QM Champion Chase betting

this was what i posted

The old saying..they never come back the same ...has held true over the years..very few top horses come back just the same as they did before an injury.

very few.
.did you read that?

you always telling people to read posts properly Clive...well you need to as well you know:)

i think more will do though. Advances in treatment etc. "very few" footballers came back from cruciates at one time but now it's routine. I think it's something that is dangerous to rule out absolutely now.
it is baiting and you can tell it is because other people say things that get left unchallenged..Hamm quoted Well Chief..but not one person mentioned he did NOT get back to his very best

there is nothing clever about baiting..its easy to do..even the most simplest person can do it..its doesn't come across as smart imo..in fact just the opposite

Jesus Christ. Does everyone have to agree with minor points for it not to be baiting. We've all silenced those who are mistaken or plain wrong on threads but don't expect a round of applause each time.

Calm down FFs.
Why make it personal? As it happens I don't think ss will be back to full strength. I've said that already.

me make it personal:D

thats a classic coming from you..come on

i can make the most simplest observation and have derision for days due to it..others can post complete inaccuracies and not a word mentioned..thats personal imo
I am calm Clive...just pointing out that if people are so happy to jump on every word then lets get consistent with it

yes loads of horses. footballers etc...come back..its the level they get to after we are talking about

well chief is the best example..really top horse..still really good when he came back..but not as good..by a stone

% call imo is that to expect pure brilliance again from SS may be harder than some think..but he could still win races..i hope to see the cruise through at the end like he used to..but i wouldn't bet money on it..i'd just hope it can happen
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Take it easy, EC1......it's not that big a deal, and I kinda agree with clivex in spots........it's easy to miss things, and even if you spot something, you're not always inclined to comment on it, and I don't think you're being singled-out for 'treatment' here.

Can we go back to what finishes second to Sacre? :ninja:
you've just let the whole board down Frankel.

the response should have been...

well we all knew you were a wan*ker.

you really shouldn't miss opportunities like that:)

i can't really give you a better chance than that

Didn't need saying EC. Taken as gospel. :ninja:

you should have been in there

you see..not many offer opportunities like that on here..some serious men here..can you imagine Clive admitting to w^nking and at the same time leaving himself wide open to the obvious retort?..nah me either
Top bantz.

Whilst 'never come back' is clearly false, 'rarely come back' is pretty close to the mark.

Top DO-style aftertiming (sorry DO) but I backed Dodging Bullets Saturday as SS was a crazy price given the likelihood of him returning at top form. I'd be very, very surprised if he gets within a stone of his best.

He still could win in March though. I'll be there on the Wednesday and hope he does - it'll raise the roof like Kauto winning his second GC.

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no..i said there was a saying..they never come back

how long are we going to carry on with it?

what makes me laugh is that if SS doesn't get back..there will be nothing said about this from such as you and Tanlic..

picking odd horses out is childlike imo...start giving balance to it...no one pulled Hamm up about well chief did they???...he didn't get back to his best but not one nitpicker here mentioned it

its a % call imo...and when you have a great talent like SS..its a rare thing that getting back to what we expect might be very difficult

What gets me is you haven't the savvy to see that Sprinter Sacre only has to turn up at Cheltenham to kick your dodging Bullets into touch.

Do you think for one minute Nicky Henderson hammered him with testing gallops every week prior to his comeback?

Do you honestly think he was anywhere near as fit as he would have been if they were not worried about his well being?

The news filtering out of the yard is he is bucking and kicking like a 2 year old and wanting to get on with it.

All being well he will go back to the routine he had prior to his set back in about 8 days time.

If he withstands full training he should turn up at Cheltenham a stone or more better than he was at Ascot. If he does not stand up to training and shows signs of been unable to cope then obviously Nicky Henderson, if history tell us anything, will not run him

If he improved only a few pound on Ascot.........in fact if he were just to strip a little fitter and able to see his race out he wouldn't have to improve an ounce as such to beat Dodging Bullets. He travels better a much has a much higher cruising speed and jumps better than him or any other horse in training.

Without any exertion whatsoever, if that bit fitter, all Barry would have to do is steer and as long as the petrol gauge stayed above empty he would canter all over him without even knowing he'd have a race.

Sire De Grugy has much more going for him and he'd certainly have to improve some to beat him on his Ascot run, the form of which IMO isn't worth a bucket of manure.

I'll be the first to admit I am wrong like I a was in The Clarence House. I am not some sort of wimp who can't admit when he is wrong...........I expect to be and just laugh at myself for being so stupid for having missed the obvious....like in my book are doing with Dodging Bullets

To be frank this They never come back is a crock of shyte..........I point out to you that horses come back every week from injury and long lay off and you reply by saying they are not top class...How childish a cop out is that?....they are horses are they not?...wtf has class got to do with it an injury is an injury and many come back better than ever. There are no rules saying you have to be Kauto Star to come back to your very best or surpass it because your very best was what it was

I site Monksland and you turn round and say he never won Duh!!!......sure he never won but he improved about a stone from his first run back and he could improve more......but Sprinter Sacre can not????

You may be a good judge in some things but in this case either you are trying to be controversial, argumentative or you are as dumb as dog keek.

Plus don't talk around me or tell people what I will say or not say if Sprinter Sacre fails to get back to his winning ways.

The day a plonker like you starts thinking my thoughts for me is the day I will toss my keyboard in the bin
It isn't a joke when you're on the receiving end. All it does is perpetuate a myth whereby everything I post is scrutinised not for whatever I intended to say but to see whether I've aftertimed somewhere along the line.

Do me a favour if you're genuinely sorry. Go back through all my posts for the last 5 years and quote one instance of aftertiming.

Go back further than that until you find the last time I did aftertime.

If you want, I can PM you the name of the mod who "absolutely insist"ed - a direct quote from his PM to me - that I continue to aftertime because of how much he knew it was riling some other contributors most of whom I'd presumed were his friends. I thought it was a joke so I went along with it and did it excessively for a short time but it soon became clear that it was causing ill-feeling. I don't think his leaving the forum - he is probably still posting under a different name - was connected with it but never ever ever did he have the decency to post a message saying, 'look guys this was all a joke, my fault, time to give it up' etc.

Tagging me in your comment was just playing to the gallery.
