QM Champion Chase betting

Even if he seems to be confusing the incredibly distressing issue of racism and how it might stalk someone throughout their life and that person being told that it's unimportant, with having his anonymous poster name accussed of after timing on a very unimportant racing forum. Perspective wouldn't ago amiss sometimes in his self-regarding world
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I thought this was a QMCC thread not an AA meeting (Aftertimers Anonymous) lets stick to the plan guys..............I'll think of one soon.
There's a dead give away about just how fit Sprinter Sacre was in the Clarence House or should I say unfit and I am not referring to where he finished.

He was fit enough to have his exercise stepped up on to the racecourse but a very long way of being race fit.

If you could put a percentage on it I would put him at about 80% and no more.

Watch any of his past races you wish since he first ran at Donnie over fences and the fire in his belly shines out like a beacon.

Time after time Barry hands are above and clear of his withers the reigns like the string on a bow to prevent him running straight over the top over the horses in front.

From the moment they were off at Ascot the horse just went into a placid rhythm his reigns looped and dangling at the side of his neck. The fire simply wasn't there

If he had been really fit and let's assume not the horse he once was you would still have expected him to be bouncing for at least a 1/2 mile or more of the race and Barry having to take a pull or two on the way round like he has always had to do in the past.

If Nicky did have him any fitter than 80% he must have been sneaking out in the middle of the night to give him some really hard work outs because he certainly never had any while being monitored at home.

What we saw at Ascot was nothing more than a glorified piece of racecourse training in the same mould as Doncaster only tougher imo and as any sportsman will tell you there's a huge difference in how you feel when you are reasonably fit and extremely fit. Your confidence in you own ability makes you cocky as hell and you feel great and can't wait to get on with things.

You won't need to wait until the end of the QMCC to know the result just watch SS jump the first 3 fences and if he's not travelling all over the horses around him and Barry doesn't have to take at least a few pulls early doors press that lay button.

It's not that he is a hard puller it's more like he's being playful so it's not about settling him if it were then he could not have been more settled than he was at Ascot.

You'll be pleased to know that's all I have to say on the subject until nearer race day when the horse will talk for himself.
Even if he seems to be confusing the incredibly distressing issue of racism and how it might stalk someone throughout their life and that person being told that it's unimportant, with having his anonymous poster name accussed of after timing on a very unimportant racing forum. Perspective wouldn't ago amiss sometimes in his self-regarding world

Well said, Warbler, (though 1'm assuming you meant this where you actually typed his).
Sooner the forum gets away from all this personal tripe, and concentrates solely on the horses; the better, imvho.
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Even if he seems to be confusing the incredibly distressing issue of racism and how it might stalk someone throughout their life and that person being told that it's unimportant, with having his anonymous poster name accussed of after timing on a very unimportant racing forum. Perspective wouldn't ago amiss sometimes in his self-regarding world

Agree. Perfectly put
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DO, I was a huge fan of the Booster, but the only way he could 'pick-up and carry' Hurricane Fly, was if he'd learned to drive the fu*cking horse-box that takes Mullins yokes to the track.

That is all.
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In the Irish Examiner today Pat Keane states that Barry#s gentle handling of SS will stand the horse in good stead for future races. Meanwhile Nick Morden pointed to a. NJH 's inability to keep chasers in top form over four seasons and b. the froth in SS mouth at the end of the race. Kevin "it can be done" Blake wrote that he would not be surprised if SS were to regress in his next run. You pays your money, you takes your chance. .
Amongst all the paranoid drivel, this is interesting. I would like to see Mordins piece because although its not straight line, there is a great variation between the way certain trainers keep a horse interested season after season and those that dont. We all know who the master is of that but hes a street ahead of the others in every respect but I bet the figures for King are not great and Mullins wouldnt be impressive either perhaps?
I was taken aback at first by the harsh attitude of some people towards aftertiming but I now see that broadly speaking it's right to discourage it on a public forum which might otherwise be taken over by bores telling us tales of their mainly mythical betting exploits.

But I don't think we suffer from an excess of it on the forum and there are plenty of times when it is reasonable to mention a successful bet, or an unsuccessful one for that matter, to illustrate a point.

I agree with pretty much all of this and I wouldn't have the slightest problem with people occasionally mentioning a past winner they'd backed. As I've said before, within my own family it is a matter of course. I meet my brothers once a month for lunch and we discuss the racing that's happened in the interim. We often tell each other what we'd backed - winners and losers. The first thing my brother said to me on Friday was, "I backed Djakadam yesterday, by the way." That's cause for congratulations in our company but I can see why relative strangers on a forum would be treated with caution if all they did was tell us the winners they'd backed.

There are loads of people on here who tell us what they're backing and even what we should be backing in advance and there is genuine goodwill towards them when they get it right. There shouldn't be a problem when they also mention a winner they didn't put up in advance. We should be pleased for them.

I'd like to think the figures and thoughts I put up here for a long time helped the forum but all that ended up happening was that people started dissecting how I'd arrived at this or that figure, pretty much what EC1 has to go through when he posts his excellent analyses.

I even spent one [very pleasant as it turned out] evening in a pub in Hamilton with my books and calculator exchanging ideas and methodology with Phil Waters (and I'm still not convinced that's his real name). He was genuinely interested and respectful, so unlike his persona(e) on here.

Rest assured, I would genuinely like to be able to post my stuff on here in advance of the big races but it's just not worth the grief.
DO, I was a huge fan of the Booster, but the only way he could 'pick-up and carry' Hurricane Fly, was if he'd learned to drive the fu*cking horse-box that takes Mullins yokes to the track.

That is all.

Hook, line and sinker, Grasshopper. :p

Not much between them on their best form, mind.
Well said, Warbler, (though 1'm assuming you meant this where you actually typed his).

No, I meant 'his', for he did sign off his self-regarding post with

"There... I've opened another can.."

I interpreted that to mean he knew he was skating on thin ice by comparing the plight of his anonymous internet user name with that suffered by people who spend their whole lifes suffering genuine racial discrimination (which can be alot more evil, and even fatal, than being accused of after timing). It's an insult to them, and an insult to our intelligence that we might be asked to even consider the two to be in the same category. That he deliberately set out to 'open another can', and draw attention to himself, is just low grade trolling again. I should say, I'm not as vexed by trolls as I used to be though. TH has long ago passed that point, the battle has been lost, and that's why you have the forum that you do today

but I now see that broadly speaking it's right to discourage it on a public forum which might otherwise be taken over by bores telling us tales of their mainly mythical betting exploits.
You seem to have agreed, disagreed and debated with yourself in this post, Grey. You've covered most angles but I'm still not sure what your actual opinion is.
I'll just quote you on the above and categorically disagree.
Again, you're making this into an actual issue where there is no issue, no one cares and it is the stuff of bores to raise the issue every five minutes.
The notion that no one can ever open their mouth about a past winning bet assumes that we can't trust or take members on here at face value, or believe what they say.
In any event, it is really not of the importance Desert Orchid and maybe one or two others attaches to it anyway. Certainly not worth screwing the whole forum over.
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I'm just making sense of it Clivex, I'm not part of the problem, I'm part of the solution. :)

Personally, I'm happy to move on.
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Back to topic anyway
A searing pace will see Simply Ned pick up a wilting Sire De Grugy after the last with Sprinter Sacre well held in 3rd.
Brian Harding punches the air and all of a sudden its 1998 all over again:)
Hook, line and sinker, Grasshopper. :p

Not much between them on their best form, mind.

Common trolling.....expected better of you....etc etc. :p

Maybe be not a great deal between them on their best Cheltenham form, true enough....but then again, the Fly usually saved his best seasonal-performance for the Punchestown G1. :cool:
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Didn't know you went in for a bit of Blasphemy Grassy :blink:

The Champion Hurdle Rooster Booster won was a desperate affair. Jonjo said of the 3rd "If he wins the Champion Hurdle it will have to be the worst renewal in it's history"
The second in the race had more second prizes than Pigeon Toes and won like 2 races from 50 or something like that.

He got a rating of 170 which was probably nearer 160 in real terms he held for 5 minutes. Hardy Eustace came along and tore him a new backside as did Harchibald and even Rhinestone Cowboy reversed for with him and Jonjo's other CH runner also stuffed him.

It was a dreadful time for hurdlers there was nothing about you could put your finger on and say he was a real top class horse. Rooster Booster was a glorified handicapper who was in the right place at the right time and Hurricane Fly's saddle cloth with be remembered longer than him.
1. Rooster Booster was a great Champion Hurdler. Certainly the best since Istabraq, until Hurricane Fly came along.
2. I ain't going there again, because I said all I needed to say about RB around 20 pages back in the thread.
3. I was being nice as pie to DO, because I'd wound him up un-necessarily on a different thread.....but even he knows he has woefully under-estimated the Fly - he just remains in denial about it.
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Horse was well-named, given you needed binoculars to find him, every time he raced against Hurricane Fly. ;)