Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
Wonder how long it will take for brewer to have a rant about corbyn 45 seconds into her first comment i reckon...

Very disapppointing she never got the dig in till the end...
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What about us lot in the middle?

The link provided has those stats and others galore:

18-24 75 25 64
25-34 60 40 68
35-44 55 45 71
45-54 44 56 73
55-64 39 61 78
65-74 34 66 80
75+ 37 63 70

The point I was making, in reply to Gigilo's post concerning new voters and the young's outrage about we baby-booming gammons ruining their future, was that had 'new voters' turned out in 2016 in similar numbers to the mean percentage of 72% or the ~77% of the 55+ then, given the difference in the Remain/Leave vote was just ~1,270,000 then it's quite likely that Remain would have won; certainly had the 25-34 group (68%) also turned out at the 72% mean

You had your chance 'yoof' and you blew it through laziness. Spilt milk and tears are a bitter drink

edit: can't format the columns but you get the drift I'm sure
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Obvously anyone in the older groups from baby booming generation i give loads of credit too for being unselfish and should be praised for voting remain and using their intelligence,they obviously saw through the Aaron banks types and mogg making fortunes off the back of it and other terrible media outlets well done to that group...of people and going against the grain..Even my dad voted remain and he's an old tory..
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Obvously anyone in the older groups from baby booming generation i give loads of credit too for being unselfish and should be praised for voting remain and using their intelligence,they obviously saw through the Aaron banks types and mogg making fortunes off the back of it and other terrible media outlets well done to that group...of people and going against the grain..Even my dad voted remain and he's an old tory..

So that's where you get it from :lol:
So that's where you get it from :lol:

Get what from?i don't agree with my parents on anything if anything i wouldv'e expected my dad to vote leave,my mum did my grandfather was chairman of local conservative group very racist bigoted person,showed it openly he definitely wouldv'e voted leave..Infact they were so racist their faces dropped when they were told my brothers partner came from a muslim family,best thing i've ever see two old torys and their disgust at another persons ethnicity..:lol:
given the difference in the Remain/Leave vote was just ~1,270,000 then it's quite likely that Remain would have won

I'd have said it's more likely that leave would still have won on that data, albeit in a closer finish

There 5,730,000 people in that cohort, of which only 4,125,600 will participate (72%). That in itself would overturn the result, but you're already counting 64% of them in the result (3,667,200)

Therefore the difference is 4,125,600 - 3,667,200 = 458,400

Even if every single one of them voted remain, you aren't overturning that result. And remember that 25% will vote leave.
Thanks Warbler. It did actually cross my mind that it would have been wise to check cohort numbers first

At least my ramble wasn't completely unequivocal with a "quite likely" chucked in, just in case...

It doesn't change my view that the 'young' - or the more vociferous among them - are as responsible for Leave winning due to their low turnout as the 'old' are due to them exercising their franchise in dutiful high numbers

Don't vote, don't moan about the result
Shouty frothing brexiteer man in audience in pink jumper have been told this is him Henry hendon ex barrister supplied drufgs to his boyfriend who then died from them escaped jail sentence surprise surprise another lovely hand picked member of audience by editor jeez our media is biased seems such a nice fella as well...every week since i started the thread its just been proven over and over again the agenda...If its not question time its brexiteers banks and mogg making fortunes out of it,if its not that its robinson with his middle east firum and abstraction backers driving this antu muslim agenda zionists then we have spiked magazine backed by another massive american corporation driven rightwing agends thats even stranger than the others robinson supporters all over it and the exact same agendas as the others agenda all interconnected to these and a hate filled agenda against the labour party/muslims/probrexit/too many other things to mention..Every single outlet is being corrupted its just unbelievable,it's almost as though all media is trying to drive the cointry to some sort of populism it's just complete fakery but lots being sucked in without even thinking.

Mr Hendron told Gay Star News he ran as a councillor for UKIP in 2015. However, the man is question has been identified as Henry Hendron, a barrister who was suspended from his profession following a conviction for drug offences in 2018, reported Legal Cheek. Hendron has represented a number high-profile clients including Conservative politician Nadine Dorries, The Apprentice winner Stella English and the Earl of Cardigan, according to the publication. While Hendron is has been identified, this is not the first time political plants have appeared on the programme. Just a few weeks ago, Twitter users were also quick to point out Billy Mitchell, who ran as a Ukip candidate, has been an audience member at least three times, including during a show in Motherwell. During the debate, Mr Mitchell accused Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop of having “no strategy.” He said during the broadcast: “You’re not listening, you just don’t listen. You’re losers. You need to get voted out and leave Scotland to prosper.

Lost his job as barrister after the drugs and death of boyfriend now a BBC plant shouting brexiteer in a pink jumper,could they make it more obvious it stunk on viewing,can;t wait for mays deal to get voted through then see what everyone has to say in 12 months..they'll only be catching up on whats been happening now...:whistle:
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Farages tour started today the Lumpenproletariet get shafted by the elite ,if only they knew how lucrative Brexit was for these tossers of life..another hard lesson that will be learnt...a 1,000 turned up the will of the people:lol: that's how much people are bothered the truth is they simply aren't..

What a complete waste of time the whole thing was they've now all bottled it the brexiteers even including my local rancid MP Daniel Kawcynzki backhanders everywhere,all we need now is johnston as PM to top it off:lol: i bet the voters are fuming as well :lol: can't wait for the moaning over the next couple of years..get ready to be poorer..
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The march was in fiukl force today a tiotal of 77 :lol::lol: there's an uprising of civil unrest:lol: becaise people are so passionate about said the 77,it's ''will of the 77''no one cares lets face it all polls even just yesterday still point to the largest % want to extend article 50 for upo 2 years:lol:...absolutely the most pointless thing ever..
I hope this dogs breakfast of mays deal gets voted thriugh,will be hilarious/...:D
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Currently seen in a mobile phonebox....shouting leave means leave its the will of the people..
The march was in fiukl force today a tiotal of 77 :lol::lol: there's an uprising of civil unrest:lol: becaise people are so passionate about said the 77,it's ''will of the 77''no one cares lets face it all polls even just yesterday still point to the largest % want to extend article 50 for upo 2 years:lol:...absolutely the most pointless thing ever..
I hope this dogs breakfast of mays deal gets voted thriugh,will be hilarious/...:D

Even the Spartans could muster 300.
Macron says no,no reason for him to change his mind on same deal nothings changed and may resigns unless an election or second referendum is called no chance...
Corbyn walks out on meeting after seeing Ummuna there,high five...:thumbsup:

Not even a party no one saying how they are funded allowed to come in on talks on brexit what a joke,worst government ever and PM how they aren't polling 5% is just crazy..
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This is now some of the funniest **** I’ve ever seen. The remainers having an absolute meltdown after today. The leavers can’t believe their luck and the Europeans incandescent I should think. Maybe someone could exhume Oliver Cromwell.
Aye; a purely selfless act, entirely in the nations interest. :rolleyes:
If the tory's win the next election, it will mainly be down to the the turkey in opposition.

They are an unelected limited company should be given no oxygen can't even find out where their funding comes from,shouldn't have even been in the room complete joke and won't even stand in by elections when they are now not labour MPs ,they have tried to destroy the labour party and why the hell would corbyn give them any voice on anything..A complete shambles..Cannot wait till they stand in thekr constituencies and hopefully some get voted out,totally self serving and that meeting was just farcical anyway all for show pathetic..as we saw after with her..Hopefully that pathetic liars and opportunists will get wiped off the planet..
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