QM Champion Chase betting

Meaningless? Try telling the punters who backed the horse at 200, 150,100 80 etc who have laid the horse back made 4 to 10 times their stake and walked away that.

Should be is not is be and with very good reason..............would you lay him at 25/1? I doubt it:p
Meaningless? Try telling the punters who backed the horse at 200, 150,100 80 etc who have laid the horse back made 4 to 10 times their stake and walked away that.

Should be is not is be and with very good reason..............would you lay him at 25/1? I doubt it:p

[TABLE="class: GlobalTableBorder, width: 100%"]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]110.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£15[/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]120.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£4[/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]130.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£10[/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]140.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£4[/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]180.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£6[/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"]200.00 [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"]£28


i don't think many will get that rich tbh Tanlic looking at what has traded on it..i'll wager most of the £28 at 200/1 is 10 different people

some people love this trading stuff ..fair play..but how much you win on this you will lose on those that drift the other way would think
aye..he's got a job for life really..just pick big priced ones..trade them back when sheep back them..every now and then one will win..sheep talk about it for a couple of days..isn't he great etc..all the time he's making a living just on trades.

what makes me laugh is when people discuss his selections like they are serious picks..they aren't..they are just means to an end

i wonder when punters will actually catch on
I do think there's more to Pricewise than that, though.

My own take is that the RP office gets lots of good intel coming through and Segal and Kealy are very good at interpreting it.

Mark Coton, the original Pricewise was pretty much deified during his time but he lost his head a bit, gave up and went through a bad time in his life (I think).

Mel Cullinan was also very successful, to the point he thought he could go it alone. Colossal failure as a premium-rate tipster and crawled back to the RP.

Segal is shrewder. He knows what side his bread is buttered on. He's not going to shift. He has a job for life if he wants it.
i think your last sentence is correct.

But its the easiest job in the world isn't it?...just scan big races for horses with a bit of back class...back them...put them up as selections..lay them back for a guaranteed profit...every now and then one wins..back class kicks in every now and then...job sorted

just do that each week..a guaranteed living from racing

whether they win or not is irrelevant..and of course when one does win..it gets paraded about..keeps the merry go round going round nicely

looks a straightforward lock to me

getting the job is the hardest bit
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To be fair to Tom Segal he has improved the profile of racing to the public and has been one of the few good news stories of the past few years.
Give the man some credit please; his ten Saturday winners in a row a few years back did a power of good.
As for HC, Shark in an interview post race spoke of how the horse is more settled and relaxed the horse is now.
If that gives him an extra 5 or 6 pounds improvement he will not be far away.
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He is excellent. Good point edgt

i make a point of not reading his selections until I've made mine because it takes the fun out but he writes and summarises very well.

his skill is in weighing up factors. He's very sharp and like most who are he is strong on the bigger picture rather than too much detail
Good to read about these old Queen Mum horses. Years ago when Graham Roach and I were relatively young men ( in fact he used to train for me as a permit holder ) we both had a burning desire to win the race and meet the Queen Mum. We were offered a horse independently which turned out to be Viking Flagship. He answered the phone first and got it . But we had some great times with it and I met the Queen Mum.
SDG was 2.26 on the machine last night :blink: Whoever laid him at that price was either drunk or stoned :lol:

Despite his trainer saying he will come on for the race if Warwick is on Vibrato Valtat looks like going there and surely it would be a big shock if he couldn't handle the others?

There's got to be a lot less doubt about him coming back with a win than their was about Sprinter Sacre as none of these would have finished within 10 lengths of Dodging Bullets in the Clarence house.

Hopefully he will hack up and show his well being and make the QMCC even more interesting
4/6 with Paddy seems right but still 11/10 with Betfair

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
not tempted by the 11/10 unless it's clear uxizandre isn't gonna run. how is he bigger than mr mole?!
You're talking Sportsbook I am talking normal Betfair sorry for misunderstanding.

How does Sportsbook work do you need a seperate account or what?
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You're talking Sportsbook I am talking normal Betfair sorry for misunderstanding.

How does Sportsbook work do you need a seperate account or what?
don't need a seperate account. just go to the sportsbook section of the website.
Thanks but I did and it keeps saying error you bet slip is empty and I clicked the blue box a dozen times........will try again

Still getting the same thing...........:mad:
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PP have a 139% book and it looks like they're betting on Uxizandre (20%) not running. Betfair's book is 121% so maybe they think he will run. Alternatively, maybe PP are just chancers.
I know Mr Mole was getting a few few pounds, Sire De Grugy came down and Uxiz needed the race but you can't take anything away from Mr. Mole.

They should run him in the QMCC he deserves a chance and that other horse of PN as u know is a bit of a unreliable monkey:cool:
Am thinking that way myself Euronymous.
Now Stowaway is dead he is bound to throw a few Festival winners and likely that 2 miles is the ideal trip for HC and CF; jump them off and let them roll.
HC needs to be double CF's price to be ew value though Wm Hill are still 20/1.