Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
Nicola sturgeon as usual different class...as usual corbyn nowhere to be seen couldv'e been seen as a hero heading that today peter kellner who now advises the labour part said if corbyn didn't support remaimers they would lose 1.6 million votes,all this garbage of northern constituencys turning against labour is utter twaddle,as said befire most people simply aren't that involved in brexit especially leaving without a deal rvery poll backs it up..

5,000,000 SIGNED!
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peter kellner who now advises the labour part said if corbyn didn't support remaimers they would lose 1.6 million votes,all this garbage of northern constituencys turning against labour is utter twaddle,as said befire most people simply aren't that involved in brexit especially leaving without a deal rvery poll backs it up..

Instinctively, I think you're likely spot-on. It's worth remembering that as an 'issue', 'Europe' was always polled at every general election and typically ranked about 8th to 10th in terms of its importance. Even those nominating it were the hard core UKIPers. Only a third of the electorate ever bothered voting in European elections, and about 9% could name their MEP. It really wasn't a touchstone issue amongst the people. The only folk to whom it really meant anything were the people most impacted by it, and that's the political body politik of Westminster. They succeeded through one of the most inept and useless Prime Ministers in UK history n projecting their own concerns onto an ill-equipped country

I rather suspect a lot of people guessed a bit on the day and simply adopted a protest of sticking two fingers up at someone, be it Europe, Westminster, or Cameron. I think Labour is very likely completely over-estimating the strength of Brexit in their so-called heartlands, and I'd also point out that Ashcroft polling reported that 64% of identified Labour voters at the 2015 general election voted to remain (4% of people who identified as having voted for UKIP voted remain too)
Another defeat that's three unbelievable and still she goes on ffs this is a joke..Robinson and hos fellow neck tattoed UKIP mates will be oitside now on the marching powder and the wifebeater shouting their normal drivel,,along with farage and his pub crawl laughable stuff if it wasn't so sad...
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I have to wonder what exactly MPs would like to see - I suspect that the answer for most is another referendum.

And despite my being a lackadaisical remainer, I think that is the wrong route to go down - we have made the choice and it's now up to our MP's to deliver on what the country asked for. At present they are effectively refusing to do so.
BrexitBroadcastingCorporation were up to their little tricks giving out false numbers about who was voting with the goverment to try and sway the vote,they are so corrupt its unbelievable,the agenda goes on...and now mays going back for her deal a 4th time the speaker should be stopping it..Hopefully monday there will be two choices then put to the vote...
the only way to solve this affair , is another referedum and stay in europe in worse conditions than GB had before
We had a referendum, we voted out. Parliament are supposed to represent us, the people. The Remainers are pushing for another referendum because they hope that those who voted leave last time will be so fed up with the fact that nothing has happened, and the subsequent mess, that they won't be bothered to vote again because what would be the point? We voted out but hey, it's not happening, well let's just have another vote, and then maybe another one or as many as it takes for the stay vote to win, the Remainers can say 'hey see we knew all along people didn't want to leave and we were right', and then we can all go back to being best buddies with the rest of Europe, like we always have been - NOT. They are laughing their socks off at us.
The referendum can NOT be to stay or go out
they should have explained in what conditions
In GB the people who want to go out think the rest of the UE are stupids
Yes. The issue for me has always been that the referendum itself was always predicated on lies: £144m per WEEK extra to be diverted to the NHS, and the like.

That's what most politically disinterested people thought they were really voting for.

Them and Sun readers.

Now that people see the impending disaster, they should be allowed the opportunity to vote again. If they still vote leave, so be it.

The chances are Scotland will vote for independence based on promised membership of the EU and we'll be well shot of the whole mess.

And I find the idea of Scottish independence abhorrent.
Dominic grieve gets deselected,the most honourable and decent tory in the party they really are clueless vile people snakes in the grass,hopefully get wiped out in scotland and get the leader they deserve gove or johnson..
I think I’ve actually come around to idea of a public vote despite being firmly against it previously.

The point about knowing what your voting for previously is the key here, and absolutely certainly we wouldn’t be getting a version of Brexit that was voted for. MP’s are too deeply divided to solve this, so the answer surely should be to put the final version of Brexit back to the people not the MP’s, who in many cases are voting against their constituency anyway.

A people’s vote shouldn’t be about whether we’re in or out, we’ve done that one already’ it should be yes or no to what’s being proposed. I believe some legislation would need to passed, but I want to vote on what’s being proposed and would accept a yes or no based on the will of the country, not on the will of 500+ self-serving muppets.

By putting it back to the people, Brussels knows that it’s a response from 80million people rather than from a disco dancing granny and her backing singers.
Democracy is not frozen in time 3 years ago. The only people who wouldn't want another referendum are those who know that they would lose.

I wouldn't have any objection to the proposition that, if we decided to stay in the EU this time, there should be a fresh vote every x number of years where x is anything between 5 and 10 years.
The problem stems from the Remain campaign being able to point to something evidential regarding what membership looks like, and Leave campaign (understandably in fairness) having to paint pictures as to what their solution would look like. This is just an inevitable consequence of the temporal dynamics.

Various advocates for leave of course told us that Europe needed us more because of budgetary contributions and that we'd get sweetheart deals, Liam Fox said trade deals would be really easy to achieve, we were told that we had special relationship with America (pre Trump - you don't see leave playing that card any more), Michael Gove assured we'd be OK and to take no notice of experts, Boris Johnson was exposed with his NHS bus in-situ but people still fell for it, whilst Farage ran his own immigration campaign with some incredibly questionable lines of finance behind it

A lot of people voted 'leave' on the understanding that they'd get a deal and then trusted the government to negotiate one.
Theresa May's deal is dead really. She can't keep bringing it back. She's like a grieving mother who keeps their child's bedroom as a shrine. The ERG are now seemingly adopting this bizarre position of stating that they think its a crock of shite, but are prepared to vote for if it's the only game in town. That's a seriously flawed basis to make any decision on, and JRM has now been exposed and basically take a position that confirms that his hatred of Europe is greater than his love of the UK

It should be a straight referendum between non deal/ hard Brexit and revocation of A50/ remain

There's no point putting May's deal to the people. It'll be rejected and there's no forward plan from this position. You haven't actually achieved anything. So then what? What comes next?
The latest little gem from the Brexit Broadcasting Company unbelievable the right wing agenda goes on and increases leaving without a deal must be a certainty with stuff like this the right and left divide is going to be huge ..absolute filth..becoming the norm
So now if you weren't for brexit before well tommy robinson is now a anti muslim activist and you could be one legitimately now as well endorsed by the BBC ffs..

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I was just reading Tommy's Robinson's wiki page, saw something about some dodgy mortgage lender called Deborah Rothschild. Where did he meet a contact, (and a fraudster), with a name like that? Or is that a false name on her behalf?
I was just reading Tommy's Robinson's wiki page, saw something about some dodgy mortgage lender called Deborah Rothschild. Where did he meet a contact, (and a fraudster), with a name like that? Or is that a false name on her behalf?

Am not sure about the mortgage fraud thing,think it was something to do with his criminal record there's a list as long as your arm about his previous misdemeanours,the more interesting things are from zionist funders middle east forum he got 60k and obviously gets more doinations,same with Brendan o'neil and his relentless campaugn against labour and brexit support recieving donations from similar groups through american corporations..All these brexiteer mob stink to high heaven gravy trainer farage,rees mogg and his buddies making foirtunes off the falling pound and their investments but poking the poor to convince them brexit will save their impoverished destiny..there's going to be some bitter people in a few years and it won't be the sellers of brexit...
Democracy is not frozen in time 3 years ago. The only people who wouldn't want another referendum are those who know that they would lose.

I wouldn't have any objection to the proposition that, if we decided to stay in the EU this time, there should be a fresh vote every x number of years where x is anything between 5 and 10 years.

That wouldn't work with the volume of legislation/debate involved. We are pushing for 3 years on and it's not happened. The cost alone would also make it prohibitive. When Cameron promised it, my thoughts were why has it taken so long? No other representative body in Britain gets to stay in power for so long without an election.
The referendum posed a simple enough proposition, and a straight-forward majority carried the day.
The problems that have arisen since can firmly be attributed to the inept negotiation skills of our glorious leader ("Brexit means Brexit" was no more than a lie to garner popularity), and we are now a lot less equal than where we started from.
If the only result turhs out to be the death of party politics in the UK, then Theresa might still just prove the Nation's saviour.:lol:
Yes, the referendum posed a very simple proposition, but the solutions to delivering that simple proposition are far from simple, something that Leavers failed to address in the campaign. No deal and WTO terms were barely mentioned, and the Irish border wasn’t mentioned at all. Both issues that had to be addressed before renegotiating a trade deal with our largest trading partner. Instead, Leavers insisted that “they need us more than we need them” and that any subsequent trade deal would work in our favour, but certainly wouldn’t cost us the squillions of pounds it does presently. In other words, voters were fed false promises and were lied to. None of this is “simple”.
How dare you assume? Because of course you know everything.
I haven't assumed anything, the facts clearly show this as ill thought out political suicide and I like the irony of you then somehow claiming that I think I know everything, mind yourself climbing down off that high horse!!
It seemed a simple choice at the time but things aren't always as they seem.

We were presented with a door.

The choice we had was to stay where we were or go out through the door.

Staying meant the devil we know: the EU and all its flaws (its benefits weren't mentioned).

Going through the door meant we were brave, pioneering and no longer subsidising our neighbours, saving money that we could look after our own with.

The referendum opened the door and we were able to look through to the other side.

We don't like what we see.

Now we're being told we voted to open the door and no matter how bad it looks we have to go. We're not being given the chance to be sensible and say we need to take control of this bad situation and get ourselves back from the threshhold of that door.

Meanwhile the rabid Brexiteering politicians are standing behind us pushing. They are not in front of us, leading.

Take Liam Fox for one.

He lives in France. He's a very rich bloke (mostly self-made). Curiously enough, he's from a working class Europhile background but the spawn of a rabid right-winger in an otherwise devout Catholic labour family. (I know the family personally.) But he's going to be alright regardless because he'll already have sorted out either Irish or French citizenship for himself so he won't be affected, and being the corrupt politician that we know he is he will always weasel his way through life.

But he will happily push everyone on into a miserable future.

And the rest are all the same.

As I said before, other members of my family are leavers. But they read politics extensively and firmly believe that the EU is a corrupt institution.

I believe that too, but we're back to the devil we know.