QM Champion Chase betting

Nice to hear Nicky Henderson confirming that now all the troubles are over and it's full steam ahead with SS...........they don't come back eh? wait till March you negheads out there and we will see.
Tremendous news. An accurate update on a horse's well-being from NJH, is like wheat in the barn.

Nice to hear Nicky Henderson confirming that now all the troubles are over and it's full steam ahead with SS...........they don't come back eh? wait till March you negheads out there and we will see.

As with most of your posts..lots of hot air with little weight at back of it.

i'll just remind you..he has NOT come back to his previous best yet..so you are jumping the gun by quite some way as per usual

I'll repeat again..i hope he does..but i'll guess that you have a 10% chance or less that he is still capable of hitting 190+

I also think Dodging bullets is still improving..so SS will need a probable 180 to win the CC..entirely possible..but what is the chance of him getting back to that level is the question..

its not about spouting sh1te like a 70's betting shop old timer like you do..or telling people that a horse like SS is something special..guess what?..we spotted it...its like someone coming on here and telling us how good Frankel is after win 11...we know..we got eyes.
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Any horse who can run to 170+ is in the mix for the QMCC. I personally don't think Bullets will get anywhere near a mark of 180, as he was effectively all-out to win the Clarence House, and I doubt whether there is much improvement, if any, left in him.

If SS and SDG fail to reach previous heights, DB seems the obvious one to take advantage.......but frankly I'd rather take my chances on one of the other two. There's just something totally uninspiring about Dodging Bullets, that I'm unable to get past, from a betting perspective.
the whole lot is pure guesswork Grass...but like i said..do you want the points on the board or the games in hand?..i'll go for the points on the board and plump for Dodging Bullets..if SS does beat him..i can back a fast trapping dog out of trap 1 day after and get 9/4 about it..i'm really not that desperate for a speculative bet when solid 9/4 5/2 shots present themselves any day of the week

they are all just horses at the end of the day..the obsession with certain ones is irrelevant to me..and telling people how good a 190+ horse is like Tanlic [sorry for mentioning you in a post by the way] keeps doing seems slightly pointless and obvious..like its some kind of revelation to the uninformed makes me laugh

yes he's special..or was special..we all hope he can be again..% chance of that happening ...is unlikely imo..just my view..don't see why it has to brought up in most of his tedious ramblings tbh...a very boring trait..then again his posts bore the arse of me anyway..and apparently no one reads the f00kers anyway...bar me:D..better address that i suppose.
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Tremendous news. An accurate update on a horse's well-being from NJH, is like wheat in the barn.


On the other hand, he is quite bullish about Blue Fashion in the World Hurdle, which as we all know is a most correct position to adopt. :lol:
the whole lot is pure guesswork Grass...but like i said..do you want the points on the board or the games in hand?..i'll go for the points on the board and plump for Dodging Bullets..if SS does beat him..i can back a fast trapping dog out of trap 1 day after and get 9/4 about it..i'm really not that desperate for a speculative bet when solid 9/4 5/2 shots present themselves any day of the week

they are all just horses at the end of the day..the obsession with certain ones is irrelevant to me..and telling people how good a 190+ horse is like Tanlic keeps doing seems slightly pointless and obvious..like its some kind of revelation to the uninformed makes me laugh

yes he's special..or was special..we all hope he can be again..% chance of that happening ...is unlikely imo..just my view..don't see why it has to brought up in most of his tedious ramblings tbh...a very boring trait..then again his posts bore the arse of me anyway..and apparently no one reads the f00kers anyway...bar me:D..better address that i suppose.

EC1, it should be obvious to one and all that Tanlic is a special case......with the emphasis on 'special' and 'case'. :lol:
On the other hand, he is quite bullish about Blue Fashion in the World Hurdle, which as we all know is a most correct position to adopt. :lol:

is this the same Nicky Henderson that forgot to enter his best horse in a CH...same one that probably has someone tie his laces..somehow i don't find a lot of value in his opinions tbh

seems a nice chap..a bit nervy..but basically spouts the same old same old pointless prattle that is about as informative as being told its Thursday tomorrow
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Which horse do you refer to, EC1?

If it's Binocular, he had the entry alright, but couldn't run what with still trying to get the roids out of his system. :whistle:
Isn't that the horse I told you after he ran his very first race at Kempton would win a Champion Hurdle? :D

Yes....the same horse I told you would get humbled as soon as he met something of a higher calibre than that giant of the hurdling game Khyber Kim.

He was last seen holding a telescope to get a view of Hurricane Fly's hoop as it disappeared over the horizon. ;)
For aminute there I thought this was the Champion Hurdle thread.

Back to the QMCC did I mention that Sprinter Sacre is the best horse in the whole wide world ?

There a new race coming up at Aintree called the "EC1 Champion Chase for Also Rans"

The race conditions are you must finish at least 6 lengths behind Sprinter Sacre at Cheltenham

Paul Nichols immediately entered Dodging Bullets :lol:
Fascinating to watch. All very understated from the commentary to the analysis. If that was a 180 performance the others haven't beat 150. How likely is that?
I'm biased because Badsworth Boy was my first winner at my first fully attended Cheltenham but he remains the only horse to win the QM by a distance and the only one to win it 3 times. I believe I've seen every QM since and I think, at his best, he would have seen off both Master Minded and Sprinter Sacre.
This year's race will probably need something like a 175 performance. All 3 of the main contenders are probably capable of it but no-one could be confident that any off them will do it on the day.
For aminute there I thought this was the Champion Hurdle thread.

Back to the QMCC did I mention that Sprinter Sacre is the best horse in the whole wide world ?

There a new race coming up at Aintree called the "EC1 Champion Chase for Also Rans"

The race conditions are you must finish at least 6 lengths behind Sprinter Sacre at Cheltenham

Paul Nichols immediately entered Dodging Bullets :lol:


now before i get pigeon holed...i want to state clearly i would love to see SS back to his best..and i will be quite happy to be wrong that he will be lucky to get that level again

its quite clear that a back to best SS will bury DB...at this moment in time though ..we aren't there are we?

Archie..as much as I love all the past 2 mile CC winners...there isn't one that can hold a candle to SS on what we have seen..ratings wise anyway. The horse at his best has never come out of second gear when 100% and has put ratings up that defy belief when allied to ease of win...even if he had been fully ridden when achieving those figures it would have been impressive..but he has beat the best around in the same manner that istabraq beat novices when he were just starting out.
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Archie..as much as I love all the past 2 mile CC winners...there isn't one that can hold a candle to SS on what we have seen..ratings wise anyway. The horse at his best has never come out of second gear when 100% and has put ratings up that defy belief when allied to ease of win...even if he had been fully ridden when achieving those figures it would have been impressive..but he has beat the best around in the same manner that istabraq beat novices when he were he were just starting out.
I said I was biased but I refer you to DO's comment about what rating Badsworth Boy might have had. Comparisons across the generations can only be subjective and we all like to think that we've seen the best but on that day in 1983 Badsworth Boy was every bit as stunning as SS was 30 years later.
I would hate it if SS was back to something like his best and Badsworth Boy and Moscow Flyer were in this years race. They were both brilliant 2 milers, real racehorses and to beat them SS would have to be in the same form when he trounced Sizing Europe.

SS has something about him that separates him from the others. He flash his jumping in extraordinary and his cruising speed is unbelievable but would he have beaten every other 2 mile chaser in history?

There simply is no way of telling. Dunkirk would have taken off at such a rate he might have had SS out of cruise control by the top of the hill. Badsworth Boy had a tremendous kick and finish....something we have never seen SS having to do...How would he have coped with master Minded the day he won he looked like Arkle reincarnated.

The problem is horse these get ratings based on Group race wins and if we go through a bad period they still seem to get high ratings along comes VPU wins a sh!t QMCC and he gets a false rating and MM goes through the roof

Then comparing era ratings against each other becomes impossible

We all assume Arkle would have beaten Kauto Star bc the media tell us so it must be right. In truth but for all we know Desert Orchid might have beaten them both..Racing is all about opinions and "mines" being you me and everybody are always right.......till after the race