Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
Tom watson is jsy another trying to get political gain from everything,the more you look into things the more you realize how self serving some of these mps are..

Nah. Seems sound as a pound to me. I actually think he's doing the right thing.
Nah. Seems sound as a pound to me. I actually think he's doing the right thing.

What right thing,he just seems to be stirring up trouble from the right of the party again undermining everything another moderate that wants to keep everythi g as it was befire the party went to the left,its a clear choice now and will be for yours you're either from the right like the tories oir from the left,centre ground politucs are dead and buried,like they are everywhere..These tiggers and all these exaggerated claims of ante semitisim aetc,etc are just another way of the moderates trying to end the left,voted in by the members.. and watsons playing up to it when he knows its simply untrue...
To be fair to watson i thought he was alright till his little escapade of overacting it looked like he was out to destroy the party,i will give him another chance to see if that was a not disingenuous and wasn't a leadership push but it was smelly causing chaos at the wrong time and the anto semitism agenda driven media,hopefully doesn't turn into another traiterous tigger..
"Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband:" -
David Cameron May 4th, 2015

I'm probably of the view that Cameron should be strapped to the back of a pig, and made to ride around Westminster with this quote hanging round his neck for eternity.

But in truth ….

There was plenty of evidence that Cameron was a cavalier chancer in over his head. He's a legitimate candidate for the worst Prime Minister ever. He's definitely in that conversation. His whole premiership was a litany of disaster and failure. From his great philosophical contribution ('the big society') to his foreign policy (Libya). So all of those of you moaning about Brexit today, just reflect on whether you trusted your vote to this charlatan in 2015.
You should always take a profit, especially a 4 figure one. If you don't need the dosh, give it to charity :o
I didn't even prise an easy score out of you :(


Annoyingly i wanted it cancelled till june what a farce 13 days ,i threw a bet on o'sullivan when he was three behind trump at 8-5 took 6/1 wins 10-9 on the black and he's 1/3 to win now unbelievable,never even watced it been watching question time just read he won on the black..:lol::lol: got me grand profot in the end..o'sullivans past the post now..
You should always take a profit, especially a 4 figure one. If you don't need the dosh, give it to charity :o

I was hoping to put the block on it,it did but 13 days what a joke that is what a farce..
I watched the Ronnie/Trump match. Trump only had to pot the yellow in the last frame to leave Ronnie needing a snooker, but he tried to be a hero and played to pot, plus get position on the green; which made the pot harder, and he missed. Fantastic match to watch
I watched the Ronnie/Trump match. Trump only had to pot the yellow in the last frame to leave Ronnie needing a snooker, but he tried to be a hero and played to pot, plus get position on the green; which made the pot harder, and he missed. Fantastic match to watch

I read the snooker forum sounds like he threw the match away,am no fanboy of o'sullivan i could see trumps form had been getting worse and worse last couple of tournaments looked played out to me long season i',ve already backed o'sullivan total of 6 grand on him at average odds of 4/1 backed him straight after last years at bigger pruces then shorter thriugh the year..Currentky 3/1 he will be 9/4 2/1 soon,everyiones playing terrible bar him so will probably be his best ever chance of winning it again,there's only three in it selbys been playing terrible and trump looks played out,the others no chance..Will be laying some off this time though...i only really bet on racing and the snooker sometimes backed selby at 12/1 put it on here when he won the worlds with ding at 33s they ended up playing each other in the final monster touch...The politucs bets they are crazy,anyone who gets involved heavily the way things are at the moment would have to be nuts,they are my only recreational bets just because i watch so much of it..

Also on o'sullivan for sports personality of the year as well at 20/1...into 12s already..if he wins the worlds i can see him being fav..
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Petition signed will be 4 million tomorrow,while farage wanders round with a bunch of misfits of about 30 on a pub crawl...the will of the people...
Reckon that’s cobblers, simmo......principally because control over the process will be taken out of the Executive’s hands very soon.

The March and parallel petition compel MPs to look beyond May’s wretched deal towards something else, and they will undoubtedly take the self-evident strength of feeling into account, when calculating their next move.

In April, I reckon we’ll get an extension to year-end to accommodate a validation Referendum, and take part in European elections in May. By Christmas, this load of old boll*ocks will hopefully be behind us, save for the Public Inquiry, which will hopefully see many prosecuted for misconduct in public office.
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I wouldn't mind if all of that happened, GH, but I'm not sure it will.

We're faced with the most self-serving, arrogant and stubborn bunch of politicians probably in the history of British politics and they really don't care what the people are saying now.

It's as though they're afraid to put it to the vote again in case it shows them up for what they are but they don't see the upside: if there was genuine validity in the original vote it will stand the test. At that point remainers like myself will have to just accept it and lump it.

People now realise the unadulterated lies upon which the original vote was predicated and have had a glimpse into a future outside the EU and they see how post-apocalyptic it is.

It's a shame it took them this long to get off their arse and do something about it (says he sitting at home typing).
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