QM Champion Chase betting

when it comes to plonkers on here Tanlic...there is a league table...and i'm not top by some way.

you are right though ..i couldn't possible predict what you are going to say..i haven't enough time
Monksland like Well Chief hasn't come back to his best either like you are suggesting..which is what we are talking about..not horses coming back and running well..SS came back and ran well..we are talking about horses coming back and producing their very best..and we are talking top class horses as well..yes to me when a horse is very special that does take some getting back..75/140 rated flat/NH horses don't have much to get back to..190 rated horses do

Monksland was rated 156..yet is beaten by a 147 horse receiving 5lb..so again a stone below his best. Can you explain how that is back to his best?..while your at that tell me how Well Chief..a very very good horse..also got back to his best whne he ran a stone or worse below that after coming back..Big Bucks also ran below his very best after comeback

sorry i haven't gone back to 1980 for the examples...but i'm only talking about very good horses that we can discuss from the present..as we were to start with re SS.

i'll just state again..in case you too struggle with reading...i said very few top horses come back to their very best...something i haven't seen an example of in all your blathering either....but there will be some..which i have covered by the very few bit.

cut the insults as well...no need for it
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Do you think trying to belittle people by talking about them in your post is not insulting them?

THat seems fair to me.....:blink:

talking about someone in a post isn't belittling or insulting imo not particularly..but i promise i'll never mention you again in any posts just to save you feeling insulted

calling someone a plonker is insulting though i would think
If i was a mod i'd just delete everything that doesnt comment directly on the subject of the thread. If you all want to tickle eachs others nuts go and do it in chit chat.
i think you will find i've quoted examples relating to the topic under discussuion in my posts...i've actually kept to the topic and not insulted anyone or tickled their nuts...if you have a problem with what is posted Digger..then aim it at the one who deserves it eh?

i'm a bit tired of being painted as a problem when its clear to anyone reading this thread....who it is that does actually have a problem

its about time if people ...when are arsed to post.. if there is something they aren't happy about ..they start pointing the finger at the problem causers..the above post is a typical cop out

i've done nothing wrong on this thread that i can see apart from talk about horse racing..i thought that was what we do here
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I never mentioned you EC. But the petty squabling of a few people on here is really getting old.
Have to agree with Digger here.

The most baffling thing is that people actually read Tanlics essays :lol:
It's like walking through mud reading this forum over the last couple of weeks.please people just let it drop it makes for rediculous reading all the tit for tat **** showing contests going on.
I'd advise everyone to get a copy of the book "the chimp paradox" there's a lot of chimps running wild here.
Looking at the betting for the QMCC Laying back some of my AP bet makes a lot of sense.

SDG looks a real back to lay opportunity.

If he wins comfortably he will be made favourite for the QMCC I reckon which would put me in a very strong position if taking some of the current price

Can I borrow your calculator? :)
It isn't a joke when you're on the receiving end. All it does is perpetuate a myth whereby everything I post is scrutinised not for whatever I intended to say but to see whether I've aftertimed somewhere along the line.

Do me a favour if you're genuinely sorry. Go back through all my posts for the last 5 years and quote one instance of aftertiming.

Go back further than that until you find the last time I did aftertime.

If you want, I can PM you the name of the mod who "absolutely insist"ed - a direct quote from his PM to me - that I continue to aftertime because of how much he knew it was riling some other contributors most of whom I'd presumed were his friends. I thought it was a joke so I went along with it and did it excessively for a short time but it soon became clear that it was causing ill-feeling. I don't think his leaving the forum - he is probably still posting under a different name - was connected with it but never ever ever did he have the decency to post a message saying, 'look guys this was all a joke, my fault, time to give it up' etc.

Tagging me in your comment was just playing to the gallery.


Christ. You admit that you aftertimed excessively as part of a 'joke', and then can't take a joke about you aftertiming.

Nobody on here actually thinks you are an aftertimer. It's a joke: DO aftertimes, EC is obsessed with sectionals, grassy wants to marry Hurricane Fly, slim tells everyone to **** off his ******* thread, Tanlic writes essays and likes ladyboys/Nicky Henderson, etc.

Read my lips - it's a joke!

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In the Irish Examiner today Pat Keane states that Barry#s gentle handling of SS will stand the horse in good stead for future races.
Meanwhile Nick Morden pointed to a. NJH 's inability to keep chasers in top form over four seasons and b. the froth in SS mouth at the end of the race.
Kevin "it can be done" Blake wrote that he would not be surprised if SS were to regress in his next run.
You pays your money, you takes your chance.
Hidden Cyclone the ew value and as such my kind of bet.
What does Mordin say regarding froth it is is not uncommon after a race.

A mouthful of dirt can cause it or it could be a sign that a horse is stressed/uncomfortable

Probably the latter but what would anyone expect after being off the track for over a year?
Wrong on so many levels, BennyB.

Christ. You admit that you aftertimed excessively as part of a 'joke', and then can't take a joke about you aftertiming.

Yes, it was originally meant to be a joke but no-one took it as such and the abusive reverberations were vicious. No matter how many times I explain all that on here some people seem hell-bent on telling everyone who reads the forum that I am basically the forum after-timer. If it was a joke I would compare it with the highland roadbuilder, town planner, boatbuilder, ferryman, etc.

It is not a joke because for 90% of people it isn't a joke. I can accept now that you have explained a bit more that you might have meant it harmlessly but that is not how I take it. But you have known that for quite some time so I'm back to assuming it was a deliberate dig.

Nobody on here actually thinks you are an aftertimer. It's a joke: DO aftertimes, EC is obsessed with sectionals, grassy wants to marry Hurricane Fly, slim tells everyone to **** off his ******* thread, Tanlic writes essays and likes ladyboys/Nicky Henderson, etc.


Most people on here believe I am an aftertimer because of all the previous nonsense.

EC is the sectional expert but I don't recall anyone calling him 'obsessed'. It's an angle he exploits and tries to share with us.

Grasshopper's enthusiasm for all things Fly can be parallelled with my high opinion of Rooster Booster (who'd have carried the Fly and beaten him). I've never had a problem with anyone disagreeing with me about the horse.

Slim's fake swearing isn't directed at any individual, it's directed at anyone who posts on his thread. Sometimes I think he's OTT with it but I agree it's an ongoing joke although I suspect he rightly gets tetchy when people criticise if he puts up a loser. The criticism tends to come from the less frequent visitors/contributors who don't 'get it' but one are two are downright nasty to Slim.

The Tanlic/essay thing is something I only detected this morning. I don't recall anyone previously accusing him of being an essay writer. But since when was writing at length generally targeted on here? If it was I'd be glad I don't post my stuff on here.
Meanwhile … Sire de Grugy apparently did a much better piece of work this morning which is good to hear . Looking forward to seeing him in the Game Spirit .
DO - there was genuinely no malice in my post. There isn't in any of my posts. I'm sorry it offended you.

I'd advise lightening up though - if you take everything this personally you'll spend the majority of your life being offended.

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OK, BennyB, I'll take you at your word but maybe you need to be on the receiving end to fully appreciate how I feel.

It's a bit like white people telling black people not to be offended when they're picked on.

There... I've opened another can...
I don't think you have opened another can, DO. I don't think anyone condones white people picking on black people, and certainly not on this forum.

I'm sure we have plenty of black members on here, as with other ethnicities. I'd like to think so anyway.
Grow a bit of backbone fella and stop all this nonsense about aftertiming, the sooner you realise it's all in your head and no one gives a **** the better.

For a well rounded poster I have never seen such a non sense, but then I may not know the full facts, but then I don't really give a **** about things I deem a nonsense.....as I already told you, matey. :)

I post the above with the best possible intentions for you, DO.
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I was taken aback at first by the harsh attitude of some people towards aftertiming but I now see that broadly speaking it's right to discourage it on a public forum which might otherwise be taken over by bores telling us tales of their mainly mythical betting exploits.

But I don't think we suffer from an excess of it on the forum and there are plenty of times when it is reasonable to mention a successful bet, or an unsuccessful one for that matter, to illustrate a point.

I also think that DO is one of the people who genuinely adds to our pool of knowledge here.
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