Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
You should write to Points Of View and see if they air your concerns.

(Obviously they won't.)

Was full of tory councillors apparently and an ex tory mep unbelievable,never seen so many scots wanting to leave the EU :lol::lol::lol: the agendas been set for 9 months,i've proved it nearly every week now bar the odd week,the BBC don;t care anymore they are on this populist ticket with farage now they've got all the old white stale and pale men voting they've done their job,all they need to do now is get johnsin as tory leader and they get the full house..

Have gone onto twitter numerous times to tweet about bbc bias on the question time site,chocca full of complaints,a pointless exercise as i expect things to get even worse yet,there ultimare aim is to destroy the labour party///
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As a Labour supporter, I think Labour are doing a fine job of destroying themselves... :(

There are lots of cracking labour mps,while the tory party wallow in politucs of the past and the old,like i've said befire either you back a left leaning party or you back a party going more to the right centreist politucs is dead,thus the blairites(friends of israel) chuckup getting obliterated,corbyn and mcdonnell won't be around much longer i'd rather look long term than short term and labour do have some great forward thinking policies despite what the BBC IEA and libertarians may use as propaganda...
Agree Gigs. Still a bit snowflakey, but they know what voters want. Bedroom tax has cost my old lady a fair few quid.
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Think brexit are going to get near on 40% in these euro elections looking for pruces..and a no deal brexit think its around 5/1 that will get smashed off the boards now..
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Think brexit are going to get near on 40% in these euro elections looking for pruces..and a no deal brexit think its around 5/1 that will get smashed off the boards now..

11/4 already,like finding it in the street.:rolleyes:.
Think brexit are going to get near on 40% in these euro elections looking for pruces..and a no deal brexit think its around 5/1 that will get smashed off the boards now..

2/1 now,:rolleyes: be 5/6 the pair soon..although my brexit 35-40% bet havn't a clue how that will go akthough looking at the polls looks spot on..
I saw some turnout figures on Friday that seemed to indicate that participation was highest in remain areas.

I expect an exodus of support from the Tories to Farage, and a bleed from Labour to the Liberals
Have known that from the very start,labour are polling 13% liberals are expecting to get 20% it's odds on and have taken all the islington vote as well already reported by the party no one was going to vote labour with no standpoint was all farage and libdems/greens..i find it funny when the go on about the voters are so bothered yet can't even get 40% of the vote out..The fact is most people really couldn't careless that's a fact,pepple are being brainwashed when there's far bigger things to be worried about,these so called libertarians are just causing so much devisiveness with ther agendas through people like farage/robinson etc totally manipulated...turnout in middlesborough 25% laughable these are the people left behind that should be voting brexit if you beliueve the polls..It's blatently obvious that people in middlesborough certainly don't care enoigh to vote,or they are actuall scared of voting leave,yes the vote will be big leave vote but 75% are completeky indifferent,completeky pointless and waste of time..
Trouble is now the 20% of fanatics have been let loose so its going to go on and on,until we eventually crash out..don't see it ebding well for corbyn either even now doing zilch either way,i give him 12 months//
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This is a point that's often completely overlooked

'Europe' as a politcal issue had consistently polled as the 8th to 10th most important consideration in a general election. Turn out for European elections was typically 33%, and just 9% of the population could even name their MEP. The overwhelming mood in the country wasn't one of hostility, but rather indifference. Europe was simply an issue that people didn't engage with and had little interest in, believing as they did, that it was remote to them

Now step forward the worst Prime Minister this country has produced in over 100 years (David Cameron)

The only people to whom Europe was really important were that tiny minority who had to deal with them. The body politik of the UK. Europe impinged on their professional lives and with the typical arrogance of an old Etonian he extrapolated that because it was an important to him personally, and his wretched party, then by extension it must be something that consumes all of us. I mean why wouldn't it, if it's important to Dave, then yes, it's important to all of us

Suffice to say, the recklessly cavalier Cameron decided he'd abrogate his own party management responsibility by externalising the the job of referee to an unqualified horde of disengaged and uninformed. It should never have been held.

Cameron of course had lots of other failures

He inherited a recovering economy and plunged it into a double-dip recession. His great philosophical contribution, 'the big society' was always fundamentally flawed in concept and construct. Everyone who tried to breath life into this dead duck left after about 6 months. Suffice to say, it was consigned to the dustbin of great white elephants. His foreign policy was a farce. Despite all the lessons from Iraq he blundered into Libya and created a bigger shiteshow than that which existed before, and then ran away from his responsibility. In Syria he tried (and thankfully failed) to get approval for bombing the side that was fighting ISIS, before 12 months later deciding that perhaps he should be bombing the Islamists instead. He even believed that the FSA existed, years after it was apparent that they'd dissolved. On the environment he destroyed our green industries, he closed down the green investment bank, scrapped subsidies on feed in tariffs. He scrapped no end of useful infrastructure projects including the expansion towns (later reintroducing Ebbsfleet) but somehow contrived to give HS2 the green light (what a d1ckhead). He catastrophically failed on his house building targets with the number of new builds falling even further behind target after he abolished the RDA's and the 300,000 new homes that were committed in their RES's (his so-called bonfire of the Qangos). He said he was going to do away with SPAD's yet ended very quickly employing more than Gordon Brown's government (and he drew them almost exclusively from an axis of Eton and Oxford too). He said he was going to do less gimmicky celebrity, and yet put Carol Vorderman (someone who holds a third class degree in Engineering) in charge of a review of maths teaching, and then asked Mary Portas to undertake a review of the High Street (which resulted in recommending deterring bookmakers and charity shops)

So in the big question of who was the worst Prime Minister between David Cameron and Theresa May, my vote is firmly with Cameron. I believe he's actually surpassed Anthony Eden (long regarded as the 20th centuries worst - and another conservative disaster)

I recall someone in the know once telling me that he was the "junior executive who you'd trust the powerpoint presentation to, but wouldn't dare let anywhere near the project management"

What I find truly staggering though (and it just goes show his self-regard) is that a few months ago he wasn't just floating the idea of returning to front line politics, but with a total lack of self awareness, even went on to nominate himself as a shoo in for Foreign Secretary. Just like that. Foreign Affairs was one area where he was actually at his most deficient. The only thing he could do was mocking impersonations of female world leaders like Merkel or Gillard (his Gillard wasn't bad actually)
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Couldn't disagree with any of that,just makes me laugh all these people are seething about something that most couldn't careless abiut and turning it into the miost important issue of the day,then opportunists like farage and the libertarian funded clare fox and brendan o'nreill sticking in their propaganda to enthuse more anger divisiveness just so their big business friends can take advantage of the markets and drive their disgusting agendas and then shout its democracy,lol if only most people educated themselves about what these people are about..They really are the scum of the earth and the IEA drivng the agenda on the BBC all the time,people don't know whats going on..
somehow [Cameron] contrived to give HS2 the green light (what a d1ckhead).

The prospect of B Johnson becoming Prime Minster is vomit-inducing; but if it transpires the puke might have the acidity reduced somewhat if he scraps HS2, to which he's lukewarm at best and the Third Runway, to which he's strongly opposed...or was anyway

The runners for the forthcoming Prime Minister Stakes are all Timeform double-squigglers, with the exception of Rory Stewart who is probably worth a ?

What awful but strangely fascinating times these are: I'm hoping for a surging Green vote tonight to ameliorate the pain of a pan-European lurch to the right

We ain't seen nuthin' yet: here or there
Looks as though i overestimated brexit vote got the others right,labour taught a lesson as deserved corbyn to go or come out as remain,from the figures i can see a lot of these seats are huge remain areas but brexit winning seats..
BBC EU Election programme on now showing parties' seats (except UKIP) at bottom of screen, Brexit party appearing to be doing really well but the missing UKIP losses would put it more into context.
The prospect of B Johnson becoming Prime Minster is vomit-inducing; but if it transpires the puke might have the acidity reduced somewhat if he scraps HS2, to which he's lukewarm at best and the Third Runway, to which he's strongly opposed...or was anyway

The runners for the forthcoming Prime Minister Stakes are all Timeform double-squigglers, with the exception of Rory Stewart who is probably worth a ?

What awful but strangely fascinating times these are: I'm hoping for a surging Green vote tonight to ameliorate the pain of a pan-European lurch to the right

We ain't seen nuthin' yet: here or there

No real surge to the right what little there was countered by the greens,a good sign and brexit vote less than i thought,infact the remain vote seems to be increasing some constituecys you see brexit winning woth 30% of the vote but most of the rrest with remain partys,this isn't going anywhere on those elections i voted green as did everyone i know we normally vote labour..
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Heartening to see the Greens do well. I voted for them too and we now have a Green MEP in Yorkshire, which is nice

So far, 'pro-Brexit' parties have 35% of the vote and 'anti-brexit' parties 40%, with the 23% who stuck with Labour and Conservatives unassigned to either grouping

The psephologists will no doubt try to put some flesh on the bones of the mysterious 23% to glean their Brexit stance but my tentative view is that overall nothing much has changed since the Referendum with the country still split 50-50ish
My lot did well too which heartens me. After nearly 50 years of "wasting my vote" every moment like this is like a new beginning.
My lot did well too which heartens me. After nearly 50 years of "wasting my vote" every moment like this is like a new beginning.

Who was this in yorkshire, brexit was dominating there though not surprosing looking at previous ukip results voting for farage is a wasted vote..
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No but certainly bigger than the 2 opposing parties who between them polled 31.7 & 28.9% of the eligible votes at the last GE having the cheek to insist they have a mandate for anything. (Apologies, but that's my last word on the matter).
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No but certainly bigger than the 2 opposing parties who between them polled 31.7 & 28.9% of the eligible votes at the last GE having the cheek to insist they have a mandate for anything. (Apologies, but that's my last word on the matter).

What are you on about brexit just got like 10% of the eligible vote hardly anyone votes in euros its completely meaningless they have one policy leave the EU :lol: and thats got 30% of the vote..you seem to not understand the figures..they have a third of a third of the eligible vote..