Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
correct they are all mainly like me... no one likes us we dont care .... hahaha......come on you Lions
im guessing you live in a high rise in Newham East London as you seem up with having street cred bruv...
I believe that restrictions could have been put on immigration but the then Home Secretary didn't do so; can someone please correct me on this if I am wrong??

The UK has always had the ability to repatriate EU citizens who were unable to find work, in order that they did not become a burden......but no UK Government (Labour, Tory or Coalition) chose to police it - presumably because they didn’t think it was worth the money or the effort.

Unfortunately, such fecklessness opened the door for the odious racist Farage, and breathed life into eejits like ozgood, who are only happy to buy UKIP’s misleading horse-sh*it by the bucket-load, because it gives them a convenient scape-goat........despite the fact that ozgood’s real issue appears to be with non-whites i.e. the people who will replace Europeans in droves, when we’re forced to sign bad trade deals, just to stay afloat.
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Ozgood man, what your typing is blatantly racist, you want a war between 'left' and 'right', which your beloved 'Britain' doesn't actually need.

If you hate London f*ck off out, like many people before and after you have ******* done.

If we could travel in a time warp back to the 60's or even before that, with the state your in, you'd probably be the one shooting Martin Luther King.

I'm out of here. This is affecting my sanity.

Peace and love to one and all.

When I win the TTF comp donate the lot to Mind please.
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Any appetite for an "Ozexit" vote??

It's a credit to Team Talking Horses that they haven't given Ozbad the boot and just let him carry on in his own sour way, making a bigger tit of himself with every missive posted

'No-platforming' those prone to expressing views the vast majority find offensive just empowers the offender

Let him and them spout their banal invective and then destroy it with a considered counterblast, or preferably the wisdom of silence
According to Ancestry.com

"In 1881, the most common Ozgood occupation in the UK was Agricultural Labourer. 10% of Ozgood's were Agricultural Labourers. "

Not sure what this means, but it amused me.
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I doubt the prospect of a divided and exhausted UK opting to stay on would be appealing to other EU members. The margins suggested by the poll don't seem pronounced enough to justify reversing direction. The Brexiteer camp would be too embittered and too influential to settle down as constructive participants committed to making the EU work.

I should make clear that this is purely a personal opinion.
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I doubt the prospect of a divided and exhausted UK opting to stay on would be appealing to other EU members. The margins suggested by the poll don't seem pronounced enough to justify reversing direction. The Brexiteer camp would be too embittered and too influential to settle down as constructive participants committed to making the EU work.

I should make clear that this is purely a personal opinion.

Don't know what the odds are but another referendum looks like a 10000/1 shot to me,exactly as above/..
I'd be intrested to know how many of the Brexit politicians are closet remainers who are merely going through the motions to keep themselves in a job.
It is wrong to suggest that all Leave voters are/were racist. It's equally wrong to suggest they are/were all anti-immigration.

Two of my brothers voted Leave, both for different reasons; none had anything to do either with racism or immigration. Their reasons were entirely economic but I reckon for every economic reason they put forward for leaving it would be possible to put forward at least one counter-argument for remaining.

I love them no less for their choice and I acknowledge both are vastly more intelligent than me so they may well be right. As far as they are concerned their reasons are as sound as anyone's for remaining. But I still disagree with them.

I do believe a vast majority of the Leave voters did so on the basis of a campaign predicated on lies, fear and loathing.

You keep saying this over and over again, as if I am a bit slow, DO. Of course many leave voters didn't vote because of mass migration , so what ? What if they did? Are they racist? That's the point of my post, which I notice no wanted to quote or answer. All you say is "not all leave voters are racist" and "not all leave voters are anti immigration." Why don't you also bother to say 'not all people who are concerned about mass migration on population increase are racist' as well?
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You keep saying this over and over again, as if I am a bit slow, DO. Of course many leave voters didn't vote because of mass migration , so what ? What if they did? Are they racist? That's the point of my post, which I notice no wanted to quote or answer. All you say is "not all leave voters are racist" and "not all leave voters are anti immigration." Why don't you also bother to say 'not all people who are concerned about mass migration on population increase are racist' as well?

In the first place, Marble, I don't think I was referring to anything you specifically said.

Secondly, how slow you are never occurred to me.

Thirdly, I thought I was agreeing with you.

Finally, if it keeps you happy: not all people who are concerned about mass migration on population increase are racist.

It is wrong to suggest that all Leave voters are/were racist. It's equally wrong to suggest they are/were all anti-immigration.

Two of my brothers voted Leave, both for different reasons; none had anything to do either with racism or immigration. Their reasons were entirely economic but I reckon for every economic reason they put forward for leaving it would be possible to put forward at least one counter-argument for remaining.

I love them no less for their choice and I acknowledge both are vastly more intelligent than me so they may well be right. As far as they are concerned their reasons are as sound as anyone's for remaining. But I still disagree with them.

I do believe a vast majority of the Leave voters did so on the basis of a campaign predicated on lies, fear and loathing.

This is an interesting one, DO - particularly as you think your brothers are more intelligent than you. Could I just ask that when they argued the economics of Brexit, did you ever get fed the "we're better off making our own deals - we don't have to pay tariffs" line - which has been shot out of the water now, as we now actually know that most of the goods we import from outside the EU arrives tariff-free, as a result of all those cracking trade deals the EU negotiated on our behalf. Did you ever get the "well, the EU are still bound to trade with us on our terms: we have a massive deficit with them". Again, that argument has been smashed out the park, as the EU protects the interests of the Single Market. This is exactly the shite us fervent Remoaners had to counter back in 2016, but the population did not know enough to make an informed decision back then. I'd be very surprised to hear anyone still argue that - unless, of course, they think it'll all be alright because Great Britain is so fvckin great that we can do what we like, to whomsoever we like. Then the argument just boils down to old-fashioned "English entitlement".