Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
That's a one off between you and I, gigilo, and limited to a score. We can sort it out via Paypal.
That's a one off between you and I, gigilo, and limited to a score. We can sort it out via Paypal.

I'm alright mate i'm looking for £400 bets on the horses which i can barely get 200 on,already had 4 figure bets on torys most seats and a majprity and i don't even want the fuckers to win,ypu're not that desperate for twenty surely.. :lol: Also took 9s with lads ear;ier in the day laboutr to get 40-50% prices been cut to 6s already..in newport by election
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Labour vote down 7-8% in wales they are 1/6 to win newport west if thiose figures on recent polls are right they aren't anywhere near 1/6 shots won by 13% at last election but paul flynne was very popular most of the vote will go tory,the obvious thing looks to do the 40-50% labour and i took 9s and had a little more on 6s with lads,think it would be a bit of a surprise if labour got over 50% on recent polls infact they are only 2.75 seems terribly short...With all the media attacking them forom all angles this could be closer than betting suggests.
Gigs, somewhere you mentioned the baby boomers (I can't find the quote). May I remind you, a lot of people born after the war had bloody hard up bringings. My mum for example, was the daughter of a pitman miner. She was born in 1956. Her father had five kids and my mum swears they were each living on about an egg a day then. Her father wasn't the nicest of men, with a drink and gambling problem after his shift down the pits, but my point is, my mum was born in 1950's and had it hard. By her 30's, after she'd left Newcastle... she was earning 25K in London in the 1990's which was a decent salary for a single parent. So I understand people have grievences with the baby boomers, but remember many had bloody hard lives being born just after the war and subsequently worked hard for what they got.
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Thats a minority fella most people even in their 50s,60s,70s,80s have significatly more capital than future youngsters can even dream about however hard you work how are you going to afford a house now on average wage of 25k a year,probably average price houses now 250k in london 400k at least..And now they all vote brexit whch will have no impact on them,infact most woll be dead in 20 years and they have total disregard for the young,actually from what i read from a lot of these lot they think its funny and some sort of wierd nationalistic two fingers up to europe..Of course this is mostly from the english,no surprise there then and wales are now turning against the tide and scotland they are pro eu.
My parents were unlucky as in there 70s they wouldv'e been extemely well off but my mum had a stroke and my dad left his job in his 50s to look after her,si he has a very small pension now althiugh they still have a house paid for worth over 300k and they were the unlucky ones,most people of their age are in far better positions than that and can vote for brexit,torys etc which has no effect on theur lives whatsoever..
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Yeah I'd agree with most of that. Fair points, though I thought it was worth pointing out there's always exceptions to the rule.
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An ex friend of mine was a postman he was a typical thatcherite he bought propertys in the 80s and made 1/2 million and he was only a postie,try doing that now on a postmans wages laughable and he like many of them are rightwingers/brexiteers,they love this anti Eu,tommy robinson anti corbyn/labour anti muslim/immigrant drive thats going on they laugh their heads off,so when people say we're taking back control in reality those things i've mentioed are what they really mean..Their arrogance is beyond belief,if i was young and saw their attitude without any doubt i would be in momentum,the old cliche rolled out with age you get more conservative errr i don't think so the last 12 months i've found myself becoming more left wing from being a moderate..all becaise of these wankers that need confronting.
Since i was diagnosed with ms i've already done a lot of footwork for the peoples vote,plus i've done something locallly with helping rufugees that have been moved here getting them bicycles and a few other small things and i think the more i see of the crap thats going on the more i will be getting involved in some sort of activism,think i will be getting my daughter involved as well as she seems enthusiastic..i've already made sure she;s noi snowflake got her to volunteer at the hospital during the summer whch will help her apply to university..
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I am in the same sort of boat. I can't lie, I thought New Labour took liberties in a variety of different ways. I respected what Blair did in Ireland in terms of the peace process. He handled the Diana death well, etc. But there were other issues that got on my tits. Cash for honours etc. Sacking Professor Nutt for saying dope should be legalised. They were only the 'softer **** ups', we all know the others :( I understood the austerity and actually was so tired and annoyed with New Labour I was ok with David Cameron getting in (just to get them out really,) but believed then, and even more so since, that austerity should have been done at the expense of the rich, as opposed to the poor and disabled. I thought Labour should have elected Evette Cooper at the time when she ran for leader in 2015. I thought she was quite competent at her work. Now I get my mum telling me she wants Jeremy Corbyn to win the election, so all things considered I suppose I'm somewhere in between the far left and centre left but always prepared to listen to the odd Tory or whoever else I think makes sense.
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The thing that really disgusts me,these middle class brexiteers/rightwingers poking the working class so they feel like they have some power,as said sitting on their cosy lifestyles and making the poor poorer just for their ideology,now we have farage giving them one up the arse on more fakery while charging them £50 for the privilege for a jaunt on his bus..Same with the muslim/immigration thing these people poking working class people with propaganda,look at betfair or any forum, its everywhere 100% white middlle aged/class well off men exact same thoughts bigotry on every single issue and they openly admit it and vote tory and at the same time want to platform idiots like Tommy the zionist robinson..
Instead of these people being brought to task,the opposites happening and the media are determined to destroy corbyn and the labour party same thing everyday you can predict it,i don't know where it's come from i remember thinking question time started it and ever since non stop,i havn't seen such blatant bias since the 80s,obviously corbyn has brought it on the party his lack of intervention,but you would think its the only thing happening when the right are ten times worse...
Then they are all shouting racist labour party and these scumbags have actually said to me,you won't catch the tories with their pants down and a little knowing wink and openly say it everyone can see it,yet some idiots in the labour party that are antisemetic probably some idiot youngsters are dominating the politucs of the country its just total joke..but for some reason the media want it to dominate everything and let the government get away with every incompotency..just total deflection...Hopefully this won't continue either completelly nail it,or corbyn fucks off but i suppose thats what they want to happpen,thats their big plan..


What do you mean by core marchers?

Our core marchers are those that have opted to join us on our epic journey from Sunderland to London for two days or more. Becoming a core marcher costs £50. In return, core marchers will receive an official March to Leave kit. Core marchers will be also be provided with dinner, breakfast and accommodation on us. For £50, that’s not a bad deal!

Can we all march, or do we all have to pay?

If you want to join us but do not want our official kit or would only like to march with us for a day, that’s fine too. Marching for a day will be free of charge. Those joining us on the day will be responsible for their own food and accommodation. You will still sign up to be a marcher, even if it’s just for a day, via our website

Thanks nige you utter wanker:) no charge for marching..:)
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In the world of being middle class there isn't much that is more middle class than paying £50 to join a protest march.

I might organise some.
Lots of money in being anti muslim,pretendee working class xenophobe easy money that's the beauty of capitalism/consumerism..
In the world of being middle class there isn't much that is more middle class than paying £50 to join a protest march.

You really couldn't make it up could you?

I have spent most of my (almost) 60 years in general admiration of the history and culture of Great Britain. What has become of you?
I'm not sure how old everyone is but there seems to be a particular lack of understanding about what it was like to grow up in the fifties and sixties. All these generalisations are fairly offensive to a centre left Remainer in his seventies.

Demographically, enough old Leavers have died and enough young Remainers come on to the electoral register so that even if no-one changes their mind from the referendum, Remain would still win on a re-run. That's why Leavers are so against a second vote. However, if the young people had cared enough at the time of the first poll, Remain would have won comfortably anyway so I have zero sympathy with those who couldn't be bothered at the time.
I'm not sure how old everyone is but there seems to be a particular lack of understanding about what it was like to grow up in the fifties and sixties. All these generalisations are fairly offensive to a centre left Remainer in his seventies.

Demographically, enough old Leavers have died and enough young Remainers come on to the electoral register so that even if no-one changes their mind from the referendum, Remain would still win on a re-run. That's why Leavers are so against a second vote. However, if the young people had cared enough at the time of the first poll, Remain would have won comfortably anyway so I have zero sympathy with those who couldn't be bothered at the time.

64% of 18-24 yr olds did vote was quite a high figure,i thought it was a lot lower than that it has been prived lately that wssn't the case..the arguement is letting 16-17 yr olds being able to vote,pretty obvious to me they should be..why not.
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Are we not at the point now where there can only be two outcomes? No deal or a referendum. There’s nothing that Europe will throw in that will make an exit acceptable. A majority of MP’s just won’t want to put their name to any minimal concessions that may be offered.

So unless there is a dramatic EU u-turn on customs and trade it’s surely now one of two options. Anyone see any other outcome now?
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No chance of a deal with a closet remainer doing the negotiating. The best hope we have of a fair outcome now is delaying the leaving date, getting rid of TM, and starting negotiations afresh with a stronger, more capable PM.
And who might that be ? I can't think of anyone strong and capable in the Conservative party.
There isn't anyone they are all abysmal and snakes in the grass,more importantly despised by the public :rolleyes: to me they all look like vote losers!Am not totally convinced we won't get a deal yet either seems the erg are going to back pm from what i've read so might be in for a little surpruse yet..that 6/1 could look very big in a few days time..
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Corrupt little toad this brexit thing should be written out from history,an absolute disgarce..this piece of scum obviouslty funded by the rssians as well its just crazy..this little beauty for people to ponder..

And here’s the final irony: If Brexit was the creation, in part, of this new world of offshore money and political influence campaigns, Brexit may well ensure that it continues unrestricted. The E.U. is probably the only power in Europe — maybe even the only one in the world — with the regulatory strength to change the culture of tax avoidance. And since 2016, it has been slowly enacting rules designed to do exactly that. Britain, once it leaves the E.U., may well be exempt.

British industry might suffer after Brexit, and British power will be reduced. But the gray zone — where politics meets money, where foreign money can become domestic, where assets can be hidden and connections concealed — will survive. Perhaps that was the point all along.
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Three-quarters of newly eligible voters would back remain in second poll
Young people are strongly in favour of a people’s vote – with only 9% against it, survey
Some 74% of people who were too young to cast a ballot in the 2016 Brexit referendum but have since reached voting age would back remain if a second public vote were called, according to a new poll.

The proportion of the new voters – an estimated 2 million young people – supporting remain rises to 87% among those who say they would “definitely” take part in the referendum.

The survey, carried out by BMG on behalf of the anti-Brexit youth groups Our Future, Our Choice and For Our Future’s Sake, suggests the youth vote would be crucial in any second remain campaign and could significantly boost its chances of overturning the 2016 leave result.

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The survey polled two groups: those who were too young to vote in 2016 and those who were eligible to vote but chose not to. Some 72% of those too young to vote in the original referendum feel it would be unfair if Britain left the EU without them having been able to vote on the issue.

Only 3% of this demographic believe Britain’s standing in the world has increased since the referendum in June 2016.

Further figures from the survey reveal that only 4% of this age group have had contact with their local MPs regarding Brexit.

The proportion of young voters who would be angry if Britain left the EU without a public vote significantly outweighs those who would be happy – 55% to 9%.

Young people are rightly furious, watching older generations take our futures away from us
Kira Lewis, activist
Lara Spirit, co-founder of Our Future, Our Choice, said: “It’s great that we were able to poll a group that isn’t talked about enough in the Brexit debate – those who didn’t get a vote because they were too young.

“The government hasn’t done anything to address young people’s concerns around Brexit. That’s why we’re more united on the issue than on anything else.”

Kira Lewis, speaking on behalf of For Our Future’s Sake, said: “Young people are rightly furious, watching older generations take our futures away from us. We will be marching on 23 March to demand a people’s vote.”

Separately, constituency-by-constituency analysis by YouGov of more than 25,000 voters shows that in only two out of 632 constituencies do a majority of voters want their MP to back Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

Commenting, Peter Kellner, a past president of YouGov, stated: “The coalition that produced a narrow majority for Brexit three years ago is falling apart. It brought together traditionalists in Conservative Britain who saw the EU as a threat to British values and sovereignty, with families in Labour’s heartlands who felt that ‘Brussels’ threatened their living standards and their children’s job prospects.

“The prime minister’s plan is unpopular essentially because few people in either group think it tackles the threat they face. The fact that only two constituencies in the entire country – not including her own – want their MP to support her deal shows just how risky it would be for the prime minister to force this deal on the people now
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Ealing tonight remain over 60% lets see if they can even skew this to a brexit audience:lol:,some more awfil usual guests on it that vile woman thats always on it and just for a change james cleverley even though he's not clever..:lol:
In the 2016 Referendum:

The 18-24 age group voted 75/25 Remain/Leave from a turnout of 64%, the lowest turnout of the age-group bands surveyed
The 65-74 age group voted 34/66 from a turnout of 80%, the highest turnout
The 75+ age group voted 37/63 from a turnout of 70%, which I'd surmise was significantly higher amongst those of 75+ still able to get out and vote

source: Ipsos Mori

So the 'young' only have themselves to blame for the vote going Brexit-way