Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
"Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: " - David Cameron
So which is worse: to do something wrong or do nothing to put it right if you can?

The French and other countries, I believe (it's a long time since I was involved in French social affairs), have a law called something along the lines of 'the Good Samaritan Law' which is basically a legal duty to help a victim if you can.

If the Lib-Dems - and by inference the Tories - realised this was happening all that time ago are they just as guilty of the wrong as the government that caused it to happen?

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From memory, there always were (albeit few and far between), specialist adolescent units. Maybe not that many, but there were a few, but psychiatrists and other mental health professionals basically didn't care that much, or didn't take the idea of sending under 18's to them that seriously.

People are only referring to opening more adolescent units, for teenagers that need them. No one is saying do nothing at all.
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They clearly didn't stop it sooner as they weren't actually in government until 2010, DO.

I'm not saying everything the Coalition did was great of course, but this policy made some sense.
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This present government the biggest bunch of scumbags in history,bribes going out everywhere revealed, ramp up the venezeula thing around corbyn laughable stuff even if he is useless,an elections looking its a certainty they are ramping the agenda around corbyn constantkly again pure and utter filth,whilst cutting everything to the bone vile people...May giving these bribes to labour mps for old pity communitys,that shouldv'e been compensated 30 years ago,really is sickening stuff makes my blood boil..
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According to Carney, now a 1-4 chance of another recession.

In terms of odds its a 3-1 shot then.

According to Carney, this is all to do with Brexit and a global downturn - not much to do with most of us all being pretty skint for 10+ years! :)
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"In the absence of other action from government, some food prices are likely to increase, and there is a risk that consumer behaviour could exacerbate, or create, shortages in this scenario.

"As of February 2019, many businesses in the food supply industry are unprepared for a no-deal scenario."

It repeated analysis suggesting a no-deal scenario could leave the UK economy 6.3% to 9% smaller after 15 years, compared to what it would have been.

It said the worst-hit areas economically in a no-deal scenario would be Wales (-8.1%), Scotland (-8.0%), Northern Ireland (-9.1%) and the north east (-10.5%)

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It said the worst-hit areas economically in a no-deal scenario would be Wales (-8.1%), Scotland (-8.0%), Northern Ireland (-9.1%) and the north east (-10.5%)...

Weren't Wales and the north-east among those areas that voted in large numbers for leaving?
Need i say more...anyone thinking that most people who voted for brexit are that engulfed by it are deluded i would say most people couldn't careless, if anything the remain voters are the ones probably more willing to fight for it voting wise but impossoble to prove,especially regarding the labour party..These suggestions of labour voters deserting labour because of brexit are again just propaganda driven rightwing trash or anti corbyn propaganda,infact if corbyn hadn't voted for a second referendum they would be absolutely annihilated in next election all the figures point to it from every angle...Strange how all the media are saying the complete opposite,yet the figures say the complete opposite,everywhere you look complete and utter determination to undermine the labour party,i noticed that spiked the magazine that drone was on about seem to be huge on this propaganda and betrayal stuff..They blatantly have some agenda,every article that is written there is to destroy the labour party regardless of what they do,like all these other articles betraying the working class they must also know that votes wise it is simply unfounded so it is all propaganda based,some truely awful journalism going on..They even squeeezed brendan o'neill onto politics today amazing how they got him on last minute if you read his articles there's only one reason he was on there more labour bashing,it is all so contrived,seemed very angry oddball and then he went on to some rant about the labour party in another article he wrote accusing them of using race card against her wierd broiwn tinged remark why would you not question that ,of course he said was just a simple mistake completely innocent,very odd he must be some sort of mindreader and then predictably another rant at the labour party..perhaps the truth was she was going to say something even worse thats the way i saw it anyway...
They are also saying that people will be even more willing to vote leave next time round,again this is just propaganda driven,there is no proof to back it up even if it were to happen,don't know what's going on but the right seem to have a handle on all media outlets again,thought we'd shook off this nonsense..It all started with question time as well for me as i don't read much on social media,recent weeks it has just been blindingly obvious..

The agenda seems to be if you're a labour supporter you're a traitor loving islamist that supports paedohillia,antisemite,betraying the working class if wanting another referendum i for one won't be letting this propaganda trash grind me down..My grandfather was working class he drove trains during the war and my gran was one of the firdt women to work on a crane,there's no way he wouldv;e turned his back on the labour party for this current bunch of scumbags even though corbyns totally useless.My other grandfather was chairman of the local conservative group:lol:
and i can tell you they didn't descriminate they hated everyone that wasn't white british,didn't have anything nice to say about jewish people as did his fellow ermm members.You shouldv'e seen the look on my grandmothers face when my she was told my brithers partner was from a muslim family,:lol::lol: don't try and use propaganda on me abiut race i've seen plenty of racism where i live and from a certain party..:(.Actually think my brothers partner made my dad a little less conservative,his remarks were on a par with his dad but over the years i think he now realizes it's just pure wrong and he also sees through most of the rightwing tripe..He even voted for remain i was astonished,although still a conservative with a small c
at least nowadays i can tallk to him without exploding..:)
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This is what you get when tackling the right/conservatives directed at me after my thoughts on Yaxley lennon aka(Tommy robinson)

Reynard 26 Feb 19 19:59
akabula • February 26, 2019 7:29 PM GMT
Funny how most of those on here wanting TR silenced are lefties.

That's an assumption , of course . It may be that they belong to the type of predatory groups that Mr Robinson campaigns against .
Cultural child groomers or BBC (alleged) paedophilic facilitators ?
Another corbyn bashing day on antisemitism on politucs today what a surprise the agenda contniues 20 minutes of relentless bashing from andrew neil,then turns to the tory 1 minute about islamaphobia just get ready to set your alarm everday for the same rhetoric day in day out..
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To be fair, he did, at least, raise the issue which I found pleasantly surprising. I must admit that, although I've always been a Labour voter, I really dislike Chris Williamson and I'm glad he's been suspended.
Raised the issue for a minute then tory ignored it,laughable yet the countrys run awash with people who openly despise muslims and openly are tory voters/members just read the betfair forum or look anywhere in media,they get the platforms and they get to call labour party institutionally antisemetic,has anyone ever met anyone who is actually antisemetic or even had a conversation about it,they talk as though there's thousands of these people i just don't get it at all.Obviously there must be a problem but its like the ony thing on the media,almost like using it as a distraction for the tory mess it's like look here corbyns mess is even worse..Yet in comparison we have 100s of thousands openly hating muslims its a free for all,i must be missing something,we get tommy robinson saying he's a zionist and people who support him vote conservative thousands will admit it,yet we get the labour party with an unknown number apparently 200 they investigate it and its non stop on the media..It's just a total hatchet job..and i don't even like corbyn etc i just see it as complete media driven bias to stop him,also backed up by the blairites its to transparent..
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I don't like Corbyn. Never have, never will. But I don't think he's a racist.

You don't have to like anyone to see things are just plain wrong,that's the point i don't like corbyn but i will stick up for the labour party its just ridiculous,forget farage he's a serial loser always will be...
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Farage and his two week march so now not only can you vote yourself poorer you can add to that and get charged £50 for the privilege..

It said the worst-hit areas economically in a no-deal scenario would be Wales (-8.1%), Scotland (-8.0%), Northern Ireland (-9.1%) and the north east (-10.5%)
Farage and his two week march so now not only can you vote yourself poorer you can add to that and get charged £50 for the privilege..

It said the worst-hit areas economically in a no-deal scenario would be Wales (-8.1%), Scotland (-8.0%), Northern Ireland (-9.1%) and the north east (-10.5%)

Why is he marching when he 'won' ? I mean, this is what he wanted, right ??
His winning record in westminster is as good as screaming lord sutch,i still have this feeling we are going to be leaving by the 30th i took 6s yesterday..