believe Catholics who voted for independence saw it as a vote for the SNP. I wouldn't mind seeing figures if they're out there but I don't imagine Catholics voted for independence in big numbers.

Wur dooooooooomed...
Arlene says that they might revisit the confidence and supply agreement with the Tories if the Brexit deal isn't changed. Does that include handing back the £1.5Bn bribe as well?
True. I'd forgotten about that. It leaves the SNP in a difficult position, then, since Catholics in general see them as anti-Catholic and only vote for them if they don't like the other candidates. I don't believe Catholics who voted for independence saw it as a vote for the SNP. I wouldn't mind seeing figures if they're out there but I don't imagine Catholics voted for independence in big numbers.

Wur dooooooooomed...

Just in the interests of balance I should say that the Mrs and her family are all SNP voting Catholics. I believe her parents (rabid anti monarchists) are actually members of the SNP.

When I ran this thread past her the Mrs was absolutely perplexed. First I've heard of it too.

It sounds like the sort of ill founded propaganda the green brigade put about
Johnson talking to a bunch of very old farts with a very big C in conservative that probably won't even be around in the next 5 years,regardless of whether you voted remain or leave most people consider Boris johnson a conniving snide these are the only people he seems to appeal to nowadays thats the point i was making..
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Another bias opinion piece although I do accept the deal that’s being offered now is worse than staying in.

However what I find staggering is IF there was a 2nd referendum anyone thinks that remain would be on the ballot it will be a choice between leave with whatever deal is on offer at the time or no deal.

These MP’s are a disgrace and have forgotten who they work for. For some reason they have decided it is for themselves. I genuinely fear for what comes next over this.
No govt in its right mind would offer “no deal” as an option on a ballot paper. So, the democratic impasse can possibly only be settled with a second referendum. The fault lies with Brexit: it’s undeliverable, and the promises have been exposed as the lies they were. That’s the problem with liars - they are always caught out.

And the report is a direct quote from Peston. Where’s the bias?
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No govt in its right mind would offer “no deal” as an option on a ballot paper. So, the democratic impasse can possibly only be settled with a second referendum. The fault lies with Brexit: it’s undeliverable, and the promises have been exposed as the lies they were. That’s the problem with liars - they are always caught out.

And the report is a direct quote from Peston. Where’s the bias?

Bias as he is a remainer the hint of it not being factual are sentences like “I Think” “I feel” based on talking to selected MP’s and Europeans!

Brexit is deliverable just not by remainers it’s a fallacy it can’t be.

As for lies I think we can agree there were plenty on both sides.

Regarding no government in their right mind would have no deal on a ballot no government in their right mind would have remain on a ballot. People voted for Brexit warts and all.

Also can I point out there is no deal currently we will be leaving on March 29th with a transition and a political declaration for a deal. So in essence we are already leaving with NO deal. That declaration is about as good as a smoker saying they’ll quit tomorrow.
Go on, then, deliver a Brexit that imposes customs checks at our borders, collects tariffs that previously didn’t exist and imposes border infrastructure in Ireland. Oh, you have to make us more prosperous too. Utter fallacy.

We are not going down the road of new deal - forget that idea. MPs will do the decent thing and save us from ourselves. They will assume control of Parliament, so that A50 is delayed. Don’t forget, the EU don’t want us to leave, so they’ll agree to that.

Peston, as ITV’s Chief Political Reporter, was reporting back the noise from Westminster. That’s his job.
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No govt in its right mind would offer “no deal” as an option on a ballot paper. So, the democratic impasse can possibly only be settled with a second referendum. The fault lies with Brexit: it’s undeliverable, and the promises have been exposed as the lies they were. That’s the problem with liars - they are always caught out.

And the report is a direct quote from Peston. Where’s the bias?
And where do we go, if a second referendum brings a similar result to the first? :D
No govt in its right mind would offer “no deal” as an option on a ballot paper. So, the democratic impasse can possibly only be settled with a second referendum. The fault lies with Brexit: it’s undeliverable, and the promises have been exposed as the lies they were. That’s the problem with liars - they are always caught out.

And the report is a direct quote from Peston. Where’s the bias?

And where do we go; if a second referendum throws a similar result to the first?:D
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Inference; the sensible answer is to re-negotiate the whole package,preferably led by someone with more backbone than Theresa May - before she sells of the remainder of the family silver.
Ok, so we send in Mogg or Davies. The EU tell us there is no better deal in town - they don’t need us more than we need them - and the politicians with a backbone do what exactly? Walk away? They try to leave without a deal? There’s no chance of that getting through Parliament either. We have a democratic deadlock. I think we have no choice other than to risk another referendum; or a general election at least.