Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
We had a referendum, we voted out. Parliament are supposed to represent us, the people. The Remainers are pushing for another referendum because they hope that those who voted leave last time will be so fed up with the fact that nothing has happened, and the subsequent mess, that they won't be bothered to vote again because what would be the point? We voted out but hey, it's not happening, well let's just have another vote, and then maybe another one or as many as it takes for the stay vote to win, the Remainers can say 'hey see we knew all along people didn't want to leave and we were right', and then we can all go back to being best buddies with the rest of Europe, like we always have been - NOT. They are laughing their socks off at us.

If I offer to sell you a car, and I tell you it's a Ferrari...........and then arrive at your door 3 years later with a Morris Minor................would you expect to settle for that, because our agreement states I am selling you an undefined car?

If I then hold you to this agreement, and confirm that the Morris Minor is actually going to cost you more than the Ferrari would have done, would you still be happy to press on?
In extreme cases of severe national interest Prime Ministers do have executive powers which can by-pass the cabinet. As soon as she lost her majority she could (and should have) foreseen this

She should have called Sir Richard Dearlove in and asked MI6 to prepare a report that implicated Russian collusion in the unofficial leave campaign in order to give her the pretext for voiding the result and which would also have cut off UKIP as an escape route for any disaffected Tories, especially in the wake of Salisbury when anti-Russian sentiment was running high. Sure some MP's might have cried foul but none of them could risk going up against the SIS yet alone throwing their support behind Farage
15 for confirmatory referendum (253 against)

33 for Norway+ (228 against)

10 for Revoke to prevent no-deal (260 against)

37 for customs union (236 against)

Look how many tories aren't willing to vote for anything,a massive surge towards the right yet in the main they have admitted leaving without a no deal would be disstrous so what is their aim,they;ve already disregarded mays deal,makes absolutely no sense unless of course the ERG now have a tital grip on the party,makes absolutely no sense to me..You look at those figures how many are going to be willing to change their minds,can't see why anything will be different looks like out no deal..
There's 639 active MP's (discounting speaker, speakers deputies and Sinn Fein). This means 320 is a majority

Theresa May had 316 MP's, four of whom have gone independent, so she's down to 312

If all the opposition MP's voted for something else, they could carry it

Her deal is really being sustained by Labour Brexiteers. If Labour were able to vote as a bloc along with the DUP and 10 Tories who are prepared to revoke they could finish it
Still don't understand how no revoking of article 50 is 1/3 and no 2nd referendum is 4/9 thought there would be no offers on article 50 now..
Newport west UIKIP backed from 50s into 9s,looks like we are going through this old chestnut again i give up if people are now voting for a party with Tommy robinson in on it surely this must be a lay very strange betting ewven if you think tory voters will vote for them..

And that dope Neil hamiltons running for UKIP :lol: worse record than screaming lord sutch in elections and farage..unbelievably UKIP were odds on to be 2nd in this seat but whatever the result crazy prices..
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Rory Stewart: There is absolutely no point in Theresa May meeting with the SNP over Brexit.
Victoria Derbyshire: We're just hearing May is to meet Nicola Sturgeon today.
Stewart: That's fantastic news :lol::lol:
I am no longer a member of the Conservative Party. So I can be blunt where previously I might have been discreet. The PM’s head of communications Robbie Gibb is a hard Brexiter who wants to destroy the PM’s new search for a cross party compromise.

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Nick Boles MP

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The media should be honest about the briefings they receive from that quarter. And the Prime Minister would do well to tell Mr Gibb to get back in his box - or go back to the BBC

The BBC biased tell me something i havn't seen for the last 5/6 months,the agenda continues this week alone they reported Tommy robinson as a anti islamist activistffs this is just getting crazy,the very next day they reported the guardian as a left wing paper it's so blatent,constant interviewig of leavers and constituencys,onslaughts every week on question time with an audience hand picked of tory/ukip councillors and candidates asking the questions..We have labour mps one has been killed another couple deaths threats from far right groups and a paedophile thankfully hope not hate got the info before they were abiut to kill rosie cooper,then corbyn gets attacked by someone and now we just happen to have this clip from the army squaddies which is obviously another establishment set up...This is making our country stink the place out.
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Newport west UIKIP backed from 50s into 9s,looks like we are going through this old chestnut again i give up if people are now voting for a party with Tommy robinson in on it surely this must be a lay very strange betting ewven if you think tory voters will vote for them..

And that dope Neil hamiltons running for UKIP :lol: worse record than screaming lord sutch in elections and farage..unbelievably UKIP were odds on to be 2nd in this seat but whatever the result crazy prices..

Crazy lay of the decade shouldv'e been 500/1 and laid them for 2nd place,can you believe they were 10/1 to win this seat odds on for second place two days as i said above :lol: just 37% turnout i backed labour at 7/1 30-40% think i will stick with this politucs betting,been bored with racing and doing a lot on this lately..Who the hell was backing ukip the tories were 70s earlier tonight had a couple of quid on them the prices were insane on a predictable turnout..Easy mopney roll on the next one..

8% UKIP got:lol::lol: talking as though they won laughable stuff,winning me money just keep laying then they will win you fortunes biggest losers in politucal history..
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Extension till october:lol::lol: it's worth it just to see the ERG absolutely seething,that vile mark francois looks like peter griffin..ffs:lol::lol:
Am sure that Mark francois could physically explode if he tried hard enough,a classic lightweight numbskulled redfaced gammon, fry up every morning,liquid lunch steak for tea everynight kinda guy,a walking coronary..
7/4 brexit party to win euro elections,the gravy trainer MEP farage causing more sh1t the amount of money he's wasted over the years is laughable ...

6/5 now to win most seats,think voters will have to start taking an iq test if they win the most seats ffs how gullible are people..
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I expect the BREXIT BROADCASTING CONSERVATIVE party to be putting there weight fully behind farage throughout as well,driving the english nationalism..with hate and bile...!!!That's a 1.01.

I will mainly be backing labour to win the euro elections at evens hoping that the english aren't as stupid as to all vote for multi millionaires supposedly supporting working class people..obviously its going to be close just hope the vote gets out..
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I expect the BREXIT BROADCASTING CONSERVATIVE party to be putting there weight fully behind farage throughout as well,driving the english nationalism..with hate and bile...!!!That's a 1.01.

I will mainly be backing labour to win the euro elections at evens hoping that the english aren't as stupid as to all vote for multi millionaires supposedly supporting working class people..obviously its going to be close just hope the vote gets out..

The ballot boxes don't decide who wins elections in this country. The Sun decides. It knows its readership and how to influence it.

That's how pathetic Britain has become.
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Paper circulations are dead now soon to be a thing of the past,i see the papers again are tryiong to destroy corbyn today they are determined to stop him at all costs the mail on sunday today another double page spread with his picture under hitlers addressing a nuremberg rally,as i have been ssaying for 6 months the agenda goes on and on on all media and now the tories in **** expect them to ramp even more,they really are utter scum..The country is becoming a disgrace,i said ages ago it was a decision between left and right or right and wrong and its panning out exactly like that with now farage and brexit party and ukip again,its been obvious gfpr ages,middle ground votes are wasted on conservatuve funded chuk party,it really is time for the brits to wake up to the corruption of media...Lots more are seeing it,but the right are really driving it,we ae heading for being a popullist country exactly whast trump and farage and these other cronies want,just hopr the brits have the balls to say no although i have no faith in the english at all..
Looking like the Englishdogsbrexit are going to win,no surprise really considering how reliably stupid they are plus labours inability to even care about the euro elections complete ad utter waste of time....more attention for the elitist farage..

European Parliament voting intention:

BREX: 23% (-4)
LAB: 22% (-)
CON: 17% (+2)
GRN: 10% (-)
LDEM: 9% (-)
CHUK: 8% (+2)
UKIP: 6% (-1)

via @YouGov, 16 - 17 Apr
Chgs. w/ 16 Ap
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EU Referendum Voting Intention:

Remain 58% (+4)
Leave 42% (-4)

Via @ComRes, 16 Apr.
Change w/ 17 Mar.

Biggest remain lead in 3 years
Farage ensuring that johnson leads the tories as well,am sure the old fogeys are loving it..
This is just unbelievable scotland hugely pro eu and the Brexit broadcastiong company go to elgin one of the few conservatuve seats and a massibvely biased brexit audience when scotland is hugely remain,thid is just pure proopaganda have never seen anything like it,hosting a scittish constituency with big brexit audience..any other constituency they couldv'e chosen..half the people were ******* englisg ffs what a fraud this programme is over 60% remain scotland tonight 85% brexit audience..:lol: How do they get away with it..
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