QM Champion Chase betting

You never said they had to be as good as SS was (none are).

Monksland, Well Chief, Solwhit 3 examples off the top of my head.

Of those, I think only Solwhit done a tendon, Hamm, and he is one of the very, very few that did come back to something like his best.

I honestly believe that once a tendon goes, a Jumps racehorse has one - maybe two - races left in him, before he's finished for good......the number of races dependent on how much care the trainer has afforded him (usually lots, if the horse was top-end like Solwhit), and how 'severe' a race he has in his comeback.

I should add that I have no statistics to back this up.......it's just a feeling based on what I've absorbed through osmosis, having watched racing for nearly 25 years.*

* It is vexing to know I've been involved this long, and still back losers with unerring precision! :lol:
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What does whether he won or not got to do with anything?

Glad to see you back after your tantrum saying you were never posting here again! :)
Didn't he say that? Listen, I only popped back in here as I was ill and bored for a few days and the Paris topic took me, but if you think that is out of order and the Leop topic wasn't, well ...
What does whether he won or not got to do with anything?

Glad to see you back after your tantrum saying you were never posting here again! :)

yes i thought i'd better had to give you someone to attempt to bully:)

and by the way..you keep harping on about Well Chief...well he actually backs my argument up about a horse not coming back as good..WC was a stone worse animal after returning according to OHR's
Didn't he say that? Listen, I only popped back in here as I was ill and bored for a few days and the Paris topic took me, but if you think that is out of order and the Leop topic wasn't, well ...

oh dear Hamm...you do have a problem with me don't you?


don't worry..i'll post some more stuff over the next few weeks you can scrutinise and nit pick at;)

did you get bored with doing it to DO?
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I never bullied anyone. stop looking to play the victim. you bring many good things to those that appreciate them.

Well Chief was as good as ever in the game spirit, or close (hard to know)
Indeed Well Chief was an awesome beast and came back a useful tool. Was some way below what he was though. Otherwise Master Minded would have been staring at his hole.
I never bullied anyone. stop looking to play the victim. you bring many good things to those that appreciate them.

Well Chief was as good as ever in the game spirit, or close (hard to know)

not according to the OHR's Hamm

i don't want to be falling out with you either..so lets move on eh?
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Fracture .... found this from 2005 in the Independent though

"and for my peace of mind I decided to have him x-rayed. It showed a small fracture to a hind-leg. It's not major, but enough to keep him out for the rest of the season.
"I have spoken to his owner and we have no option but to box rest him until he is over his injury and that's it for the season. It's very disappointing for us as he would have had a big chance [in the Arkle] but we've still got a horse for the future."

Really.... :lol: I wonder what ever became of him?
I think Walsh learned an extremely valuable lesson when he fell - and then remounted - Kauto Star, to finish a shd second that day.

It was Ruby's second ride on KS, and I expect Paul Nichols gave him quite a stern "WTF" conversation thereafter, because he was pretty-much faultless on the horse for the next years.
No but perhaps you've heard of Aldaniti

yes i have..it was only about 33 years ago you had to go back to to find..so you did well finding that one...are there any from the 1940's?.

when you now trawl 80 years for those that didn't run as good as they were..post those up too or i might think you aren't capable of giving balance to a discussion:)

why don't you mention Well Chief as well..or Big Bucks...neither came back as good as they were

i wonder if there were some before the first world war we can talk about:)

all i did was mention that many horses ..particularly if very good ...struggle to find the original magic..i didn't say every horse in the history of racing has failed

talk about jumping on one comment and all the point scorers come out with completely unbalanced arguments

move on..it gets boring after a bit
no..i said there was a saying..they never come back

how long are we going to carry on with it?

what makes me laugh is that if SS doesn't get back..there will be nothing said about this from such as you and Tanlic..

picking odd horses out is childlike imo...start giving balance to it...no one pulled Hamm up about well chief did they???...he didn't get back to his best but not one nitpicker here mentioned it

its a % call imo...and when you have a great talent like SS..its a rare thing that getting back to what we expect might be very difficult
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Correct....it is a well-worn phrase that is meant to convey scarcity - it's never intended as an absolute.

Will people please stop baiting EC1 - he's only back through the door two fu*cking minutes!! :lol:
You said "never" come back. That is naturally up to be challenged isn't it.

this was what i posted

The old saying..they never come back the same ...has held true over the years..very few top horses come back just the same as they did before an injury.

very few.
.did you read that?

you always telling people to read posts properly Clive...well you need to as well you know:)
Why make it personal? As it happens I don't think ss will be back to full strength. I've said that already.
Correct....it is a well-worn phrase that is meant to convey scarcity - it's never intended as an absolute.

Will people please stop baiting EC1 - he's only back through the door two fu*cking minutes!! :lol:

it is baiting and you can tell it is because other people say things that get left unchallenged..Hamm quoted Well Chief..but not one person mentioned he did NOT get back to his very best

there is nothing clever about baiting..its easy to do..even the most simplest person can do it..its doesn't come across as smart imo..in fact just the opposite